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Bella's first show tomorrow


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Thank you all!! :D

Mouse: Yes, I handled her and it was horrible from my part.
First I was supposed to walk a circle with her on my left side. Ok... so I first headed the wrong way and went a small circle. So the judge had to tell me to go around the WHOLE ring. :oops: Ok... so I did that. Then I had to lift her up on the table and then I didn't know where to stand and be. Ok well that went ok. Bella let him check her teeth beautifully and let him pet her (he checked the skin that way). Then I had to lift her down and walk back and forth and then keep her standing in one place. First I was too close to the judge so he told me to go further away. :oops: And then he told me to go to a table with the secretary and get the paper with his oppinion on it. And then I allso got the two bows. And I was like: :o DID I DO WELL?! And the judge allso told me that the dog is exellent, but that I should learn how to show her.

And then Mirja-Leena asked me when I was about to leave if I've got the cup allready. WHAT CUP?!?! :o So then she and her husband came with me to check out the table with the cups.

So first of all it was a shock to me that she won with ME showing her! And secondly it was a shock to me that she got a CUP and TWO bows!

Abker: Cresteds come in ALL colours. So they can have many diffirent colors and colour combinations. ;-)

Oh... and I nearly forgot... I took another pic yesterday before I went to sleep with her and here it is:


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Thank you Kiwi and Malamum!

Kiwi: Yeah... I think I've been bitten by the showing bug... :oops: The next real official show isn't for a couple months, but a couple unoficial shows (match shows) are headed this way and I'm going there.
I have never heard of tapes like these... I know there is one short tape about the breed that costs a little to rent, but not about showing. :o

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Thanks! :D Well... I did manage to make a fool out of myself too... But it's still in the funny way you know? Not in the embaressed way.

But isn't it healthy when you can laugh (and I mean laugh in the roll-on-the-floor-laughing kind of way) at yourself? :lol:

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