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Poilice kill family "guard" dog.


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The dog was on a long chain so that he could "patrol" both the front and backyard. I know some people are going to say that was a wrong thing to do right away but I think its a common think to do with a working/guard dog. Poor guy was just doing his job. I know my bow Blitz would bark his head off if someone with a gun came onto my property, police officer or not.

Anyways the police officer had so many other options but once again the Van City police force shows they are incapable of using there heads. i.e. They've been accused of brutalizing of suspects (i.e. taking people to remote areas and literally beating them), beating up cab drivers, targeting minorities, and even pushing around senior citizens so this is just another one to add to the pile. A police officer, public servant and the arm of justice, should be able to use his head a bit more rationally instead of taking the easy way out and pulling the trigger.

Damnit I'm mad.


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That is really sad. I think a better decision would have been for him to exit the fenced area and turn on his lights or siren to get the family's attention inside the house. Especially since it wasn't an emergency situation when he was trying to knock on the door. If there was an emergency than maybe it would be justified but I think that cop had another way out besides shooting the dog.

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That story is full of holes. Was the gate closed, so the dog could not exit the yard? Why was the cop in the yard, or was he? Was there another way to reach the tenant without entering the yard? I sent them this...

I think the Officer was in the wrong. Did he actually enter the yard, and if so,
why? Was the only way to get to the tenant through the fenced yard? And if the yard was fenced, and he could hear the dog barking, why did he not simply go to the front door and ask to be allowed in to see the tenant? Or have the owners remove the dog from the yard, so he could get to the tenant? These questions are all supposition,
because there are many, many holes in this story....It is never actually made clear
that the officer entered the yard, or even had to for any reason. "Beware of Dog" signs or not, you dont enter a yard with a barking dog even if you're a COP.....
unless you absolutely have to, for instance to save a life. No one's life was at risk here, just a cop wanting to question someone. He overstepped his bounds here, and he can say he's distraught till he's blue in the face. Until someone proves to me he had an absolute necessity to enter that yard, he should not have done so.

Katy Courtney
Elgin, IL.

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