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Hi guys, just wanted to post this here to get some opinions.

I adopted a neutered, male, 20-month old Siberian Husky/German Shepherd mix named Klondike from a local shelter back in July of this year.

We used to crate him during the day when both me and my wife were at work; it seemed like he was already crate-trained so he did great in it. My wife goes home around 1pm everyday to let him out potty, and she has done so consistently since we got him. Around mid-september we started to let him have free run of the house during the day when no one was home, and he also did great with no chewing and no potty accident.

About 4 weeks ago, we would *occasionally* find sandals, video tape boxes(yes, just the boxes), or some other items chewed up. Most of the time he would just managed to get a video tape out of its box and just chewed up the box. These damages are minimal, so it isn't really the chewing that bothered me--it's the fact that he only chewed when we weren't home.

I set up a digital camera to see what he does when no one's home, and it seems like he pretty much just spends his days napping and get up for a drink of water occasionally. One of my friends told me Klondike has separation anxiety, but it seems unlikely judging by the recording (that boy just naps and naps!)

Four more points to note:
1.) We don't make a big deal out of coming home or leaving the house; we just do so casually to avoid making him anxious.
2.) He does not chew anything (except his chew toys) when we're home.
3.) He gets plenty of walk everyday (around 45 minutes to 1 hour); my wife also jogs with him 2 to 3 times a week.
4.) We take him to the dog park every week. He enjoys it a lot!

These chewing episodes appear twice a week the most, and I admit that this was our fault--we should have been more careful with items which he could easily reach.

So, what do you guys think? Should I just continue to crate him? Would he just "grow out" of this funky behavior as he gets older? Is crating a dog nine hours a day too much?

We've had dogs that had absolutely no interest in chewing anything other than their own toys, but I understand that every dog is different.

Sorry for such long-winded post. Any input is much appreciated!

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check his diet - he may have a fiber lack in it. paper provides a lot of fiber when chewed up - he knows he's doing wrong, but his body is telling him he needs more fiber. I had a dog that used to chew ROCKS...no joke, whole rocks..and I had him blood tested and found he had a mineral deficiency...so it's not far-fetched.... ask the vet to do a bloodwork on him to see if there is mineral, or fiber, deficiencies in his diet...he doesnt seem to be anxiety ridden, he just likes to chew paper. My Foxhound chewed up a whole box of kleenexes..I have the vet checking to see if she needs more fiber in her diet...

fiber is necessary for proper waste elimination, and for proper metabolism...paper will supply that, but there's probablt better means
(vitamins or fiber supplements) that the vet could suggest...

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It does't really sound like seperation anxiety to me. If it was then I'm sure your neighbours would have complained about the noise - I'm sure with the sibe in him he can make a lot of it :wink: and the destruction would be much worse.

He is still fairly young and I think he is just chewing stuff becuase he can.

I have an 18 month old malamute who is slowly progressing in the freedom he is allowed when we go to bed at night or when we go out. As a puppy he was allowed in the kitchen and family room but as he grew and discovered get could get things off the benches we started keeping him outside with access only as far as the laundry (again this is only when we are not home). As he is getting older we have started allowing him in the kitchen and family room again at night - we just make sure there is nothing tempting for him to get. He has been doing pretty well, however this morning when I went downstairs he had got a notepad off the bench and shredded it.

For the moment I would just be very vigilant in not leaving stuff where he can get to it. Since it's only odds and ends here and there I would not worry to much... however if he starts destroying furniture or fixed items then it's a bit of a different story. Good luck :D

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Guest Anonymous

It sounds to me as though he is just a little bored with his chew toys and just picks things at random to chew. If I don't leave my Rottweiler good things to chew she gets bored and will find other things to chew on...she is now 5 years old...I usually find some neat things for her to keep her mind occupied...buster cubes with kibble inside and cream cheese smeared over the holes adds an interesting hobby for her...I also hive her marrow bones...she loves to suck the marrow out. Marrow bones are not for every dog, especially for those which are big chewers and may take a hunk out of the bone and swallow...my Rottie just licks & sucks the marrow out and chews only fresh bones...once they have sat all day and dried out a little I toss them. If my Rottie does not have good chew toys or bones to occupy her mind while I am gone she will chew blankets...I lost a really nice throw blanket to her...she chewed a wonderful round circle in the middle of the blanket! :o she will still to this day if she gets bored of her toys or I don't leave her some thing great to occupy her mind she heads right for the nearest blanket.

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Guest Anonymous

Hi there! Nice to have you here...I agree with the others that perhaps he is bored. Maybe a good run or a long game of fetch before you leave him at home?

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sounds bored to me! you've got a rare husky, if he's calm enough to be left all by himself all day, and only occassionaly chews things. My baby is OLD, (between 12 and 14) and I don't dare leave him by himself. One night, he let himself out and spent the night entertaining himself. Here's what he did: 1) pre-cleaned all my dishes 2) inventoried my trashcans 3) streamered my house with toilet paper 4) chewed up several books 5) got into a fight with the cat and knocked over the printer 6) drank and drooled water out of his bowl, then drank out of the toilet 7) woke me up starting a fight with my other male.
Now, my baby can be left alone for short periods, but if he's toyless, friendless, and unsupervised, my house is "fair game." I think he needs some toys, especially ones that will make him think/work, such as stuffed kongs, and buddy balls. I think, personally, he chewed up the video boxes because they are easy to destroy, and destroying is a very stimulating, satisfying, activity.

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[quote name='Peng1zrule']sounds bored to me! you've got a rare husky, if he's calm enough to be left all by himself all day, and only occassionaly chews things. [/quote]

LOL! Yeah, when we adopted him, we worried that he might be a bit much to handle. After a few weeks, we could definitely see the Husky side as well as the German Shepherd side of him. Whenever we dish out commands at him, he would obey in a heartbeat if there isn't much distraction (like at the dog parks). But his playful Husky personality immediately comes out as soon as he sees there are more attractive things to do!

I've heard that Huskies hate water in general. But the lakes in the dog parks are his favorite places to be! I don't think he knows how to swim, but he would just run along the bank like a wild horse and splashing water everywhere!

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Guest Anonymous

[b]Peng1zrule[/b], I am sorry I laughed so hard after reading your post! I don't mean to find humer in another persons distress...but, yours was too funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

[b]inktomei[/b],normally Huskys do not like the water...we groom alot of husky's and malamutes at the grooming facility I work at during the spring and summer when they are blowing coat...you would swear you were murdering them...they screech, and bark, the whites of their eyes show...they stand with their toes curled in fright!! you almost feel sorry for them!

When I was young I owned a Shepherd/Husky mix...he loved the water...once in you couldn't get him out...I think he was more in tune with his other half!

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