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I am so excited!!


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[color=red][size=6]Our "Awesome Pet" Dog and Cat contest is about to commence. [/size][/color] Every quarter this contest takes place and it's a lot of fun. The participants will go online [color=blue]tomorrow[/color] :) I invite each and every one of my Dogomania friends to stop by and check them out. Voting will commence on July 1st.

If you haven't submitted your fur-kid yet, I invite you to do so. It's wonderful beautifying the web with cute pet photos.

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Hi Mary :) That was me. The registration for the July contest has ended, but then there are always future contests, and your fur-kids will surely be included. Those pictures are adorable!! Did you see the Jack Russell named Mickey we once featured at the site? What a cutie. Wait until you all meet these fur-kids, we have such an adorable bunch entered in this one.

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Crested, CFP did not receive your registration. :( I know you submitted him for "Faces of a Canine Beauty" which is why Ben's movie is now featured, but I don't have a record of you submitting him for the contest.

We would be thrilled to include Ben I invite you to do so :P He's a real treat on the eyes.

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[quote name='Daisysmom']Where do you send the pictures??????[/quote]

Here are the rules:

A short version of it is that you have to send an e-mail to [email][email protected][/email] (Is that the right address, barbi?) with your pets name, breed/type and the location where you live and two photos of your pet. You have to be the owner of the pet in the picture and you have to be the author/owner of the picture. And the contest is just for fun, so if your pet don't win, it's not such a big deal. :)

I hope this cleared things out. :wink:


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Guest Anonymous

Crested, I think we took care of this last week :) Ben will surely be included in the next one.

[color=red][size=6]The contest has begun[/size][/color] and I invite all members to cast their vote. It's going to be soooooooooooo hard deciding -- they are all awesome!!

To vote for a [b]DOG[/b] participant, click here:

To vote for a [b]CAT[/b] participant, click here:

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