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Guide dog puppy?


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Yeah it would be very hard to give it back, but it would be going to go help someone. Yes I would take it everywhere (that's very appealing to me!).

The agility show thing is this. If I get a shelter dog I'd be 1. saving a life 2. can do agility and a lot other stuff 3. skip the pooping puppy part. But I wouldn't get the bonding part of puppyhood 2. I couldn't show 3. would miss cute (but onery!) puppyhood and etc.
Right now I'm banished from petfinder not cause I was bad, but because I can't get a dog till june and it's to hard for me. :( Only 4 more months! :lol:

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Are you still wanting to get a Dal AND a Border Collie? If that is the case, maybe you should do like you were thinking before and get one as a puppy and one from a shelter. IF, on the otherhand, you have decided to get just one, then you have to do what your head and heart tell you. And don't forget, you may not have to deal with the pooping puppy part, but you MAY get a pooping adult instead :o which is MUCH worse. AND, no puppy breath or smooth, soft puppy tummy. :cry:

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Also, I seems to me (this is TOTALLY a guess, I could be totally wrong.)). that it may be easier to find a decent Border Collie In rescue than a decent Dal. By decent, I mean me that doesn't have some "issues". Seems like most Border Collies that are in rescue are there because they are smarter and have more energy than their owners. While a Dal may have vision, hearing or temperment issues.

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I worked for a breeder that raised Goldens - that's where I got my first one. Part of his litters every year went to the Seeing Eye in New York for Guide Dog training. These puppies were taken at 12 weeks and started to train. Were you planning on training it yourself?

Or were you planning on fostering it while they trained it?

I would think it was very hard to foster a dog for a year and then give it up, but it's definitely for a good purpose. If you can handle that, it's a most wonderful thing to do. You have to let your heart decide....

Also, I agree that the Dal rescue is more likely to have "issues" than the BC.,,,Borders are super hyper though.

Good luck!

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Well forget the guide dog puppy, you can't even play fetch with them! :o
No I didn't see any BC's at the dog show and I don't want to. They look SO bad! :-? I did see a lot doing agility though! :D Come to think of it there must have been some there, but I don't know where! I went in all the buildings! :-? Strange.
A lot of dals get put in shelters for the same reason as BC's... Energy.
Yes, some are because they're deaf, but most just have lots of energy and nothing to do with it.

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Yellow, could you get a Guide Dog puppy/young adult that's "failed" the guide dog test? I know someone who adopted one of these dogs (a black Lab called Mambo) and it could be an idea, though it wouldn't be a PUPPY puppy but a bit older (the advantage would be that the dog would be at least a little bit trained, but not suited to guide dog work)... if that doesn't bother you it might be a good idea. :)

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