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Had no idea I would miss my dog so much


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A few days ago I wrote this forum saying that if I was not able to get my dog housetrained I would have to give her up.

Well, I brought her to the vet today to have her neutered. Now, (and it has only been a few hours) I reallly miss her.

She is not trained yet, we are still working on that. I hope it will come soon but, I don't think I will be able to get rid of her. :o

Just tought I would let you know that.

The only thing is I did not know that dogs were that expensive. Now that I have one, I have to afford her. But, when I bought her, I had no idea it would be this costly. Am I being had by the vetenarians or is it realy this costly? (322.00 Canadian dollars, just for today's operation. that does not include the vacines etc that I payed before)

I am by no means trying to say that she is not worth every penny. Just wish I would have known before getting attached like this.


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Tought so. But it is too late now.

Another thing that makes me wonder. I had to go and buy baby pyjamas for her so that she will not lick her stitches. I don't have a problem with that. my problem is how is she going to do her business through the pyjamas? I AM NOT GOING TO CLEAN SOILLED PYJAMAS.

How did you proceed with your dogs?

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Guest Anonymous

She will be okay.. :wink: They lick some but not alot.. The stitches will have to be removed by the vet or vet tech. Mainly you will have to make sure she doesn't do alot of jumping and bouncing and things of that nature!
There is no need for pajamas! :D

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That does seem very high to spay a small dog. HOWEVER, perhaps that is the 'market price' in your area. $322 Can. I believe converts to about $203 American, that is high for a routine spay. I feel by far most vets are not out to gouge the public, I hope that your vet is in that group! Is it possible your vet is using a more modern technique such as laser surgery to reduce recovery time? Is your vet the 'only vet in town'? I would shop around a bit, keeping in mind that your gut feeling about the vet is also important, do you like him/her, how is he/she with your dog etc. If there are other vets within driving distance, once your dog has recovered, take her for 'happy' visits, just chat with the staff to get a feel for them. Does the cost of spaying include some sort of pain management for a day or two? Candy was quite sore after being spayed, now part of that was that she was still very skinny, no fat reserves at all and not much muscle.
I feel for you, I just wrote a check at the vets for $259 for an exam, bloodwork, thyroid testing and thyroid meds. Jesse has apparently had an attack of either gastrities or pancreitis, bloodwork results will be in tomorrow. We were both up all night last night.
Tomorrow I get to go back with another dog, I'll be writing another check but I imagine it will be much smaller.

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Sorry to hear your dog was sick Carol, Hope everything goes well and that the other vet bill is more manageable.

Vet help the dogs but they financially kill us poor owners... LOL... I have to laugh at this one or I will beark in tears. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe if I say and do it often enough, I will be ok.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Did the vet suggest these pajamas? I would think (not being a vet of course!) that pajamas would not be a good idea. Her tummy will be quite tender and fabric may irritate it. Candy did lick her belly a lot, she managed to make the skin around her incision quite raw. She did heal of course but pain meds would have been a good thing. If your pup licks a great deal, might look into getting an 'elizabethan collar' to put on her neck, it fits snug at the base and fans out away from the dog. This will prevent her from worrying her stitches. You may not even have this problem so don't panic or rush out to buy one just yet. This will be a time for lots of snuggles and gently stopping her from worrying her belly.

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The vetenarian's clinic suggested the pyjamas. They told me this morning when I brought her so that she would have her pyjamas tonight when I go back to get her. According to them, it is much more confortable than the collar and does the same thing.

A bit scared about her business though don't know how that one is going to go. :roll:

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Guest Anonymous

You could always take them off when you take her out to potty!
Call another clinic and see what their after neuter care is... if you were to have you dog neutered that is.. :-? 8)

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Hugs and kisses to pup, :lol:

your vets do sound a rip off, i am surprized they didnt sell you special pajamas too. :o

it will all be ok, have you got pup insured, it may be worth your while looking into it.

Any way keep us all informed..

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Chin Chin is having a hard time of it. Last night she somehow removed her pyjamas and licked her sutures. Everything is fine now, I brought her back to the vet and they looked at everything. Gave her another shot and put on a different kind of pyjamas. Plus they lent me some kind of cone, not the hard plastic ones that I saw before, but a soft plastic one that does the same job.

She still tries to remove either of them and refuses to sleep. For now, I am just ignoring her. (just to see if she will finally just go to sleep.)

Apparently, according to the vetenarian's office, there is not much else that can be done for now. Everything should come back to normal within a few days.

BTW. She did pee on my sofa. She did not seem to have any control over it though. Plus the fact that she never peed there before. That was one of her favorite places to just strech and sleep. I cleaned the whole thing with vinegar (hope the smell will all be taken out and that this will be the last little incident that we will have)

If you have any suggestions please feel free to give them to me.

Thank you

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Guest Anonymous

[quote name='Micheline099']She is a Japanese Chin.

A little thing that weights 9 pounds. :D[/quote]

that is pretty inexpensive money to purchase this particular toy breed
as for the spay costs being high - well she is past her first heat season and I know here the vets charge more when the dog is that old before being spayed
dogs are certainly a cost - be glad you did not get a great dane ;-) as the prices on meds and such for them is really high due to their size!
but as you say they are well worth it - as the ubiquitous 'they' say 'its the only love money can buy'

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