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Everything posted by imported_Kat

  1. I'm actually very glad that I heard straight from the horses mouth about them being into the pet shop. It didn't hurt me , it just bemused me I guess. They are just really being very petty right now, but I hate things going on behind my back so I am very glad that I have some true friends to tell me.
  2. He really is such a typical leggy Flattie :D
  3. I must really have been a very bad person in a previous life to deserve all this.. I have a business called pro-paws as you all know and I do canine behaviour, dog training, pet sitting etc within this wee business. I have just started to promote it lately and I have dropped some posters and business cards into a few places. At one particular pet shop, I have quite a few friends and one of my friends called me this afternoon to tell me that Megs owners had been in and they had been tutting and bumming and blowing about my poster :o . They even asked the manager to take it down and he said no! What flipping business do they have interfering with [i]my [/i]business! They took photocopies of it and I think the consensus was that they are going to show it to my former trainer who also runs canine behaviour and training. I just can't get over how petty and pathetic they are being! I have every right to advertise my business and I will continue to do it. I wonder what their reaction will be when they open the Ulster Star newspaper this friday and read about my write-up and profile for the business haha :evilbat: Ok another bit of news. I called Meg's breeder tonight to see if he had any litters of pups. He has a friend who has a litter sired by one of his dogs who is Meg's Mum's grandson. Not only that but there are two chocolate and white pups in the litter but he wasn't sure if there was a bitch or not so I'll have to wait to hear back from him in a few days. The pups are 3 weeks old now so they aren't ready to go until another 4 weeks at least, but I would love a choccy pup :D
  4. oh gracious, I wasn't expecting this at all... I hope his pet insurance will cover it, I really do. *hugs to you*
  5. DO who can resist a tiny ball of fluff :wink: Kes is going to be a female. :wink: The show name is a little bit harder and i have a page filled with names by my bed! A few examples so far and Tudor Rose will be in front or after the name as its the name of our house. :wink: Takin' a risk at Tudor Rose Worth the risk at Tudor Rose Tudor Rose Paradise Passion Tudor Rose Eternal passion Tudor Rose Eternal Hope Any suggestion is welcome. I want something bold and possibly meaning risk or jeopardy in her name :wink:
  6. paws crossed and please let us know when you hear any news *hugs*
  7. :lol: I can picture this comedy scene in my head real clear hehe. Hope the little birdy is alright :wink:
  8. Thats super news! Well done the both of you :D
  9. HF yep you gussed it, its a control thing. My Dad was brought up with strict parents and a very strict father who always had the final say and my Nanny never argued with my Papa. This is however another generation of course and times change and my Mum isn't a wee meek mild thing. She is strong and believes that he shouldn't have the final say. Shes talking to Dad now and I hope to be posting pics of my own wee Border collie puppy who will be called Kes (Kestrel) in a few weeks when I get back from Texas. I'm now just thinking of a brilliant kc registered name. The pet name I've had picked out since I was in 1st year of school. We read a book called Kes that was about a boy who tamed and trained a kestrel and I have always loved the name. :D For the registered name I have to think a little bit harder, but perhaps something like "Worth the risk". Have to think of something that will go well with obedience/agility champion before the name 8)
  10. LMAO @ Bobs your aunty's husband :lol: :lol: Certainly another way to say it K :lol:
  11. Just keep working with Zebby Star. Perhaps some socialisation and play time with Eddie will give him more confidence :wink: It sounds like something has knocked his confidence to not make him want to go outside, but its hard to pin point exactly what. You are trying your best and going in the right direction :wink:
  12. Yep, K explained the towpath perfectly. :wink: Its perfect because there is no traffic except for other people and maybe the odd horse and the scenery around the route is beautiful. :D
  13. That is soooo wonderful to hear you raving about your new furbabe :D
  14. I used to ride a 20 mile bike ride along the towpath from lisburn to belfast and back again every sunday morning with Meg. I started up just doing a few miles and the pace is very important to build up gradually. Also just watch the terrain as rougher ground can skin the dogs pads which I learnt through trial and error. Bike riding with a dog is great fun and as long as you go to a reasonable pace with Buddy and have wee rest breaks, then have fun! :wink:
  15. The situation between my Dad and I not talking escalated last night in style. I think its fair to say that the sh*t really hit the fan big time! :o It started when my Mum cornered me when I came in from work after doing a 12-9 shift and I really wasn't in the form. She told me this situation had to stop and I needed to talk to him. She then broke down in tears and told me she was so worried about me because I've lost a lot of weight through the stress of the past few weeks and I've been so unhappy. She said she was scared and that I was going to kill myself if I went on like this and that the stress was like a disease just eating me up inside. Shes right. I know shes right and thats what makes me hurt even more. :sadCyber: She made me talk to my Dad which ended up in a blame game and resolved nothing and the issue of me getting a puppy came up with him saying a flat out no with no reasoning. I lost it then and threw all that I had at him about didn't he think I was responsible enough or didn't i deserve my own puppy and haven't i proved that I am a good dog owner and trainer by my reputation. I told him not to be surprised when I arrive home with my new puppy when I get back from Texas and that was the end of the yelling match. Today he spoke a few words to me which is more civil than hes been and we went out for a family dinner tonight which loosened the tension I think. Mum came up to my room tonight and told me don't give up hope. I said hope for what and she said you know what; we're talking about animals here. Shes going to talk to my Dad when I'm away but shes on my side now fully which helps a lot. It does give me hope in a way because i would rather have his blessing and well wishes when i bring a puppy into our house. I feel like i don't have a life and I spilled all my emotions out last night. I need something to help me be motivated to get up in the morning and most importantly to be happy and a puppy will be the only solution. Paws crossed for the next few weeks that he will give his consent. It would make things so much easier. :puppydogeyes:
  16. I'm crying with you here Abker :cry: I lost Abby last year to bowel cancer and it just seems so unfair. I still cry for her every day. *lots of hugs to you* :cry:
  17. I would be more concerned by the vet putting her consultation off time and time again. If its something serious like a blockage then surely a bit of stress is better than having her suffer or become a fatality? :-?
  18. Spay and neuter and reduce the amount of hormones and dogs if possible. They wouldn't fight if it was a well balanced environment but it doesn't sound like it is.
  19. Good luck to you all. Keep us updated on Pooh :wink:
  20. I would try feeding them in separate rooms to start with. It sounds as if the older dog is guzzling his own food because he knows that the younger pup also has food. I don't know what breed your dogs are but you could also cut down to 2 meals a day for the 6 month old dog with a smaller portion or snack in between and adding water to the food if its kibble will also prevent the 6 month old from guzzling. It does sound like a case of greediness and scoffing but if these suggestions don't work, you should of course see your vet in case there is a digestion problem.
  21. puppy fever! Shes beautiful! :D
  22. lol I can picture Travis the big woose petrified and peeking behind a door :lol:
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