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Watching my friends dog and have alittle food problem


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I just have to put in my two cents. For starters, way back in the dark ages when I was a child ( slight exageration but I just had a birthday so I feel old), we had labs and fed them Purina, for a while it at least did not do really bad damage but then we had one start really really bad diarhhea (SP??), as soon as we switched her food she was fine, like immediatly fine. PURINA IS TRASH.

Then we fed Nutro Max, Lamb and Rice, of course since it was better than Purina we thought everything was great, their coats were nice and they acted healthy so we thought they were fine, and that's what my dogs ate until last fall.

Then I got Dresden, a young dog at the time. My brother talked my into Eukanaba, and not knowing any better I fed that to her. She was such a psychotic maniac that I almost took her back to the pound more than once, and that says a lot because I don't give up easily. After four months of heck with her and almost throwing it the towel, I ran across an article by Liz Palika. Her basic point was that too many carbohydrates will make dogs hyperactive and annoying, like way way hyperactive. She'd done studies of the results of changing to a lower carb diet for many years and had all kinds of results listed so I switched Dresden onto DIAMOND dog food.

I have never ever in my life seen such a fast behavior change, in less than three days I could see a substantial difference in her behavior, and her poops. EUKANABA is trash. Expensive trash in pretty bags, all you have to do is look at the texture, it's all corn meal and crap.

I have now switched both my dogs onto Diamond and I would highly recommend it to anyone, I read up on it and I don't pretend to be a food expert but the results of feeding it are amazing. They both look gorgeous, and other people tell me that a lot, I'm not just biased :) I coud rant and rave about Diamond food and how it changed our lives and how it's the dogs bark, and on and on but I won't. Look at their ingredient list and see what you think.........:)

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