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Dog Dumping


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What a pity Don Burke didn't give the dumping rates of the cross bred puppy farm dogs he has promoted for years on his show. He would be largely responsible for the upsurge in puppy mills in Australia breeding cross bred, so called 'designer dogs'. The small white fluffies that are abandoned in the pounds because the negligent owners never had them clipped and they end up so matted they can't walk.

Don Burke is a gardener and is certainly no expert on dogs which is painfully obvious every time he waffles on about them.

Also the RSPCA is only one pound. Why did he not do a cross section of all pounds and rescues to get a more accurate view to present.

The simple fact is that 90% of dogs that end up abandoned in pounds and shelters are cross bred. This is the result of his promoting the mythical 'hybrid vigor'.

Fortunately for the canine world his show has been axed and not before time. Hoorah!!!! Good riddance Burke.

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I agree with everything you say about him!I didn't know his show was cancelled...but that is great news!

I remember hearing him talk on a local radio station one day,he was saying how cross breeds make great pets (which of course is 100% true!! Gotta love mutts!)But then he went on to say people shouldnt de-sex them because they are great breeders.

Well if there were no dogs in the RSPCA or shelters this might be the case...but he should advocate people adopting all the already bred abondend cross breeds before creating more!

Dont even get me started on his puppy mills..... :evil: :evil:

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Yep it's good that he and his show have been tossed out. He has about 3 more shows to go to air and then it's goodbye to the Berk at long last.

What a shame he never did a segment on his show from one of the pounds and showed the viewers how many of his 'designer dogs' were killed each day. He should also have shown us how stressed the dogs are in the pound situation and just what the plight is of these abandoned and unwanted dogs.

This too may have made people a little bit more aware of just what the results were of not desexing their dogs, particularly designer dogs. I am of the opinion that only ethical registered breeders should breed dogs and not until they have been tested for any defects.

I have had dogs all my life and would not breed them because a) I don't know enough and b) there are too many being killed in pounds as it is.

I have nothing at all against cross bred dogs but I do have a lot against this idiot for telling people that they do not inherit the problems of the parents.

He just made it all look too easy and people who were neither prepared to train nor learn about their dogs were flocking out to buy the latest cross breed he deemed was the current fashion. Then to go and breed with them because Berk said it was easy.

It's not the dogs fault that they were dumped but the irresponsible and unprepared owners who believed what this moron told them.

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