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Should I be getting ANOTHER dog???


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I've thought long and hard about this one, I've begun to realise I just can't live without a Boxer. It just doesn't feel right, I have an emptyness in my life, all that slobber, all those burps, all the mentalness, doggie punch ups, sloppy licks, snorting, its all gone and I want it back. But should I really be getting another Boxer? Now? Well, actually, it wouldn't be until probably next winter, but will my other dogs feel left out? Four dogs is a lot to spread your attention around, I've got the time, and the effort, but... ok, I think whats holding me back is Montie. It sounds silly, nobody beleives me when I say how spoilt he is, but I wouldn't want him feeling that he's missing out on any of mummy's attention! But also, on the other hand, it might remind him of Lily, who he loved so so much...

Of course I've got other things to consider too, I want to have kids in a few years, would a Boxer be too much for them? I've been assured that it would be fine, but I also know how full on they can be.

Another thing, I want a boy, I want something big, something that I can stud out (I don't want a female, I want to show, and I'd possibly want to pass on the line if its a good one, but one thing I do know is that I am not ready for puppies, they are so much commitment and I'd be too paranoid of them going to the wrong homes!), I want a guard dog, not an aggressive dog, just something that can scare people with its looks... ok, so you get the point - I want a boy, and I want to show.... but how would two entire dogs go together in a house? Would they fight? Should I just get a boy to not show and desex him? I doubt Diego would ever start a fight, he's the gentlest thing I've ever come across. Or maybe, should I just get a girl and send one of them off to visit their Auntie Claire or Nanny Neen when the bitch is in heat?

So many questions, I've lived with 5 dogs before, but that was with dad and we shared the responsibilities. Its bad enough now when I visit Claire and stay for a couple of weeks during res school - 6 dogs then! They all get along so well though - could adding an extra spoil this harmony?

Considering I am on my own for half the year, due to Josh's work, what are peoples oppinions on me getting another Boxer? Keeping in mind I already have three dogs, three rats, gold fish, and very soon, a Devon Rex cat. I know I can always count on you guys for good advice :wink:

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Before you decide anything, I would really look into how realistic it is for you to get into showing. If you want to start having kids soon you may not have the time to finish your dog's showing career. That's a lot of time and money traveling and other show related expenses. It can be hard to do with a newborn and 3 other dogs on your hands.

Is there a reason Diego isn't neutered? If you're planning on showing him and this new boxer I'd maybe wait on kids because with two show dogs you really won't have any time.

My best advice would be to wait. People say life is short, but life is loooong! You'll have lots of time to get a Boxer. And you'll be doing it then because it's the right time for you and the dog.

It's a big decision! Good luck on whatever you decide to do! :-)

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Kendalyn, you're right about the showing thing, but hillsides also right about me not having to go to every show. My sisters planning on getting standard pinschers, so we can go on show trips together. There's not really much point spending $50 on petrol money to get to shows, as well as camping costs etc if you're only showing the one dog, I've been doing it so far, but it does make more sence to be showing more than one dog if you're going to all that effort just to get there.

Showing is really just a hobby to me, and if I had to cut the show career short, so what? I've still got my loving pets, showing is just a bonus, as is obedience and agility and everything else I do with the dogs, I do it all as something extra so I can spend more time with them - its not the be all and end all of dog ownership for me! I do have fun though, and I LOVE watching all the other dogs there - I used to want to move to spain so I could sit and watch all those hot guys go by, now I'm taken so I just like to go to dog shows now and go gaga over all the cute pooches instead :wink:

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