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things you've randomly taught your dogs :)


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You cant say "walk" or "walkies" or even "W" around Freebee; she goes ballistic and grabs her leash and comes running - same with "ride" or "ridies"........She'll try to push open the back screen and let herself out, and then stand there and bark until you come.....

:lol: :lol:

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Ok, let me think.

You cannot say the word BISCUIT, all hell breaks loose. When I'm loading the car up for work Ruby lies on the bench, when I shut the boot and garage door she knows I'm going out to work, jumps off and goes in the house.

When we're walking on the Heath, she goes ahead but always stops where the track divides, she'll turn around and we point and say "that way" and she always goes down the track we've pointed to.

I wish I'd never started saying "Here's Your Dad" when Bri's van goes past the house, they're like two screaming banshees at the window looking for him. And Ruby knows the difference between what shoes and pants I'm putting on. If I get my joggers and trainers out of the wardrobe she goes ape looking for her ball knowing I'm going to take them out. And if I say WALKIES, well that's twice the noise.

And after their walk at night, even though Bri stays downstairs and watches tv Ruby knows it's bedtime and comes upstairs and gets in her basket.

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almost everything i taught my dogs is "useless" three crawl...that helps them come to me while still being in a down stay. three shake hands and one will "give me four" (she only has FOUR toes! she can't give me five!) which is useful for meeting people...i guess...buddy, if I tap my stomach while laying down, will rest his head on me for a petting. Gypsy will sit on her haunches, straighten her back, and display both paw pads--like she's "sticking 'em up" (as in a robbery) I taught her to both "beg" and "stick 'em up" using my finger as the gun point. The other day she was irritating me while I was eating and I was scolding her and shaking my finger at her. she "stuck 'em up!" I gave her the sandwich so I guess that's useful....to her....India claps if you clap. it's the clapping sound that does it. and the crinkle of cellophane does something to them...they come and sit or down in unison.

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