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I just found 4 kittens in my backyard...I know NOTHING about cats so I have no idea how old they are and all that stuff..I gave them some milk(was that ok?).....I think it's weird..3 of them are together and the other one was by itself...the single one was white and looked skinnier and smaller than the others...his/her coat was really shabby...and the others- one was an orange tabby and the others were some other darker color...they knew how to climb and looked in better shape than the other one..I put some milk in front of them and checked back a few minutes later, and they hadn't drinked any, all of them were in the same spot...then after a few minutes 2 of them kind of edged away from me, and the orange tabby stayed and just stared.I'm really scared of cats, but I just had to give them some food, and now I don't know what to do...most of the cats here are ferals and I think a cat came here and had kittens, and then left or something..They are very mean, and even tried to bite me when I gave them milk, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do..SHould I try to give them more food and keep them(remember, I have a very energetic little Lab), or just let them stay there?They don't have animal control people here so that's no use.....please help me!!I don't want them to starve or anything!!

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Be careful there, a bite or scratch from even a healthy cat can be nasty, these kittens could have something worse. About how old are the kittens? Are they moving around on their own pretty well? I sure as heck would not bring any into the house. Feeding them, well it's a hard call, of course you don't want them to starve but unless they are really skinny they might be doing alright on their own.

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When I was young, I used to have a "band" of straykittens in my backyard. IM NOT AN EXPERT. BUT I think the white one is the youngest? They will probably not give him ANY contact(even the mother if she comes back), may spit at him etc.? Not sure, but he may also be ill. Where I live, they say that if you take ina stray cat, he/she is yours and he/she is ur responsibilty. So MAYBE(pl z don't ge mad>) u should leav'em cuz if they survive they might comeback AND have THEIR kittens in UR garden....why i think that...in our old house we had 11( :o ) cats...and they kept com'n back and having thier litters at our house.

Give them water like STARGAZE said, then watcha few days, did the mom come back? If she didn't...well....who cares? Give'm ur love and FOOD! :lol: :D

[size=2]plz no-one get mad![/size]

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Guest Anonymous

I don't know much about Feral Cats...I assume that they are regular cats...just strays...I am not sure.
I guess the best advice I could give would be to go with your gut! If you are scared of cats...have a lab...they are biting or attempting to bite...I'd call a vet! If the vet can't come and get them...maybe s/he could tell you who to call.

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Well, first of all, I never saw the mother...but I think they're all doing okay, except the white one..The white one only moved when I put food down..., but the others didn't get as close to me as the white one.I think the other three are as healthy as feral cats can be, cuz in Taiwan, there are lots of feral animals and they are smarter and more independent than most people think.If a dog from America came here and got abandoned, he would probably die right away, but a dog here knows how to cross the road by himself, knows where to get lots of food and where he won't be welcomed, and once I even saw a dog going up the skybridge made for the students to cross the road.They cross one part of the road, wait in the middle, and then cross when there are no cars, and once I saw a dog turn back cuz he knew he would never get past.So there are not many animals that die crushed by a car here, unlike in America, where they are so spoiled( :wink: :bday: Duck is more spoiled than any dog here).My friends came over once and when they saw Duck with all her chewy bones and treats, they were like Hey, she gets treated better than some people here!!.And they were so shocked when they found out I had the airconditioning on for Duck when I wasn't home.LOL.Oh, I forgot what I was talking about before all this.Ummm...oh yeah, the kittens.I wasn't really thinking of keeping them, just helping them survive when they're small and maybe taking them to the vet to be spayed and nuetered so they won't have more kittens when they grow up.Cuz these cats are probably going to takea long time to be tamed and I think they would like it better outside with the other cats because they have never known human companionship before.

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Well, I take back the thing about about taking a long time to tame the cats.We've been putting plates of food out for them everyday(and clean water) and now when I take Duck outside the cats are not afraid of us unless I get too close.Duck was standing nose to nose to the white one a while ago, but I'm not going to let that happen again, cuz the other cats aren't as friendly as the white one.They even just walked forward to smell her.Good thing Duck didn't try to bite them or anything.She was drinking the water that was meant for them, and then the white one came to touch noses. :wink: :P I hope the others will be friendlier next time.The white one is way nicer.I almost got to touch her cuz she wasn't afraid of me.They used to run just at the sight of me, now they just lie in the sun while I play basketball!Cool huh?

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OK, I was reading a newsletter(4 pets..) adn it said that you shouldn't try to destroy cats to get rid of them cuz new one's will come and take thier place......Not that Egg would......

ANYWAY....what you should try to do...is, when they are older, take them to the vet...then spay/nueter them...

THAT will solve the overpopulated homeless animals in the world.... :D

And you'll feel better... :wink:

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