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Dzieci i staffiki-prawdziwa miłosc:))


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Pomyslałam sobie ze w tym topicu możemy umieszczac fotki staffiorków z dzieciakami. Rozpoczne moze takimi oto zdjeciami:loveu:





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Bardzo fajny pomysł Justynko :multi: świetne zdjęcia :loveu:
Ja natomiast wygrzebałam takie ;)



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Ja też coś wygrzebałam




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Uwielbiam oglądać takie fotki :loveu::loveu::loveu::loveu:
Trochę świeższe fotaski ;)

i znajdź mnie
Pozdrawiamy wszystkie dzieciaczki :loveu: te staffikowe również ;)

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Justynka super temat...:thumbs::thumbs:

Fotki świetne - uwielbiam patrzec na zdjęcia bullowatych z dziecmi....:loveu::loveu:

wyszukałam gdzieś w archiwum jedną fotkę...wprawdzie Maruś to nie staffik ale prawie jak...;)

Maruś & Asiaczek...:loveu:


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Śliczne wszystkie te foty:loveu:

ja jeszcze wygrzebałam dzieci naszej Buni:
mała Valkiria ze swoim młodym panem:


i Taszka:


a to fotka, która najbardziej mnie rozczula:


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To my sie tez dolaczymy :lol:, bedzie rodzinka w komplecie. Amfi, Carbonarastaff- poznajecie???










cd nastapi

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Fajniutki temat :lol:, też coś dorzucę ;)





troszkę ciemne wyszły mi te fotki :razz:

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Tak wklejamy fotki a nikt nic nie piszę to możę ja zacznę. Nasza rodzina to Kaspi 4,5 l i Karolcia 4 mc. Kasper dla Antka nie jest partnerem do zabaw nie dlatego że Kaspi nie chce, ale Antek sprytnie unika zabaw, bo niestety Kaspi w tym wieku preferuje rozwiazania siłowe.:diabloti:Toleruje jazdę na sobie jak na koniu, oczywiście czeka aż mały coś zostawi co mozna gwizdnąć i zjeść ale generalnie go unika. Na dworzu jak Kaspi hasa to jest obok, pilnuje i obserwuje, nie za długo bo to ja z mężem stanowimy sedno zabawy. Traktuje Kaspra bardzo delikatnie ale też nie okazuje mu specjalnie swojej stafficzej miłości. Jak urodziła się Karola to towarzyszył mi przez pierwszy okres we wszystkich czynnościach związanych z małą.
Tak się przeją rolą że nosił w pysku pluszowego kotka, wtedy gdy ja brałam Korolę na ręcę on kotka chyc do pyska i asystował, wylizując i memlając plyszowe futerko i co najdziwniejsze nie pożarł tego pluszka ma go do dziś i dalej memla, choc czsem traktuje go dość brutalnie. Ciekawe jeszcze to że ten pluszak jest rudy dokładnie taki sam jak nasz inny domownik kot Amber. Także reasumując dzieci są akceptowane ale miłością bezgraniczną kocha nas, wierzę jednak że za czas niedługi to Kasper będzie najlepszym przyjacielem.

Tak w nawiązaniu do tematu znalazłam bardzo fajny opis staficzej natury w nawiazaniu oczywiśćie do ich stosunku do ludzi. Niestety po angielsku, nie mam translatora zeby szybko przetłumaczyć ale moze ktoś z was:lol:

[COLOR=black][/COLOR][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana] [SIZE=2]The Staffordshire Bull Terrier tends to be very oral when young, so to save the furniture, puppies should always be given appropriate items to chew. Discourage mouthing of people early to prevent problems later. If you play tug games with a Stafford, train him to give up the toy on command to maintain your leadership status. Many Staffords also like to dig, therefore these dogs may need a more secure environment than some other breeds. Many Staffords also like to dig, therefore these dogs may need a more secure environment than some other breeds. An "L" of chicken wire attached to the bottom of the fence can prevent persistent escape artists from successful getaways. Other Staffords are excellent climbers. :lol: To prevent vertical exits from the yard, you can top the fence with a horizontal overhang or choose an unusually tall fence. Electronic fencing, although an option for many breeds, is not recommended for Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

The Stafford is generally hardy, and requires little grooming. Though the Staffordshire Bull Terrier can thrive in most climates, he should be protected from both extremes. Make sure the dog has plenty of shade and water on hot days. Watch out for over-exertion during intense play in warm weather, as dogs of this breed may not stop playing of their own volition just because they are exhausted. Do not leave a Stafford out in the cold unprotected, and be sure to dry the underside of the belly thoroughly after bathing or rainy excursions as there is almost no hair in this area of the body. Staffords are dense and muscular, without much natural buoyancy, so never leave a Stafford unsupervised near a swimming pool. [SIZE=1][COLOR=red]nie wylezie diabeł!oczywiście życzę wszystki basenów przy domu
[/COLOR][/SIZE] Intelligent and sometimes willful. Tenacious, impulsive, and agile. Very devoted to his family and so good with children that the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is known in England as "The Nanny Dog". A high pain threshold allows the Stafford to tolerate inadvertently rough handling from children better than many other breeds. (As with all breeds, children should always be supervised with dogs and trained how to treat them properly.) The Staffordshire Bull Terrier needs lots of human companionship to thrive. They need to be with their people. Do not leave this breed alone a lot or expect them to exercise themselves. They prefer to interact with their humans for exercise. An unattended, bored Stafford may find ways to entertain himself that the owner will not appreciate.

Generally friendly with strangers and therefore not suitable as guardians of property, Staffords will not hesitate to protect family members if necessary. Ancestors of today's Staffordshire Bull Terriers (and most other dogs from pit fighting heritage) were specifically bred to be non-aggressive with people, because early owners needed to be able to handle them safely even in the midst of a dog fight. Dogs who were aggressive to people were culled, leaving only dogs to breed who were highly tolerant of people. So aggression to people is rare.

Many Staffords do best in a one-dog family, however, owners who want two dogs should pair one male and one female for best results. In multi-dog households, always separate the dogs when leaving them without human supervision. [SIZE=1][COLOR=red]I co wy na to? [/COLOR][/SIZE]Sensitive to criticism and open to being disciplined, Staffords require firm handling and consistent, patient, positive training. Novice owners who are willing to learn to be in charge and to deal responsibly with dog aggression issues in the breed can do well with the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Adults of this breed tend to be very combative with other dogs outside the family, especially if the other dog challenges them. This is true even if the dog has been well socialized and was friendly with other dogs when young. Do not allow adult Staffords off leash or even on a loose leash unless safe to do so. Staffords also tend to have a strong prey drive that prompts them to chase and catch small animals, so be very careful with smaller pets. Some dogs who are raised with other pets in the household can be good with them. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[I][SIZE=2]Children: Excellent with children.
Friendliness: Loves everyone.
Trainability: Moderately easy to train.
Independence: Very dependent - needs people a lot.
Dominance: Moderate.
Other Pets: May be aggressive w/ same-sex dogs; Do not trust w/ non-canine pets.
Combativeness: Tends to be fairly dog aggressive.
Noise: Not much barking.
[/SIZE][/I][/FONT][/COLOR][B][I][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Grooming and Physical Needs:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/I][/B][I][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]
[SIZE=2]Grooming: A little grooming needed.
Trimming & Stripping: No trimming or stripping of the coat needed.
Coat: Short coat.
Shedding: Very light.
Exercise: Lots of exercise needed.
Jogging: A fair jogging companion.
Indoors: Moderately active indoors.
Apartments: Will be OK in an apartment if sufficiently exercised.
Outdoor Space: A small yard is sufficient.
Climate: Does well in most climates.
Owner: Not recommended for novice owners.
Longevity: Fairly long lifespan (about 12-15 years).[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/I][COLOR=black][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2]Agility, watchdog (but not guard), flyball, obedience, and performing tricks[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

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i obieany cd.






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