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I haven't fed Buck...


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in 3 days!

It's not because I'm a terrible person. It's because he's had a cup and a half of Wellness sitting in his bowl for 3 days!

Buck has seriously dropped his food intake within the last couple weeks. It started shortly after he got rid of a tapeworm. Usually I feed him after our walk. He gets between 1.5 and 2 cups of Wellness each day. Prior to the last couple weeks he would eat about 3/4 of his food and finish the last 1/4 in the evening.

Lately, a cup and a half of food will last him a very very long time.

He's not losing weight, he's not losing energy, he's acting perky and happy. He's drinking like normal.

Throughout the day he does get various treats. He gets a Wellness Peanut Butter treat each time he comes in from outside. Plus he gets kelp training treats as well. He eats those with gusto like always.

Is it possible that the small amount of food, plus treats he gets during the day are enough for him?

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if he had a tapeworm, he was eating much more than usual because the worm sucks up all the nutrients, and he had to compensate. as much as you may not want to, dont leave the same food down for three days. if he doesnt eat it, take it up after half an hour and cover it entirely in plastic if you dont want to throw it out.it may be unappetizing now that its sat there so long. start at 1/2 a up, and put it down. if he eats it allgive him 1/2 cup more. if not, take it up. you will figure out eventually how much he truly needs.


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