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new puppy

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

My mom and I were thinking that on
the first couple days our puppy is
getting used to living with us that we
would sleep downstairs with the
puppy so we could just reach over
and comfort him. However, I'v been
reading up on it and articles have
said that if you comfort the puppy
every time it whimpers, it will get the
idea that it can summon you every
time it cries. Other articles have said
that if you have the puppy in your
room the first couple nights and just
hang your arm over the side of the
bed so they can smell you they will
be comforted enough. any

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I don't see anything wrong with comforting a new puppy who has just had the trauma of leaving it's mother. If you're sleeping downstairs next to it when it's six months old, I see a problem. But not now. Go ahead and do what you feel is right for your dog.

Personally, I don't believe in letting puppies or babies cry until they finally stop.

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You shouldn't reach out for the puppy as soon as it whimpers. This is rewarding the puppy for attention seeking which in later life will turn to asking for attention through barking. Make sure the puppy is in a small crate and has a soft blanket and something to snuggle with in its crate. You could also put in a ticking clock to help soothe and settle the pup. When the puppy is quiet , than that is the time to go to the pup and praise it gently. Learning in puppies is shaped majorly by their environment so it is better to use conditional training from day dot when you get your puppy to avoid problems of unwanted behaviour in later life.

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