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what age is too late to crop my APBT?


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[quote]I hope all the people who are against having dog's ears cropped are against women and even some men having their ears pierced. If you ask me most people do both for the same reason, which is cosmetic.[/quote]

True, to an extent...however, an ear piercing takes 30 seconds and hurts forless than that...and we make the choice to do it. Having said that, I personally would not crop or dock, but that's my stance. I am not going to say that people that do it are wrong, or right...I could say I have a valid reason to get my hounds tail cropped, since she keeps banging it into walls and little lumps keep appearing, that need to be sliced open and drained. To say nothing of the bruises she inflicts on my legs with it....

:lol: :lol:

As long as the surgery is done by a real professional who knows what he/she is doing, and not a hack job, I dont really think the dog objects.
They dont know enough to object....and if done correctly it does not appear to hurt them. I dont know about Dobies and Pits, but I honestly sometimes think I should get the hounds ears done as well, since she is so prone to ear infections. Her ears are floppy and lay flat on her head, no air gets in there and they have to be cleaned constantly....

I wont do it, but I wont slam anyone who does either.

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