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Insurance Dilemma

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Hi Guys,
I'm looking for any advice on insuring my dogs.
Is it all really worthwhile I used to ask myself until a good friend of mine was lumbered with a crushing vets bill.
This has made me seriusly contemplate taking out a policy just in case and if anyone can recommend anywhere I would be really grateful.
Somebody in another forum mentioned pedigree & Whiskas insurance so if anybody knows anything about them, all the better!
They sent the following link to me and it all looks good but it's kind of expensive, What do you think?

[url]http://www.pet-health-insurance.co.uk[/url] :roll:

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I read a consumer report review of pet health insurance. The problem is that it does not cover anything routine, and there are often pretty low limits on hit with large deductibles. The advice given in the article was to get quotes on what it would cost you monthly. Then open an interest earning account of some kind and deposit your monthly premium there each month. That way you have a "fund". This is what I do and it is working rather well. I also have one credit card with a large limit that should anything super drastic occur I have that to fall back on. The insurance is kind of a waste for the benefit you actually receive.


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