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Hill's d/d egg-rice prescription diet?


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I bought 2kg of Hill's d/d egg-rice at the vet and Ben seems to enjoy it. He was first a bit on his guard with it, but when I started playing with him with the food (rolling one button after another on the floor so that he can chase them and eat them up) he "loosend" up and started eating them with his tail wagging. :D
I thought I'd ask you what you think of the food? Have you tried it? Has it worked for you?



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Yeah... He is... I don't know actually what, but he has tried many, MANY diffirent foods (Nutro, Solid Gold etc. etc. etc.) and none of them have worked out for him. His throat starts itching and the skin over the throat goes really red, the next day it swollens and the next day the skin is away from the spot and bleeding... :( It isn't nice to see him that way. :cry: My niece or nephiews must have given him something last friday, because right now he has got a big "boo-boo" on his troat. The vet looked at it (she has seen it before) and gave us a prescription for a salva that helps ease the itching and makes it heal faster. That's about all we can do... I've been thinking of getting him an appointment at an animal hospital for an allergy test, but I haven't gone yet...


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Poor little Ben,
When my friend had the allergy test done for her Boxer...boy, was she surprised at how many things the dog is allergic too..he may as well be kept in a glass bubble.
Good luck with the allergy food....another thing she does is cleans her house with vineger and water...and she uses hypo allegenic soap for clothes etc...
The allergy tests are expensive but very acurate with a blood test...there are 2 seperate tests, food and environment.

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Cassie: I don't think Ben is THAT allergic actually, because he can eat any kind of bread, egg, meat etc. etc. You know... natural products, but he did get a small reaction out of a smoked fish. But I don't know what he is allergic to, because he has only got allergic reactions out of dogfoods such as Solid Gold and Nutro. Then my guess is that he might be allergic to spices, because of the "boo-boo" he has now. Practicly the only thing that was at the table on friday that he COULD get a reaction of was ham (with spices that I can't eat either).


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