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Diamond dog food and switching food....

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Here's my silly question for the week, actually there are two.
First, does anyone here know anything about Diamond dog food ? I have had Dresden on Eukanaba and have quickly come to the conclusion that it is trash. As soon as I started mixing Lady's adult food in with Dresden's trash Dresden's behavior/obnoxiousness improved dramatically, she still has a long way to go but I have never seen anything like it. So back to my question. This guy I know owns a pet supply store and is raving about Diamond dog food and I have heard someone here say they use it, maybe Hobbit ? It's reasonably priced but I am cautious about anything other than what I feed Lady at this point. Please let me know what you think if you can.

Second question, Dresden is still growing pretty fast and is getting fair sized, at almost eight months she's very tall and lanky and keeps going one growth spurt after the next. She's only 45 pounds or so but tall and very solid. But, after having her partly on adult food and seeing how much better she is I'm wondering if it would be okay to switch her over to adult food within the next month. Does anyone know if this is a bad idea for any reason ? Any bad side affects of switching younger ? I've always heard puppy food till a year old..........

Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it.

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Hi Marble, glad to hear that Dresden is kind of settling down... as much as a cattledog mix can settle down... :wink:
I can't really help with the first question but with the puppy/adult food, we had BK on adult food when we got him (6 months). I don't think we even thought about it, and puppy food wasn't as big as it is now, where you can walk into Safeway and have half an aisle devoted to puppy food. He has had absolutely no trouble with his joints or bones either. BUT this might have been the wrong thing to do and as Dresden is obviously a lot bigger than he is, maybe you should stick with the puppy food. With my grandad's dachshund puppy Tomson, when my aunt's Beagle came to stay for a few months (their house was getting renovated), he wouldn't eat his dinner (BARF variant) unless Grandad mixed in some of Bonnie's canned food in with it, and this is when he was 4-10 mths approx. He is a psycho little brat too, doesn't sit still for a second. So who knows?!

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I've been hearing more about switching to adult food at younger ages than was previously suggested, I think you would be just fine doing so. A good quality adult food will still give Dresden the needed nutrition without the excesses of puppy formula.
I have heard from a few souces that Diamond is a good food. I would have given it a hard look myself had it been available locally to me.
Here's a link to more info if you'd like to browse from the comfort of your computer chair: [url]http://www.diamondpet.com/default.html[/url]

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We use Diamond (Lamb and Rice) and the puppy (in the purple sack). The dogs do very well, their coat is shiney, their poop is a nice consistency, they have loads of energy, feel good etc...

Whichever brand you choose, I think a *balanced* nutrition is what matters.

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Guest Anonymous

We have been using Diamond High Energy for our sled dogs for two winters as the kibble portion of their daily feeding-(they also get a non kibblized supplement called Gee-Haw, a protein supplement made from dried ground anchovies, as well as raw ground beef and emulsified poultry fat-in all about 8000 calories a day for the competative runners). We also give vitamin E,C, and Zinc. I've found the Diamond to be very palatable and they seem to like the taste. The anchovy powder really turns 'em on cause it smells like cat food- and we all know how much some dogs like cat food... :lol:

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Guest Anonymous

Thanks for your help, I looked at the web site Carol posted and of course it was impressive. Knowing that people who know what they are doing, and have dogs that work hard use it is good to, I'm going to try it. I need to put a recent picture of the crazy dog on here sometime. She looks a lot older....

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Yes -- yes Marble, please post a new picture!

We have recently started to mix the "High Energy" with the Lamb and Rice for the growing young adults.

They aren't really thrilled about the "Maintenance" formula or the --- and I'm drawing a blank on the name --- (the green sack or yellow sack, they aren't thrilled over). I can tell I'm getting old ---- memory is going fast.

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