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Scarey Dog Encounter!


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I walked my dogs up the street (same route as usual, for at least 4-5 months). Suddenly this "pit bull" looking dog came out from behind a hedge, hackles raised, charging us and growling! :o
I froze and yelled "WAIT" to mine (I use wait when asking them to stop as we cross the street, or whatever. I'm pretty lax about it, not always forcing them to completely stop) It's good to know that, in a crunch, they obey. All three stopped dead. As we stood there, another smaller dog ran out and joined the first one. I kept telling mine, "wait, stand up". There was a steady stream of traffic at my back (not sure it's a good idea to turn one' s back on an approaching, aggressive dog anyway).
A lady came out from behind another hedge and told me that was her neighbors dog. I asked her to hold him. so she got his collar, and it came off in her hand! She got it back on and held the dog around his body. She kept saying, he's not my dog. I kept saying, [color=red]JUST HOLD HIM[/color]. I drew all my leashes up short and inched past them. The little dog tried to follow but he didn't seem as aggressive, so she eventually was able to get him to come back.

Is there a way to handle this differently? Like, should I have gone back across, or turned and walked the other way? Or, told the dog to get lost :D
would you call animal control and report the owners for not keeping their dog on a leash (we have a leash law)? would you talk to the people yourself?

Also, worst case scenario: if you're standing on a busy street holding 3 leashes, and suddenly the dogs are in a fight......do you let go of the leashes?????????

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its funny cuz I tried to get everyone talking about this a little while ago but it didnt take, Im sure your story will spark some activity:D

it reminds me of this time in a park (never ever ever ever do this! unless you KNOW HOW) this lady was walking a jack russel cross breed around Seattle's "greenlake" argueably this state's most popular spot to jogg, bike, run, rollerblade and take your dog out.
So she's just trotting along when from up the hill and gargantuan rottweiler breaks loose from the tree he was tied to and storms the lady and the poor JR. I started to RUN but knew the dog would make it to the lady before me, so my heart was pounding while I tried to remember all those first aid CPR classes I took. at the point at which the dog made contact with the lady (she was absolutly calm by the way just watched the dog the whole time coming right for her) the lady grabed what remained of the dogs lead, turned her body so her back was to the dog, she was slightly crouched when the dog jumped to bite her, she pulled the lead closer and closer over her shoulder and the instant before the dog would have taken her arm off, she shot up like a morter, as a result, the dog hung by his collar all 4 feet off the ground, the back of the dogs head was touching the back of the ladies head and as she pulled the lead tighter it choked the dog and I would say after about....ohh 1.5 seconds the dog sh!t himself and she let go of the now unconscious rott! It was right out of some old kung fu movie, and it drew QUITE a crowd.

oh and the owners came down over the hill threatening to shoot her because she killed their dog, the lady could not even respond, when everyone standing around started screaming bloody murder at the owner and with a good 15 20 people screaming at him he backed up the hill to his picknic. by the way the cops were called and the dog woke up after awhile and was a much calmer animal

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honestly I dont know what I would do if I were you, I have many ideas but not sure how I would feel about them after analizing the situation.

usually though I would wait it out and if the dog charged, well I usually carry a asp which is similar to a telescoping police batton with heavy weights on the end, it is long enough to keep a snarling dog at bay

but if the aggressor dog made contact with mine, the gloves come off and I'm down there with 'em I think its just pappa bear drive after that, between my 235 pounds and martial arts training, that dog's not gonna be none to happy, plus I'm on a first name basis with the ER staff at the local hospital so no matter what happens those guys can put me back together :D

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that was a great story, snake! I wouldn't have thought of 'hanging' the dog....but will keep it in mind.

Obviously no one else wants to talk to me about this subject either :cry: I guess all the other members here are really the rottie owner you were talking about ! :D

We're going to walk somewhere else today. I will have to think about a "weapon" to carry, as I am sure that with trying to hold onto mine, I wouldn't have a hand left to grab the attacker.


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in all seriousness you may want to consider a "Tazer" at about 100,000 volts, contrary to what the commercials say a drunken high school football team can zap eachother all night and never rencer anyone unconsious. :oops:

but you could probably pick up a baton style that is a good 15 inches long for under 60 dollars. this shock would surely stop a raged dog in its tracks.

I might talk to a vet or a police dept. and make sure it doesn't trigger a blood rage or anything but I'll bet you can use a tazer pretty effectivly

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Just read your post corgilady. What a scary incident. I think you were VERY lucky the neighbor was there and willing to grab the growling dog. Whew!
You asked about dropping the leashes, that (in my opinion) would depend on proximity to roads or highways. It would be too possible for one of your dogs to run in panic right into a roadway.
I agree with deep that you will want some sort of weapon (for want of a better name) to protect you and your dogs. Something with shock value!
Granted it sound to me as though the growling dog was more intent on 'guarding' than attacking as I think he/she would have attacked if that was their true intent. Nonetheless, I totally understand how unnerving this must have been.
Also in agreement with deep, any dog that attacks my dogs will have to contend with me, I'm a 'big gal' and will have no second thoughts about taking on an aggressive dog attacking me or mine. By ANY means necessary I will protect my dogs.

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I will check into a Tazer. I am not familiar with them.

Yes Carol, it was the fear factor that made this a story - my heart dropped to my feet. I am not big at all but have been called the Tazmanian devil when angry :lol: I have approached a man on the street who was beating his wife and broke it up while many others (bigger women,, men) stood and watched. So I would hope that I would defend my dogs. I can just see it.....me trying to defend them....them trying to defend me.....holy cow. :roll:

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Corgilady, I can totally appreciate the 'fear factor'. Recently at an off leash dog park, a really big German Shep and my Jesse had some harsh words with each other. The GSD actually broadsided Jesse and Jesse was reacting. I was ready to bodily pick up the GSD and hurl him away. Haha, I would have been in traction whether or not I was successful. I waded right in throwing knees left and right and yelling OUT in a firm voice. Thankfully, once again, it worked. AFTERWARDS I had time to contemplate this GSD taking exception to my interference. I have used the same technique to break up a fight between 3 bitches, to date no bites but perhaps one day my luck will run out. :P
One other thing you might do if a strange dog approaches, bend over your dogs, taking care that strange dog doesn't see your face as lunch, and in a loud firm voice full of rightous conviction, say MINE! OUT! LEAVE IT! I threatened a dog or two, shifted their focus from my dog to ME! So far all have decided I'm too big to take on. :D

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check these out not exactly what I meant but will work and fit in your purse


this is what I carry

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Guest Anonymous

I have to deal with aggressive dogs all the time b/c I don't think there is a leash law here in Jamaica. There are a lot of dog that protect their yards so i have to pick carefully where i walk. As i walk dogs are coming toward me barking and sometimes growling.

What I have found to be the most successful deteriant is to be agressive back by stomping and yelling for them to get away. I don't know if that is the right thing to do. Some people carry sticks. Most the time you just have to wave it all them because unfortunately many have already been hit so they know to be scared.

My poor puppy just walks with me with his taild between his legs. So i try to stick to Hope Gardens Park where there are only stray dogs that aren't protecting a property.

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[quote name='Carolk9s'] I was ready to bodily pick up the GSD and hurl him away. Haha, I would have been in traction whether or not I was successful. I waded right in throwing knees left and right and yelling OUT in a firm voice. Thankfully, once again, it worked. [/quote]

Ummm that sounds dangerous....for somebody :wink:

This all reminds me of a story....about 20 years ago <gasp!> I was walking on packed snow and ice with a Corgi and a sheltie mix. These 2 dalmations ran up to us and started barking and growling. I stepped in front of my dogs and started yelling at them, but they went around me and pretty soon the fur was flying. By this time I was shrieking. They couldn't even hear me over their own noise. Suddenly from above us this little old lady stepped out onto her deck and said, " Scat there!" and the two dogs ran off! :o :o :o

gotta go to work now,


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I've always contered aggresion with aggresion to, just didn't want to say anything cuz I know someone will object. but I found you REALLY must be confident in your yelling back to be effective cuz if youve a shred of doubt that you could not take the dog he's gonna smell it! I'll usually make like I'm gonna rush them be real loud and think real big. it almost always works probably 90% of the time

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Guest Anonymous

I can tell you that in such situations I've done lots of different things depending on the dogs (and my mood!) and the location etc
1) Yelled at the aggressive dog telling it bad dog go home - few individual dogs want to deal with a 'pack' *and* its leader human
2) seen the dog far ahead enough to cross the street safely
3) spoken to the owners later
4) called the cops on the owner
5) dropped the leads so my dogs were not trapped and could run/attack as needed
6) changed my walk route or time
7) yelled like crazy at a delinquent owner
8) threatened to drop my dog's leashes if the owner did not leash his dog up the next time - and you know that owner did leash his dog when he saw us coming! I was really mad that night as I lost the knees to new jeans keeping my dogs from killing his idiot owned oh so tough rottie!
9) Whapping a dog in the face with a leash end to back it off (not advisable in most situations)
10) Mostly I just stare at the dog who is thinking about attacking and give him that LOOK saying "don't you dare!" in a low growling voice - seems to work nicely.
The solution is whatever works in the moment you are in. Planning ahead can help some but being alert to the dogs where you walk is the best bet.

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thanks Guest...the dog came from behind a five-foot hedge and I had never seen it before. The rest of the story is, my daughter says she sees it all the time and plays with it. she can't believe it even knows how to growl. she says the "raised hackles" is just the way the dog looks! :lol: Hilarious!

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