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Everything posted by pyrless

  1. i like the uncropped look, too, it softens their face a little. I like Danes that way too. I didn't know they could be faulted for being natural either, how much sense does that make?
  2. pyrless

    AKC Dobermans

    Yes. All and AKC registration certifies is that both parents were purebred. Ideally, breeders are supposed to sell pups that either don't conform to the standard or don't have the temperament to be shown on a "limited registration", which usually means a spay-neuter contract from the breeder. As we all know the world of dog breeding is far from ideal.
  3. no celebrity i've heard of could handle a pyr! :wink: , for the simple reason that a pyr refuses to fawn all over you and celebrities live for that.
  4. Stella, definitely!
  5. i just read all the information on that site. She really knows what she is doing. Who knew such a thing could happen?Everything happens for a reason, and maybe Franka was born to her bitch because she was the right person to intoduce the breed. :wink:
  6. Very nice post, Seijun.
  7. ok, cool! :D (i loved the box turtle story...)
  8. Exactly. This happens to Muffin all the time, trimmed or not (not runnies, god this is a lovely topic! :D ) i have gotten this technique down where i can kind of flick it off... :wink:
  9. seijun i didn't mean to get ot.... :oops:
  10. Great! I am happy to know that! :D
  11. [quote name='Canis erectus']Malamutes are the next macho-est thing to having a wolf or wolf/dog, and so get bred indescriminatley. [/quote] i am not laughing at you here canis, but i think it is funny that so many people think wolves and wolf-dogs are "macho" when in the wild they are so scared of us! that said, i have met a lot of mals and while i would call them somewhat "aloof" i wouldn't say unpredictable. You just gotta know your dog.
  12. it looks like a big...kelpie, i think the name is? :o
  13. sounds like a corgi-basset?? i didn't know they came in long hair, though, how sweet!
  14. i also think it depends on the situation, AND whether or not it can be managed by those actually living in the home, and obviously what kind of damage is being caused here. Puppy-nipping is normal and can be dealt with through training. "Correction" bites, if so determined by a professional behaviourist or veterinarian (ie the dog bites a kid who was messing with its tail or something) can be dealt with through serious alpha boot camp. A dog who bites an intruder or someone who is physically threatening me or my family gets a gold star and a steak. (In Ohio the owner is NOT liable in this situation). Mind you, my dogs are NOT TRAINED to do this, but I have no doubt that they would in a certain circumstance, Sasha especially due to her guardian dog heritage. A dog who attacks and mauls because he is not getting his way is potentially dangerous, but should only be put to sleep as a last resort. Just my $.02...
  15. :cry: i am sorry. hugs to you and your family. i hope that you will feel welcome here in the future...
  16. I REALLY don't think any of us on this board are qualified to diagnose or treat this situation, and I REALLY don't think PupsMom came here to have her parenting skills called into question. PupsMom, you need a professional opinion asap.
  17. you are welcome! you are truly a Dog Person!
  18. Another place you might want to try is this website called Hoflin's Dogs. (i don't have the exact address but if you search with that it will come up).This site has loads of breed info, contact info for the national breed clubs as well as "reviews" from folks who have owned the specific breeds. :)
  19. ooo-french bulldogs! what sweeties they are!
  20. Hi! Welcome! Well it sounds like you have your hands full. If your dog is biting people you need to consult a professional behaviorist ASAP. Obedience training and behavior training are two very different things. You want to look for someone who has experience with people-aggressive dogs, not just dog-aggressive dogs. And in answer to your question, the hard stare is the mark of a potentially dangerous dog, not a super-dominant one. Dominant (alpha) dogs are calm and confident. Since your dog is also peeing while she is growling I would venture to guess that it is fear-related aggression, not a housetraining issue. However I am not a professional and really, you need to call one asap. Good luck. This is a difficult thing to deal with and I wish you the best.
  21. THIS IS TAZ, EVERYBODY! ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME? ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME? LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!! I love the vet, you are all nuts! I can pee on all the inside plants there, all the vet tech ladies and vet ladies and receptionist ladies love me because i am so handsome and i get pets and treats and i can bark at the birds in the lobby. Plus i have to go in the truck to get there and i LOVE the truck, I stick my head out the window so EVERYONE CAN LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!
  22. i like her too! Good points, K! :D
  23. good for you! you will love the show, and you are doing all the right stuff. Another thing to consider re: exercise requirements, a lot of the giant breeds have, when full-grown, limited exercise needs, for example, St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Great Dane, English Mastiff...
  24. Hey PTM! :D The housetraining thing wa something i have read several places, ours "came" housetrained, so i really don't know from experience... :wink:
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