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Everything posted by eggrolyn1223

  1. The best treats for training, I think, are soft treats.Every time she does what you want, praise and give a little piece, but don't give her too many or she won't want anymore.As for the other part, you can start weaning her off the treats, but still give praise when your dog is better at it.
  2. Oh, that is soo sad... :cry:
  3. Is Duck too young to be microchiped?Cuz I want her to be, but she looks so..so..SMALL..I dunno.Is there a minimum age for microchipping?And what's the earliest age for spaying?It's so cool here dogs from shelters are microchipped for free!I think it's weird though.They have money to do free microchipping but not enough money to provide better cages and maybe even airconditioning.The place is all dirty and flooded with water, and theres always lots of flies..bad shelter.. :-?
  4. Okay..I'll calm down....Just thinkin about the future, lol...isn't that what u guys always say?And I just found out that the agility main place is in Richardson, TX, and that's where my mom still lives with my sister!!!And then when I go back ina year, Duck will get lots of new toys and maybe we'll go check out agiltity, but i'M NOT SURE IF lABS DO AGILITY......
  5. I know about flyball and agility and all that , but can anyone just list them all or give me a website?Cuz I don't want Duck to be bored.
  6. How long does it take for a Lab to be housetrained?I mean, for the dog's bladder to be large enough to hold for about 4 hours?Duck is partially housetrained.The only problem is that she is too young and can't hold her bladder very long, only for about 40 or so minutes.Cuz she knows she's not supposed to pee in the house and always tries to hold it until we get outside, but sometimes we're just not quick enough, and she's left alone for about 4 hours each day, but she always pees onto the floor when shes in her cage.I'm not going to trust her to be free in a room by herself until she can hold, and I want to know about what age will she be able to do that?She's 8 weeks old right now.
  7. You must think I'm weird but I'm not sad at all, but I really like it.I think it's supposed to make ppl feel happy or something..but everybody has their own feelings so...oh well...think what you will :roll:
  8. I tried putting a few pennies in a coke can and dropped it when Duck bit me and she stopped!!!Now she doesn't bite me anymore!!It's like a miracle, I mean, I never really thought it would work, just wanted to try it and ...yea.Well, it worked!!But is it possible for a dog to be hand-shy if this is done at the wrong moment?Once I accidentally dropped it when I was petting her and for about 5 minutes she wouldn't let me pet her and she would circle me and stare at me like I would bite her or something.But thank god that was only once, cuz all the other times I dropped it right when her teeth touched my skin, and she knew biting me would get a loud clanky noise, and stopped.I have to try it with other ppl though, cuz she probably thinks it's only me, and she'll bite other people too.Thanks all those people that suggested this to me, and remember the reason I posted this:Could a dog be hand-shy after dropping a can at the wrong moment?
  9. Thanks newfiemom, but I haven't gotten your email..I wonder why.. :-?
  10. Duck is 8 weeks old, and I'm feeding small bites puppy.She loves it!!I dunno if it's really that good or if I'm feeding soo little that she's REALLY hungry all the time.
  11. There should be an answer to Rowie's armpit problem..I mean, there are soo many doggies out there that are eating the wrong kind of food but are perfectly healthy, soo..i don't think it's the food Rowie's eating..still, ask your vet, cuz I'm not an expert on doggie food and health problems.Duck's coat is fine- shiny, thick, and smooth, like it should be(I think).I don't know f she's growing, cuz I see her everyday.I wish somebody could tell me if she grew up since I got her.I mean, she looks fatter, but taller?Not really, I don't think.
  12. oh..well, I bought these jerky sticks for her, but sometimes she doesn't like iut..I wonder why..
  13. What treats do you give your dogs?Like for training rewards and stuff, or maybe if your dog is soo cute you just HAve to give them something good to eat...what do you give?Duck gets suasage in her bone but she doesnt like it after an hour, and peanut butter's evenm more unattractive, so are there any other suggestions?
  14. Hah!Never heard of that b4, lol.I think I'll keep using Science Diet until later, cuz I don't want to give her BARF cuz then if I want to change she won't eat regular food.
  15. Jacsmom, Duck is 8 weeks old and she already knows hot to sit, down, come, and jump up on command!!I taught her once and she learned it right away!!!I dunno if it's just her or if all Labs are like that!
  16. Well, I just found out.I went to this website it has secrets that pet food companies dont want you to know.The link is [url]http://www.geocities.com/ringdobe/dfinfo1.htm[/url].I dunno what to trust..what most people say, or what one VERY convincing person says...HELP ME DECIDE!!!!I want to get Duck the best food she can get!!Even if I have to look at raw meat(which I hate)3 times a day!!
  17. I just bought a suasage(not a hot dog) and stuffed half of it into Duck's PEANUT-BUTTER-FILLED BONE and she LOVES it!!I gave it to her after her supper and she hasn't even started chewing on the cables!! :lol:
  18. Is Science Diet a good brand?Cuz the vets recommend it, but I dunno if it's cuz it's more expensive or what.I think most ppl like Eukanuba better, but I used to feed Eukanuba to my Akita, but she wouldn't eat it, so we switched back.Duck's a different matter, but It's really hard to find a pet store that sells Eukanuba here.Most people feed human food, Pedigree, or some really un-known brand.
  19. I know lots of stuff about them that I found in books and on websites, but I just wanna know what you guys think of them and any more info you can add, like how long it usually takes for a puppy to stop chewing on me.. :-?
  20. I'm just wondering what kind of food your dogs eat...canned, dry, or semi-moist, and what brand and stuff.Duckie eats Science Diet, which I think is a really good brand.Some people like Eukanuba better, so....just wondering... :D
  21. Thanks for answering all my questions!!
  22. Oh!!You guys are SOO lucky!!They don't sell hot dogs here!!! :cry: I wanted to give Duckie a hot dog!!! :(
  23. AHHHH!!!2 years??!!!LOL!!I'll endure it!! 8) Duck barks whenever she hears somebody in the house, like if I close the door.People said that it would be easier to train Duck to bark on command then to stop her barking...Is that true?When I'm at home, I let Duck down in the livingroom with me, and I take her out to pee every hour(that's no problem), but I can't do ANYTHING when she's with me cuz I'm watching her all the time!!I put peanut butter in her bone,told her to sit, then gave her the bone, and she loses interest in like 5 seconds and comes to my chair and sits wanting something else, or else she chews on my feet or the electonic cables and chair legs.I have to run to get from one room to another when she's with me, or my foot will be bitten off(not really, just, hurt).2 years... :roll: :-?
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