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Teaching "Down-stay"


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Okay. K is excellent at sit-staying and I can probably get her to just sit there for about 5 minutes, as long as she sees there's a treat and she'll be rewarded. But down-stay...that's a whole other ball game! She just refuses to do it. I put her in down and the minute she hears "stay", she goes into sit position. How do you teach a dog "down-stay"?? :-?

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Sounds like she thinks that "stay" means to stay in a sit, and doesn't understand that it applies to other things. Many people teach their dogs to simply hold their sit or down until told to do something else, so that may be a better option for you, and it's easier for some dogs to understand. You would teach without the "stay" almost the same as with, put her in a down, then stand there for a second, reward. Next one, put her in a down, move back a step, come back, reward; and so on, adding more distance as she starts to better understand what you want.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

that's true..reward her when she stays even if its for just a few seconds..
as soon as she starts to get up, tell her "no" gently and go back to her, correcting her position...and start over again, rewarding when she does what she's told..

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When your dog is in the down position, stand directly in front of her nose. Give her a treat while she is in the down position. If you reward her after she gets up, she'll think it is for getting up. After she can stay for a few seconds release her and praise. Gradually move farther and farther away from her and increase the time as well, but don't jump too far too fast. Good luck!

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