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Romek, moj pierwszy... najukochanszy...


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Romek- moj pierwszy, najukochanszy...


Odszedl niespodziewanie w wyniku calego szeregu bledow Irlandzkich veterynarzy: rak tkanki kostnej zdiagnozowany jako reumatyzm. Kiedy juz przyjechalismy do Polski, nie bylo dla niego zadnych szans... Cala historie, ktora w skrocie mozna opisac "w 6 tygodni od utykania na jedna lapke do zatkanego odbytu" opisalem tutaj:



Ponizej najwazniejsze fakty:

It all has started about 5th of April: he started limping on his left leg. We went to our vet, she was suspecting some muscles inflammation and gave us anti inflammatory meds and told us to come back in a week. It did not helped a lot, so we came back. We did xray and diagnosis was: arthritis.

I had to relocate myself: 2500 km of driving + 16 hours on the ferry. I was told that he will be fine to travel.

About 5th May, he has developed an allergy on his paws. As this was usual for us for last 12 years, we went to the vet. Our vet was on holidays so another vet at the clinic was looking at him. I did flagged that Romek does have problem to poop sometimes and it does happen sometimes he does nothing. He told me that’s from the leg: he does not have enough pressure. However he put his finger into his bottom and cleaned it. I asked again if he is ok to travel. He said that he is 100% fine.

On Saturday 11th of may, i took my dogs for their final checks, and passport stamps.

On Monday 15th of May, we head off and took the ferry. On the ferry i have noticed his left leg had swollen a bit. I have already been looking for best vet in our new town. We arrived on Wednesday, and the dogs made some jokes in the car:).

On Sunday i had best vet in town. He have done more xrays and said to me: “it’s a bullshit not arthritis, it’s a cancer, but I don’t know where yet. Bring him on Monday, there will be more colleagues with me. We will find it”. He gave him stronger pain killers. He did not pooped on Saturday at all. We came in, and there were 7 people looking after Romek.
I barely was able to fit my hand to hold him. And he was so calm... like never before. They quickly found whats causing swollen leg, took a sample of it. I said that he pooped last time on Saturday, and he is keep trying to poop, i also noticed he has been trying to pee but could not find any fluids after... but he was drinking and eating as usual.

They put the finger to his bottom: reaction was: “F.... he has a cancer in his bottom”. Future test (manual, as there is no proper pet scanner in town) that it spread to his pelvis, and blocked his bottom completely.

I asked how it is that he is eating and drinking normally, and vet told me that location of this cancer is very specific: dog will be eating and drinking as usual because stomach is not affected.

They told me that there is no hope for him. I decided to go home and have a proper godbay for him from me and my other dog. My sister was insisting to get 2nd opinion. She booked us with her vet, very experienced vet in her town. We gave the boys a proper dinner, took the car and took off.

2nd opinion was exact the same or even worst: he was sure that 25% of his bones are affected. There is absolutely no hope for Romek. If i don’t euthanise him, he will die in horrible pain.
I asked him: if he was diagnosed properly earlier would there be a hope for him? He said: yes but only if it didn’t started on his pelvis. We can remove cancer from his bottim but not pelvis.

We left the vet, and as soon as we left building he has started trying to poop and pee. He tried for 5 minutes and then just lies down, looked at me and told me: Dad, I can’t.... i don’t want to...

I did let my other dog to say to good bay to Romek, and took him back to the vet. I was holding him to the very end in my arms...

Nie mam juz sil... Mam jeszcze drugiego psa, ktory podobnie jak ja: nie wie co ze soba zrobic. To wszystko potoczylo sie tak szybko...

Nie potrafie nawet schowac jego miseczki, ciagle lezy tam gdzie lezala....

Bol... czy on kiedys minie?

Licze na to ze bedzie troche lepiej jak juz do mnie wroci... Czekamy na urne z jego prochami...


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Bardzo Co wspólczuje...Ból stępieje,a pamięci I sercu Romek pozostanie...Siły Ci życzę...

I jeszcze jedno = z taka diagnozą psina rzeczywiście nie miał szans.Rak zabiłby go niezależnie od podjętych dzałań medycznych.

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1 hour ago, bou said:

Bardzo Co wspólczuje...Ból stępieje,a pamięci I sercu Romek pozostanie...Siły Ci życzę...

I jeszcze jedno = z taka diagnozą psina rzeczywiście nie miał szans.Rak zabiłby go niezależnie od podjętych dzałań medycznych.

Bou, dzieki...

wedlug lekarza ktory badal go tutaj, jesli rak zaczal sie od nogi: mial szanse, po zaatakowaniu odbytu rowniez. A wszystko wszystko wskazuje na to ze zaczelo sie od nozki, potem problem z zalatwianiem, powiekszony wezel kolanowy, zatkany odbyt. 

Fakt, szanse moze byly male ale on zostal ich zupelnie pozbawiony.   I to wlasnie boli najbardziej...

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Drongal...nigdy nie zrozumiem jaki cel mają niektórzy lekarze w snuciu takich opowieści....potęgowanie żalu I bólu?Sama nigdy głupio nie 'pocieszam',ale też nie dołuję...

Romek nie był młodzikiem,nowotwór łapki leczony mógłby być jedynie amputacją...takie rozrosty komórek "sieją" na cały organism,u Romcia tak było...Postaraj się przyjąc do wiadomości,że Romek był ofiarą najbardziej bezwzględnego mordercy na świecie - nowotworu,że nasza wiedza jedynie w minimalnym procencie pozwala na zwycięstwo.

Wiem,że gniew I bezsilność rozrywa Ci duszę...ale jest tu jeden jasniejszy promyczek...Romek nie nacierpiał się miesiącami,nie umierał w mękach.Jego choroba trwała stosunkowo krótko.

Pamietaj dobre chwile,szacunek dla Ciebie za całą postawę... "I was holding him to the very end in my arms"... I am crying...and I am wholeheartedly with you...............

Ukochaj drugiego piesa,on Cie bardzo teraz potrzebuje...

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