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Everything posted by Ickle

  1. [b]It seemed like a good idea at the time I saw two of them and as you say BK they were lovely dogs which were bred for a specific purpose.[/b] Ickle
  2. [b]Last time I heard of labradoodles in the UK they were being bred for guide dogs for the blind for people who were allergic to dog hair don't if it came to anything Ickle[/b]
  3. welcome back Shady Lady Congrats on the puppies Ickle
  4. [b]Touching poem Eric thanks for sharing Ickle[/b]
  5. [size=6][b]September 11th 2003 A Day Of Remembrance My thoughts & prayers are with everyone who has been so badly affected by this tragedy God Bless You All[/b][/size] [b]Ickle[/b]
  6. I always have pooh bags in all my jackets/coats. I hate seeing other people leaving doggie -dos lying in the street/parks and anywhere else It is not nice or polite Ickle
  7. Thank god for all us crazy dog folks Hope your new neighbours are dog minded like us
  8. Thinking positive thoughts for Charlie I pray he will find a home soon Ickle
  9. A DOGS BEDTIME PRAYER Now I lay me down to sleep, the king sized bed is soft and deep. I sleep right in the centre groove, my human being can hardly move. I've trapped his/her legs, He's/She's tucked in tight, and here is where I pass the night. No one disturbs me or dares intrude, till morning comes and "I want food!" I sneak up slowly to begin, and nibble on my human's chin. For the morning's here, and it's time to play... I always seem to get my way. So thank you Lord for giving me, this human person that I see. The one who hugs, and holds me tight, and shares his/her bed with me at night. Ickle
  10. Date Posted: 09/02/2003 5:57 PM Retired Show Dog -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He sits to the side, out of the way While others beg head rubs, or force you to play. His dark liquid eyes watch your every move Hoping and waiting, his love to prove. He was shown many times, a promising pup And he just got better as he grew up. A picture of health, robust and strong, His gait and topline, never went wrong. But his prime has passed, and he seems to know, That he'll never again be put in a show. He eats, sleeps, not much more than that, And maybe he's getting a little too fat. He loves to be brushed, when you have the time, He waits his turn at the end of the line. You think of him, sure, but not nearly as much As those promising pups, that new special and such. So he sits and he waits, till you have time, To make the same fuss as you did in his prime. A scrap of affection, or playful shove, To him it means everything, to him it means LOVE!! (author unknown) Ickle
  11. If It Should Be If it be I grow frail and weak, And pain should wake me from my sleep Then you must do what must be done, For this last battle can't be won. You will be sad, I understand, Don't let grief then stay your hand, For this day, more than all the rest, Your love and friendship stand the test. We've had so many happy years, What is to come will hold no fears, You'd not want me to suffer, so When the time comes - please let me go. Take me where my needs they'll tend, Only stay with me till the end, And hold me firm and speak to me, Until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you too will see, It is a kindness you do me, Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I've been saved Do not; grieve that it should be you, Who has, to decide this thing to do, We've been so close-we two these years Don't let your heart hold any tears. From another Liat Ickle
  12. Fingers crossed for a healthy litter and look forward to seeing the pics Ickle
  13. Pet Peeves from the dog's perspective: From another List 1. Blaming your farts on me...not funny...not funny at all. 2. Yelling at me for barking...I AM A DOG!! 3. How you naively believe that the stupid cat isn't all over everything while you're gone. Have you noticed that your toothbrush tastes a little like cat spit?!! 4. Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out. Exactly whose walk is this anyway? 5. Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose.....stop it. 6. Yelling at me for rubbing my bum on your carpet. Why'd you buy carpet? 7. Getting upset when I sniff the crotches of your guests. Sorry, but I haven't quite mastered that firm handshake thing yet. 8. How you act disgusted when I lick myself. Look, we both know the truth, you're just jealous. 9. Dog sweaters. Hello...have you noticed the fur? 10. Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. Now you know why we chew your stuff up when you're not home. 11. When you pick up the poop in the yard. Do you realize how far behind schedule that puts me? 12. Taking me to the vet for "the big snip," then acting surprised when I freak out every time we go back. 13. The sleight of hand, fake-fetch-throw. You fooled a dog! What a proud moment for the top of the food chain. Ickle A suggested appendix to the above why buy a dining table when I am not allowed to jump on and eat off it when you are not there Anon
  14. You are right Tater,DogPaddle,Abker & Elle I have been co-ordinater if the sheltie rescue in England for more years than I care to remember and we would be useless without a sense of humour, understanding & compasssion Ref 10 Elle we do realise not everyone is able or inclined to take on their relative.s dog.and give our support & help in finding a new home for these unfortunate dogs Good to know you all care. Thank you on behalf of all rescuers. Ickle
  15. [u] Post subject: For all who Rescue [/u] Hello: You have reached 123-4567, Tender Hearts Rescue. Due to the high volume of calls we have been receiving, please listen closely to the following options and choose the one that best describes you or your situation: Press 1 if you think we are veterinarians and want free medical advice. Press 2 if you know we are a rescue organization but want to save money and have us give you free, untrained medical advice anyway. Press 3 if you make $200,000 a year but still want us to pay to spay the "stray" in your yard (house). Press 4 if you have a 10-year-old dog and your 15-year-old son has suddenly become allergic and you need to find the dog a new home right away. Press 5 if you have three dogs, had a baby and want to get rid of your dogs because you are the only person in the world to have a baby and dogs at the same time. Press 6 if your dog is sick and needs a vet but you need the money for your vacation. Press 7 if you just got a brand new puppy and your old dog is having problems adjusting so you want to get rid of the old one right away. Press 8 if your little puppy has grown up and is no longer small and cute and you want to trade it in for a new model. Press 9 if you are elderly and want to adopt a cute puppy who is not active and is going to outlive you. Press 10 if your relative has died and you don't want to care for their elderly dog because it doesn't fit your lifestyle. Press 11 if you are moving today and need to immediately place your 150 pound, 8-year-old dog. Press 12 if you want an unpaid volunteer to come to your home today and pick up the dog you no longer want. Press 13 if you have been feeding and caring for a "stray" for the last three years, are moving and suddenly determine it's not your dog. Press 14 if you are calling at 6 a.m. to make sure you wake me up before I have to go to work so you can drop a dog off on your way to work. Press 15 to leave us an anonymous garbled message, letting us know you have left a dog in our yard in the middle of January, which is in fact, better than just leaving the dog with no message. Press 16 if you are going to get angry because we are not going to take your dog that you have had for fifteen years, because it is not our responsibility. Press 17 if you are going to threaten to take your ten year old dog to be euthanized because I won't take it. Press 18 if you're going to get angry because the volunteers had the audacity to go on vacation and leave the dogs in care of a trusted volunteer who is not authorized to take your personal pet. Press 19 if you want one of our perfectly trained, housebroken, kid and cat friendly purebred tiny dogs that we have an abundance of. Press 20 if you want us to take your dog that has a slight aggression problem, i.e. has only bitten a few people and killed your neighbour’s cats. Press 21 if you have already called once and been told we don't take personal surrenders but thought you would get a different person this time with a different answer. Press 22 if you want us to use space that would go to a stray to board your personal dog while you are on vacation, free of charge, of course. Press 23 if it is Christmas Eve or Easter morning and you want me to deliver an eight week old puppy to your house by 6:30 am before your kids wake up. Press 24 if you have bought your children a duckling, chick or baby bunny for Easter and it is now Christmas and no longer cute. Press 25 if you want us to take your female dog who has already had ten litters, but we can't spay her because she is pregnant again and it is against your religion. Press 26 if you're lying to make one of our younger volunteers feel bad and take your personal pet off your hands. Press 27 if your cat is biting and not using the litter box because it is declawed, but are not willing to accept the responsibility that the cat's behaviour is altered because of your nice furniture. Press 28 if your two year old male dog is marking all over your house but you just haven't gotten around to having him neutered. Press 29 if you previously had an outdoor only dog and are calling because she is suddenly pregnant. Press 30 if you have done "everything" to housebreak your dog and have had no success but you don't want to crate the dog because it is cruel. Press 31 if you didn't listen to the message asking for an evening phone number and you left your work number when all volunteers are also working and you are angry because no one called you back. Press 32 if you need a puppy immediately and cannot wait because today is your daughter's birthday and you forgot when she was born. Press 33 if your dog's coat doesn't match your new furniture and you need a different colour or breed. Press 34 if your new love doesn't like your dog and you are too stupid to get rid of the new friend (who will dump you in the next month anyway) instead of the dog. Press 35 if you went through all these 'presses' and didn't hear enough. This press will connect you to the sounds of tears being shed by one of our volunteers who is holding a discarded old dog while the vet mercifully frees him from of the grief of missing his family. WE SALUTE YOU RESCUERS AND VOLUNTEERS!!! from another list Ickle
  16. Alphabetical Guide to Whelping A - Abnormal Birth. The only kind you hear of after you have your bitch in whelp. B - Box for Whelping. Essential piece of equipment which is used at the onset of labour, but which is later left in order to produce the first pup on your bed/sofa. C - Cardiac Arrest. Not common in whelping bitches, but often seen in owners around 62nd day of bitches gestation. D - Dog. What you wish you had bought in the first place. E - Euphemisms. For some reason adopted by breeders. e.g. "Puppies are thriving" means puppies have just eaten next months housekeeping budget in five days. F - False Alarms. Games played by whelping bitches to keep owners on their toes. G - Garden. What you had before your puppies. H - Hand Rearing. Not recommended unless you have eight hands. I - Imperfections. Your puppies of course, have none. J - Joy. Despite other comments, puppies bring a lot of it with them. K - Kennel. That shed in the garden that used to stay empty until you stored tools in it. L - Long Sleep Ins. What you don't have for a very long time. M - Milk. You will need a lot of it. Recommend developing friendship with someone in the trade. N - Next time you'll be more organized! O - Old Clothes. The only kind you have after rearing puppies. P - Pedigree. After writing out a five generation pedigree eight times, you will agree there is a lot to be said for mongrels. Q - Quota. Dictionary defines this word as "finite quantity." Visualize litter of eight -- and then number nine arrives. R - Refurnishing. Takes place after sorting out debris once the last puppy is gone. S - Stress. Can be bought in cans. Can also be found accompanied by strain in owners. T - Teeth. Teething puppies are an upholsterers dream. See "R." U - Useful Articles. Scissors, cotton, LARGE WHISKEY. V - Vet. The chap whose phone number you learn by heart. W - Weaning. Excellent method for getting the smallest amount of milk or food over the largest area of floors, walls, clothing, etc., in the shortest time. X - X-rayed. What your head should have been before you started all this. Y - Yellow Fever. About the only disease you decide the puppies don't have when they sneeze the first time. Z - Zigzag Zoom! Puppies do it when you try to catch them to put them back in their puppy pen. :lol: :lol: :lol: - author unknown - Ickle
  17. A Loan From God God promised at the birth of time, a special friend to give, his time on earth is short, he said, so love him while he lives. It may be six or seven years, or twelve or then sixteen but will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me? A wagging tail and cold wet nose, and silken velvet ears, a heart as big as all outdoors, to love you through the years. His puppy ways will gladden you, and antics bring a smile, as guardian or friend he will, be loyal all the while. He'll bring his charms to grace your life, and though his stay be brief, when he's gone the memories, are solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return, but lessons only a dog can teach, I want you each to learn. Whatever love you give to him, returns in triple measure, follow his lead and gain a life, brim full of simple pleasure. Enjoy each day as it comes, allow your heart to guide, be loyal and steadfast in love, as the dog there by your side. Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labour vain, nor hate me when I come to call, to take him back again? I fancy each of us would say, "Dear Lord, thy will be done, for all the joy this day shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run." "We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may, and for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay." "But shall the angels call for him, much sooner than we've planned, we'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand." Author Unknown Don't Grieve Too Long Don't grieve too long for now I'm free, I'm following the path God set for me. I ran to Him when I heard His call, I barked good-by and left it all. I could not stay Another day, To chase, to love, to run and play. Games left unplayed must stay that way, I found such peace it made my day. My parting has left you with a void, So fill it with your remembered joy. A friendship shared, your laugh, a kiss, Oh, yes, these things I too shall miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full, you've given so much, Your time, your love and gentle touch. Perhaps my time seemed all to brief, Don't lengthen it now with undue grief ~Author Unknown~ From another list Ickle
  18. That stupid I am afraid Gooeydog :angryy: Ickle
  19. View previous topic :: View next topic Author Message Ickle Addicted Joined: 16 Jul 2002 Posts: 472 Location: UK Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 8:11 pm Post subject: I WAS THERE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From another List I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep. I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep. I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here." I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea, You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me. I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore. I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more. I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care. I want to reassure you, that I'm not lying there. I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key. I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said "it's me." You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair. I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there. It's possible for me, to be so near you everyday. To say to you with certainty, "I never went away." You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew ... in the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you. The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning and say "goodnight, God bless, I'll see you in the morning." And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side. I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see. Be patient, live your journey out ... then come home to be with me.
  20. So sorry for your loss Behle Keep smiling for Max He would not wish you to miserable and remember as long as you remember him he will always be with you till you are re-united at the bridge The poems were just beautiful folks I am sat here with tears running down my face My thoughts & prayers are with you both Behle & Max Ickle
  21. For usual washing I use a blue shampoo made for poodles Ickle
  22. Hi Mommacat I am sure you already have much advise on coat shampoo .The thing is the japanese spitz coat is double thickness and should only have a soft undercoat with a slightly harsher top coat. just like your sams. You wanted something to use between wet shampoos well I use a human dry shampooo called [b]Baptiste[/b] it in a spray can which lets you get down to the skin if you need to get that deep. (Would n't you know it I cannot find the can to tell you the maker but will be getting more tomorrow so will email again) You just spray it all over the coat and brush or rub it it gently thru the coat leave it for 10-15 or so ( longer if there is a wet stain when I would let it dry)and then brush it all out. ( Take care to avoid the eyes) I find it great for between shows and if they get their feet or feathering dirty at the show .(Of course here we have to remove all the powder before going in the ring, Good for white on any dog. I use it on my shelties & frenchies. Ickle Hope this helps and if I can help at any time I am only to happy so please do not hesitate to ask :D :D
  23. Ickle

    Rescue Dogs

    just had to post this - got it off the Oz/rescue List) RESCUE DOGS Once I was a lonely dog, Just looking for a home. I had no place to go, No one to call my own. I wandered up and down the streets, in rain in heat and snow. I ate whatever I could find, I was always on the go. My skin would itch, my feet were sore, My body ached with pain. And no one stopped to give a pat Or gently say my name. I never saw a loving glance, I was always on the run. For people thought that hurting me Was really lots of fun. And then one day I heard a voice So gentle, kind and sweet, And arms so soft reached down to me And took me off my feet. "No one again will hurt you" Was whispered in my ear. "You'll have a home to call your own where you will know no fear" "You will be dry, you will be warm, you'll have enough to eat" "And rest assured that when you sleep, your dreams will all be sweet" I was afraid I must admit, I've lived so long in fear. I can't remember when I let A human come so near. And as she tended to my wounds And bathed and brushed my fur She told me 'bout the rescue group And what it meant to her. She said "We are a circle, A line that never ends". "And in the centre there is you protected by new friends". "And all around you are the ones that check the pound, And those that share their home after you've been found". "And all the other folk are searching near and far". "To find the perfect home for you, where you can be a star". She said, "There is a family, that's waiting patiently, and pretty soon we'll find them, just you wait and see". "And then they'll join our circle they'll help to make it grow, so there'll be room for more like you, who have no place to go". I waited very patiently, The days they came and went. Today's the day I thought, my family will be sent. Then just when I began to think it wasn't meant to be, there were people standing there just gazing down at me. I knew them in a heart beat, I could tell they felt it too. They said, "We have been waiting for a special dog like you". Now every night I say a prayer to all the Gods that be. "Thank you for the life I live and all you've given me". "But most of all protect the dogs in the pounds and on the street". "And send a Rescue Person to lift them off their feet". Author Unknown. Ickle
  24. Hi Mommacat CCs are the cards you need to become a champion (Title) In the UK you need thee challenge certificates (CC) under three different judges to gain the title champion. ( To gain the title you need to get at least one of the three CCs when the dog is over 12months) Coat should as the samoyed. (They are believed to be related way back in their history) Treat the coat as you would your sammy's and you will not go wrong except we do trim around their feet & up the back of the [b]rear legs [/b]to the hock joint [b]Japs do not have snowshoes[/b]. If you saw the parents and you were happy about how the pup had been raised and the conditions where she lived were acceptable,then that is all that matters.She obviously has a good temprament or you would not have her. Why do you not collect all the info you can on your bitch (she must have a pedigree from her parents(( If not hers then theirs)and send a copy to the AKC who may be able l to help you with regards to registration etc. good luck with your baby & I loved the pics. Ickle good luck with her. Ickle
  25. You are most welcome Mommacat It is the only book we know for the breed Enjoy your spitz rhey are a lovely breed. :angel: How did you acquire them? Ickle
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