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Scout won't play with other dogs


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I have a shih tzu mix who [u][i]loves[/i][/u] people, but will not play with other dogs. I enrolled him in a puppy kindergarten class, and occasionally he will sniff one of the smaller dogs, but refuses to play like the rest of the puppies do. I take him everywhere with me and he is never shy, except when there are other dogs around. Any advice on how to get him to act more like a dog and less like a human?

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I would suggest you get him around a really mellow puppy. Ideally another small breed. Another idea is to get him around a very tolerant older dog. Puppies often move quickly and play hard and often times rudely. If Scout is already intimidated a typical obnoxious puppy may intimidate him and make the situation worse. Once he becomes more comfortable he may learn to actually play. Also a group of puppies can be intimidating to even a semi-confident dog. Get him one one one with a dog/puppy he isn't fearful of and then try to initiate an activity he enjoys. The more positive experiences he has around other dogs the better.

Good Luck!

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If he is a very young puppy, don't push him. Give him time to get used to being in a big scary room with lots of other dogs. Reassure him using treats and you yourself should also get down on the floor and pet the other puppies so that your own pup can see that you trust the other dogs. Dogs learn so much from us so in this scenario its just a matter of you showing him that theres nothing to be afraid of. Good luck and enjoy the classes! :wink:

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