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Everything posted by imported_Debbie

  1. Lovely stuffed animals, [size=6][color=red][b]but NO JACK RUSSELLS !! ARRGGHH !![/b][/color][/size] :evil:
  2. Sheesh, what's the name of your ultrasonic devise ??? I have 2 Jack Russells that bark everytime the wind moves. I sure could use some help. :oops: I've tried "NO" , I've tried spraying with vinegar/water, nothing works..... I know Terriers are known to be a little yappy, but when they get going in concert it's ear shattering. :o :roll:
  3. I have also heard canned Pumpkin can help and a sprinkle of Metamucil on their food ....... :wink: Not both together , but one or the other. :wink: I'd like to hear some of those gross gland stories !! :lol: :lol:
  4. Hi Shannon, Sorry to hear about Charlie !! Sounds awful...... :( All of my girrllzz are being afflicted by the high pollen count this year as well. Sassy,and Maisy both have been doing alot of sneezing and reverse sneezing (very violent bouts) Sassy being the worst had to get on an anti-inflammatory medication. Gretchen was shaking her head very vigorously and her left ear is afflicted because of Allergies and she has to have Panalog ointment ,7-10 drops in left ear 2X/day. Do you know how fun it is to give a 90lb. horse ear drops ???!!! She absolutely hates them !! :evil: Give our furry friends Charlie , Patch, Penny,Merlin , CAsper, and Tigger lots of snuggies and kissies !! :buzi:
  5. Crested, Welcome to the wonderful world of Impacted Anal Glands !! :lol: :lol: Maisy has always had a problem with them.... I had to have her *expressed* at the Vets..... What a nasty thing that was, I don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon. :o Ben should go back on dry food, also my Vet suggested Pumpkin added to the food, (not pie mix) but real pumpkin in a can. They also said you could add (sprinkle) a little Metamucil on the food, but you have to play around with amount , too much could make them too loose. :o There is no other smell in the world as bad as anal gland fluid, well maybe cat pee........ :lol: :wink:
  6. I think Gretchen must have been a big black bear or a big black Clydesdale horse !! :o Maisy I think would've been a great little fox. :D And I don't think Sassy was an animal in another life...... I think she was a human, she's so refined and Queenly, I think she was Cleopatra :wink:
  7. Kat, I had an Akita/Rott for 15yr., great dog, her only flaw was being dog aggressive. Wonderful companion. :angel: I will post a pic of her as soon as I can. :wink:
  8. I agree, I hate Pet stores that sell puppies too !! :evil: We have a big one called Pet Depot and I always look at the puppies. :( I feel so bad for them, they almost never have anything to lay on , just the cold wire bottom cages. :cry: Puppies need to be playing and interacting. They always look so depressed in those cages. :cry: They do cost way more than breeders, but that's cause the pet store has to make a profit too. They count on the puppies cuteness to pull people into impulse buying. Alot of people don't do their homework before buying a puppy. :-? And most of these pet stores give their customers instant financing. :evilbat:
  9. [quote name='*marysmama*']:lol: I should be so lucky. I spend most of my time trying to get my 3 to shut up!! One tiny little squeak in the floor will set them off and it can take minutes just to get them to stop. The little rascals egg each other on. Tell your hubby I'd rather have his problem!! :D[/quote] REALLY !! D, I don't see a problem !! NOW, Marysmama and I have problems !! :lol: We have Jack Russells that bark at the wind !! :lol: :wink: My Gretchen who is Rott/Lab doesn't bark either, for the most part. She emits this quiet low growly thing. Everyone is right , the dog will bark when it feels it's needed. :wink: I used to have an Akita that would never bark before it attacked (Very dog aggressive) She could never be off lead outside the house.
  10. [size=6][color=yellow][b]Congratulations Duck !! [/b][/color][/size] I hope your happy in Texas also !! Must be a bit of culture shock going from Taiwan to Texas !! :o [size=3][color=red][i]Personally I don't agree with paper training..... I think it's best just to get them going outside right from the git go !![/i][/color][/size] :wink:
  11. Kiger :lol: :lol: :lol: Sassy had that same Hedgehog, and it was her favorite too !! She had it about 6months and then we got Gretchen ......... well he didn't last too long after Gretchen came into the picture. :evilbat: RIP , Mr. Hedgie :(
  12. Welcome Tracy, DinkyDoodle,and Kelly-Marie !! :D Glad to see some more fellow JRT lovers on here !! Would love to see some pictures of your furry babies !! :angel:
  13. Get used to it honey, I haven't had a private moment in the bathroom since I had kids :lol: The dogs also let themselves in, lucky for me , I don't have a gardner hanging around the premises !! :wink: That was an embarrassing moment , It was FUNNY !! :roflt: :roflt:
  14. Hi Erin, Isn't that funny that they got a Jack Russell out of Parson parents !! :o That's what's so great about Jacks, they're like a box of chocolates !! Ya never know what your going to get !! :lol: LOVE,LOVE,LOVE THEM !!! :angel:
  15. Holz, don't feel bad, I get the same retarded looks :o !! I refer to my 3, as my girrlzz. When I'm somewhere and I say " Oh I feel bad cause I left the girls home" or "I wonder what my girls are doing ?" :angel: People think I'm talking about my daughters, and I say "NO, not them !! I'm talking about my 4-legged girrlzz !!" And they look at me like I'm crazy !! :-? Then I say " If I were talking about my 2-legged ones , I'd call them my Hooligans !!" :evilbat:
  16. My girrlzz like to go on nice long walks,Sassy and Gretchen like to ride in the car, but not Maisy, she gets green :o , play chase in the yard, play tug o'war with there tug toys, bark at people walking by, be anywhere I am, snuggle under blankeys, and EAT !! :wink:
  17. Gretchen Josephine is called by her full name if she's in trouble ! Other names she's known by are ; Gretchie Gretch Gretchen Mulally Ya big lumox Big Blackie Sweet Pea Gretchen Josephina Rotten Lab Rottrador Sassafrass Louise; Sass Sassy Sassfrass Snow Queen Snow Flake Ya little witch Sassafrasser Queenie Raisinette (because her eyes are so dark , they look like raisinettes) Maisy Mae; Maise Maisy MooMoo Maiser Ya little wench Maisy the Menace Freckles Sweet wittle girl.... Kato(cat) Kato Kitty Mr.Stinkers Fat Cat Tubby Damn Cat Rotten Cat
  18. All those lovely attributes are probably why so many have been turned into fur coats !! :lol: :lol: (just kidding) :wink:
  19. We have 3 dogs and 1 cat, and believe me they'd love to raid the litter box !! When Kato was a kitten we had to have the box in the bathroom, but as soon as he was big enough to go down the basement stairs, that's where the box went !! :wink: For some reason the dogs will not go down the basement stairs !! Hooray !! So my problem was solved !! :D I don't think you should put anything in it , it may make your puppy sick. :(
  20. When I said " What an angelic face" I meant [color=red][b]YOUR [/b][/color]dog !! :lol: Coaley Moley is an Angel !! :angel: :lol: [size=2][color=indigo][i]Is Coal a purebred Lab ?[/i][/color][/size]
  21. Believe me you'll know when your dog has impacted anal glands..... the smell is like rotten tuna and tincans :o very nasty !! My youngest JRT has a problem with that and she had to go have her anal glands expressed at the Vets and believe me she didn't like it a bit !! :oops: And it was really nasty..... YUK !!
  22. AWWWW....... Look at that face ........ What an angelic dog !! :roll: Gretchen is a Lab/Rott and she was always a pretty good puppy as I recall.... :angel: [size=2][color=red][i]Mothers tend to forget the bad stuff !![/i][/color][/size] Gretchie will be 2 on Dec.25. , she's already 90+ pounds !! Vet thinks she's going to top out at 100+. :o She's definitely a sweetheart, has to be , to put up with her Jack Russell sisters !! :drinking: [img]http://www.printableexpressions.com/servlet/LinkPhoto?GUID=2c222569-60f6-259a-3551-32a9467153ec&size=lg[/img] Gretchen , Bear claws
  23. [quote name='HazelNutMeg']:lol: Oh man, someone has SERIOUSLY got to teach him that MY UNDERWEAR ARE NOT TOYS!! :o Today, he stoll three paires underwear, two (different) shoes, two blankets, a sock, and about 5 dish rags! I don't even know WHERE he's getting these dish rags! PLUS he draged our HUGE (like 50 times his little size!!) laundry basket out into the boot room, just to get my underwear! I'll tell ya... he is EVIL! :lol:[/quote] [size=6][color=violet][b]No he isn't ..... he's a cutie patootie little doll baby !! [/b][/color][/size]:angel:
  24. Gretchen Lab/Rott will get into my laundry baskets and raid them for socks and washcloths (her favorites) and shred them to pieces. I guess thats a good motivator for me to fold all the baskets right away !! :wink: She also will raid the bathroom garbage and carry around gross ,used , tissues in her mouth....... then I have to get them out ..... EWWWW....... :x And just like your dog , she acts real guilty...... :oops: I scold her but I can't stay mad at her for very long, she's just got those Doe eyes looking at me...... :angel:
  25. My Jack Russells are small enough to bathe right in the kitchen sink !! Easier on my back too !! :wink: Gretchen however , I only bathed once in the bath tub and I had black hair up to my elbows , all over the tub, and the bathroom ! Needless to say I've never done that again :roll: ....... I take her to the Doggy Beauty Salon !! We have a technical school here for Highschool Seniors who are learning Animal Science and Grooming. There is a licensed instructor who teaches them all aspects of running a shop. They only charge $8, and they do a fabulous job !! At that price I can afford it once a month !! And Gretchen always smells good , looks shiny , and I get compliments on her coat all the time !! :angel:
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