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Newfies and water questions


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Just a few questions about newfs and water. We live on a beach and right now our Landseer Bailey loves to play and swim, she is only 6 months old so maybe she isnt old enough or had enough swim time to have developed any "newf traits" in the water but here are the questions:

1) I heard they swim with a breast stroke instead of a dog paddle (ours swims like any other dog) does this develop naturally or do they have to be trained?

2) I know water rescue is a natural sense for them but will an untrained dog still attempt to pull people from the water?

3) How old should the dog be before water training is started? I have heard newfs might need to be trained twice because they tend to need refreshers when they are past the puppy stage.

Thanks for the help.

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Thanks for the help Newfie mom. I am pretty sure to get WR certified in Canada you have to have breed papers etc. We bought from a breeder who charged more to get the papers so we didnt bother, we just wanted her as a pet anyway. I have read that it is against the law not to have papers for a purebred newf in Canada though we did not know that until after we bought her. The lady we bough Bailey from is registered on the Canadian sites so I think we are all right I hope...

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