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Everything posted by Crested

  1. I'm getting more pictures tomorrow, so I'll see if I can put something more to that page. :) Isn't her face adorable? One black eye and one white eye... I sent the reservation money allready, so she's now REALLY going to be mine. And next month I'm going to see her! Oh, I can't wait!! :D Oh... by the way... (just out of curiosity) Why hasn't anybody written in the guestbook? ;) :lol:
  2. Ok... Pictures and info about my ONE WEEK old baby girl can be seen if you click on the following address: [url]http://personal.inet.fi/koti/crested[/url] Click on the UK flag to get the english version and then check out the page called BELLA and allso check out the PEDIGREE below her name! Have you ever seen a more fantastic pedigree? Oh, I'm so proud! Oh, and just as a warning... there are pictures of her when she was just one DAY old, so who ever has easy to catch puppy feever, do NOT go on that page. ;) Oh, and feel free to post something in the guestbook... ;) *wink, wink* Three more weeks to go before I can see her live! :cry: /Crest
  3. I've heard that the lifespan of a Crested is about 15 years...
  4. I got my two first pics of Bella and she looks good enough to eat! She is SOOO adorable and she's just 1 day old! I won't put pictures here YET, because it's not 110% that I can have her... I still have to wait a little, but at the minute that I hear she IS going to be mine, you'll get pics and LOADS of them! I promise! But I can describe her! ;) Her face is half black and half white. Bothe her ears are black, but there comes this white "stripe" from the neck and I think it goes under her chin. The white stripe allso goes over her left eye! :D She looks so cute! Then her paws are white and the tiny tip of her tail is white! She looks so adorable! Oh, now I've got an even worse puppy feever! But it's kind of better when I've finally seen my girl!
  5. Thanks... Oh... I hate theese butterflies in my stomache and I still have to wait FOUR WEEKS before I can see them! Oh what kind of pain this is!!
  6. The breeder told me last night that the puppy's face is half black and half white and that it's got this wite marking on her forhead. :D I can't wait to see photos of her... :iloveyou: The weird thing is that she's been born on the same week that Ben has! She was born on the 22:nd and Ben is born 26:th. So they have nearly EXACLY two years age diffirence! :D And an even weirder part is that Ben and the girl are RELATED! Ben's mom and the pup's mom have the same daddy! :D And I allredy have the name figured out. Bella. Do you know what Bella means? It's italian and means 'beautifull'... :iloveyou: :D :D /Crest
  7. I've been thinking... there are a lot of mixed information out there about when it would be ok to breed a girl dog. Some say it depends on the size (I agree with that) and some say that ALL dogs (of all sizes and breeds) have to be atleast 1 year old. So a dog that is 1 year old is ok to be bred. What do you think... how young is too young? And vice versa... When do you think a dog is too old to be bred? Do you have a diffirent look on when to breed small companion dogs and large dogs? Would you buy a puppy from a litter that the mommy is just 1 year old? I'm just curious on the whole matter, because I once read in a book that small comanion dogs should be bred the first time at 6months, because at that time the hips will widen better and result in easy births in the future. They didn't say that the dogs HAVE to be bred, but that it tecnically if you only look at that hip thing, that is the best time for the first litter. What do you think? I thin 6 months is [i]way[/i] too young for a litter!
  8. Ok... this is Ben last winter: [img]http://personal.inet.fi/koti/crested/vasy.jpg[/img] And this is Ben this summer at our summer cabin: [img]http://personal.inet.fi/koti/crested/holiday/hello.jpg[/img]
  9. [quote name='snowpaws']Is it normal for the pp to be different sizes? cos Winston is really big, and Gizzy is alot smaller :-?[/quote] Chinese Cresteds can vary in size, it has nothing to do with coat... I don't remember the size thing in english, but Chinese Cresteds can be from 23-33cm and some are even bigger. I've heard of CC's that are 40cm, but I haven't seen them myself. I love the small CC's and this pup will be pretty tiny. :D [quote name='snowpaws']Blossom is a little sweetie too, she is the hairless, its weird cos in the winter her skin goes really pink, and in the summer is goes almost black![/quote] Hairless CC's do tan. They can be almoast white at winter and black at summer. :D Hmm... I should show you a winter and summer pic of Ben... Want to see? [quote name='snowpaws']Do any of your get spots on there backs? She always has them, like little black heads on her back...we don't pick them...at all :lol: [/quote] Ben has a spot and zit problem... Some say that it's because a dog isn't washed often enough, but I don't believe that. Some allso say that true hairlesses have more spot problems then hairy hairlesses (that have to be shaved so that they will be hairless), but I have no experiences of that so I can't say. For the zits and blackheads I use Etiderm on Ben. It's an antibacterial dog shampoo that can be bought from the pharmacy (Etiderm NOT VETRiderm). You wash with it and it cleanses the pores and makes a protecting "shield" on the skin so that the zits don't come again. That shampoo is like magic. Now when I see a couple zits on Ben, I wash him with Etiderm and they disappear! I think it's amazing! I don't know in wich contries it can be bought, but if I remember correcly it's an american product and I know it can be atleast bought in Finland and Sweden... I highly recomend it! ;) /Crest
  10. K: First I waited 2 months for a litter to be born, before that I was interested in another litter where enough babies weren't born... Then from that other litter... it should have been born one more hairless baby girl and I would have got my honey... Then phone call after phone call and e-mail after e-mail to so many diffirent breeders that I honestly thought to myself that if this isn't going to work, I'm going to forget about Chinese Cresteds and swich to Poodles instead! :D (One of my friends told me not to be a pessimist, but I anwserd that I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist! :lol:) Then I waited 2 months for this litter, but I wasn't that hopefull, because there had been so many disapointments allredy... And now I have atleast a chanse to get a puppy! If and when I get the pup, my number one priority will be socializing the kid. I made a big misstake when I tried to socialize Ben. I understood that it was important, but I didn't realize HOW important it was, so now Ben is a pretty scared creature and I'm not going to do that again. I'm going to drag the pup to town from day one. I'm not going to let it walk by itself there, smelling dog poo after dog poo, but in my arms... That way the girl will see other people and strangers will come and pet her on the head and smile at her and she will get used to cars, trucks and things like that too. And when all the vaccinations have been taken, she can start smelling and checking other dogs out... in my arms she will offcourse see other dogs, but I'll try not to get her to connect with strange dogs yet.... Only the dogs I know have been vaccined and wormed. Do you think that would be smart? My head is spinning around and I can't think straight... And at home the first thing I'm going to teach her is "come". I'm going to let her be loose at our yard and teach her to be near me at all times. Now I don't have to worry about the neighbourgh's german shepard when the neighbourgh's have moved and the dog is no longer on this earth. (actually, this might sound cruel, but I think he's better off in heaven now then in a cage 24/7) Ohh.... I can't stop thinking of the pup... I really think I need a vacation too, like K had... :D :D
  11. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :D I still can't believe it... I've been waiting so long and I know I might have to wait some more if the baby has jaw problems or it's body isn't correct or if the breeder decides to keep her herself, but still... I have a chanse and that chanse seems amazing... And the most amazing thing of them all is that I can get both the drivers licence and my baby girl, because I can pay the baby little by little... Oh... I'm just so... so... so... exited! :D Wow... I really have to calm myself down! It's just that... I'm this close now!!
  12. My puppy was finally born today and I just got off the phone with the breeder. The phone conversation grew a "bit" long (4 hours) and it's now 2 am in the morning! One hairless baby girl was born and she said that she's not sure if she keeps her herself or if she keeps one of her powder sisters, but that if she doesn't keep it, I'm going to get it!!!! Ok... There are a lot of what if's yet, but this is the closest I've ever come to buying a puppy after Ben. The whole thing depends on what quality the baby girl will become (body structure) and offcourse on the jaws (the mommy has been known to make a some bad jaws) and then the hairlessness... It might become a hairless creature, but I'm still hopefull. Atleast I have a small chanse! Oh, I can't stand still!! I have to dance, but I'm too tired and my ear is really red (4 hours on a mobile phone...) so I'd better go to bed. Oh... MY PUPPY!!!!! Darn... I have to wait atleast 4 weeks before I can go and see her... But I promise you LOADS, and LOADS of pictures if everything goes well! :D /Crest
  13. Ok... I've been really sick this week (actually I can't remember when I've been this sick) and 5 minutes up equals for me 30 minutes rest, but I'm on the mend thanks to antibiotics. Anyway... I'm in the middle of puppy feever and I'm still wishing and hopeing to get a pup this summer, allthough the summer is not long here anymore and I started thinking... It took eight months to get Ben completely house trained (But he had the whole "I have to mark my territory over and over and over and over and over again), so I thought I'd ask you guys what YOU think is the best way to "potty train" a puppy and how did that work for you? :D /Crest
  14. Oh, Rowie don't mention it. I really love to collect stuff like that, so I thought that instead of keeping it to myself, I would share it. This way the things that I think is really funny or are just so incredibly beautifull can touche more people. :) /Crest
  15. Here are a few things I found while surfing on the net: [quote]Dog property laws 1. If I like it, it's mine. 2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine. 3. If I can take it from you, it's mine. 4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine. 5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way. 6. If I'm chewing something up, all the pieces are mine. 7. If it just looks like mine, it's mine. 8. If I saw it first, it's mine. 9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine. 10. If it's broken, it's yours.[/quote] This one is too long to put here, but here's the link. It's fantastic!! :D [url]http://www.badpets.net/DogHumor/EtiquetteForDogs.html[/url] This is not a joke thingy, it's something that really touched my heart and I thought I'd share... [quote]1. My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years Any separation from you will painful for me. Remember that before you buy me 2. Give me time to understand what you want of me 3. Place your trust in me- it's crucial to my Well-being. 4. Don't be angry at me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work your entertainment and your friends I have only you 5. Talk to me sometimes Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it's speaking to me 6. Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget it. 7. Remember before you hit me that l have teeth that could easily crushthe bones of your hand but that I choose not to bite you 8. Before you scold me for being uncooperative obstinate or lazy ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right foodor I've been out in the sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak 9. Take care of me when I get old ; you, too, will grow old 10. Go with me on difficult journeys Never say, "I can't bear to watch it ." or " Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there Remember I love you Author Unknown [/quote] And this is just something that is really sad, but in a beautifull way... I love this. This is a kind of thing that is extremely close to my heart. I've read it many times over and over again in many diffirent languages and it still can acheave to get a tear to run down my cheek ...just thought I'd share... [quote]Rainbow Bridge There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colours. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine. Our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and were old have been restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days gone by. The animals are happy except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had been left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted and when you and your special friend meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart... ...then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together. Some of them here by the Bridge are different. These pets were beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved. They watch wistfully as their friends leave one by one, to cross the bridge with their special person. For them there is no one, no special one. Their time on earth did not give them one. But one day, as they run and play, they notice someone standing by the road to the bridge. This person wistfully watches the reunions of friends, for during life, this person had no pet. This person was beaten, starved, and unloved. Standing there alone, one of the unloved pets approaches, curious as to why this one is alone. And as the unloved pet and the unloved person get nearer to each other, a miracle occurs, for these are the ones who were meant to be together, the special person and the beloved pet who never had the chance to meet while on Earth. Finally, now, at the edge of the Rainbow Bridge, their souls meet, the pain and the sorrow disappear, and two friends are together. They cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated. -Author Unknown -[/quote] (sigh) Ok... First jokes and then teary things... I know... I'm weird... (But I hope it's in a good way...) /Crest
  16. Angelboddy: Awww! :D That sounds adorable... but... umm... how can that mating be possible??
  17. OOOH! Another Crestie lover!! :D :D :D I'm so happy!! I'm obsessed with Chinese Cresteds and my entire freetime I check Chinese Crested homepages and read about their info about them. I can't get enough of them! When I first saw your avtar pic I guessed it was a powder puff, but I wasn't 110% sure, so I stayed quiet. :oops: I'm so happy I was right! :D Milva looks absolutely FANTASTIC! I love her photos! It's the middle of the night here, so I'm a "bit" too tired to take a really close look at them, but I promise I will tomorrow! :D I've not been on the Xantusia kennel's homepage but I have been on Nahaci. I think the word "nahaci" means naked, or something like that... (not sure though). Have you checked Ben's page yet :wink: ? [url]http://personal.inet.fi/koti/crested[/url] (and there's an english version of it too) /Crest
  18. Oh... :( On my mouse I have this rolley thingy between the left and right mouse buttons... When I click on Ctrl on the keyboard (keep it down) and roll on the mouse rollerthingy while the arrow is pointing on (f.ex.) dogomania's page I can decide how big or small I want the text to be... I think there mihgt have been that kind of a misstake with your computer too... If you don't have the rollerthingy, I don't know how to help... :( I hope this helped atleast a little... /Crest
  19. Don't get me wrong. I love mixed breeds, but sometimes things seem to... err... be of the more "unnatural" type... I watched tv here about a year ago and this thing popped into my head while I was reading Kiger's post with the diffirent Shlabs etc. (:lol:) Anyway... I saw this TV programme and there was a dog that was a mix between a (prepare yourself) LAB and a CHIHUAHUA!!! :o :o :o And I SWEAR I'm NOT joking!!! It was this programme about misbehaving dogs and they visited this dogschool that trained dogs to become guide dogs and one of them was a mix between a LAB and a CHIHUAHUA!! :o ... how can that even be possible?!?!?! :o When do they come up with a St. Bernard and Chihuahua mix? Or have they come up with one allredy? Have you ever heard or seen any mix that just seemed TOO weird or odd? /Crest
  20. :oops: Thanks... Oh, barbi, check your e-mail... :wink: I think you've forgotten someone from the contest... :wink: /Crest
  21. [quote name='Daisysmom']Where do you send the pictures??????[/quote] Here are the rules: [url]http://www.cutefamilypets.com/cfpFUTURE/contestreg&rules.htm[/url] A short version of it is that you have to send an e-mail to [email][email protected][/email] (Is that the right address, barbi?) with your pets name, breed/type and the location where you live and two photos of your pet. You have to be the owner of the pet in the picture and you have to be the author/owner of the picture. And the contest is just for fun, so if your pet don't win, it's not such a big deal. :) I hope this cleared things out. :wink: /Crest
  22. In that case, I've just sent you an e-mail to the admin adress... Ummm... I allso sent... err... 8 pictures instead of two... :roll: (typical me) I hope it's OK. :oops: You can choose the pictures you think suit best for the contest.
  23. Cassie: I don't think Ben is THAT allergic actually, because he can eat any kind of bread, egg, meat etc. etc. You know... natural products, but he did get a small reaction out of a smoked fish. But I don't know what he is allergic to, because he has only got allergic reactions out of dogfoods such as Solid Gold and Nutro. Then my guess is that he might be allergic to spices, because of the "boo-boo" he has now. Practicly the only thing that was at the table on friday that he COULD get a reaction of was ham (with spices that I can't eat either). /Crest
  24. Yeah... He is... I don't know actually what, but he has tried many, MANY diffirent foods (Nutro, Solid Gold etc. etc. etc.) and none of them have worked out for him. His throat starts itching and the skin over the throat goes really red, the next day it swollens and the next day the skin is away from the spot and bleeding... :( It isn't nice to see him that way. :cry: My niece or nephiews must have given him something last friday, because right now he has got a big "boo-boo" on his troat. The vet looked at it (she has seen it before) and gave us a prescription for a salva that helps ease the itching and makes it heal faster. That's about all we can do... I've been thinking of getting him an appointment at an animal hospital for an allergy test, but I haven't gone yet... /Crest
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