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Everything posted by Crested

  1. I bought 2kg of Hill's d/d egg-rice at the vet and Ben seems to enjoy it. He was first a bit on his guard with it, but when I started playing with him with the food (rolling one button after another on the floor so that he can chase them and eat them up) he "loosend" up and started eating them with his tail wagging. :D I thought I'd ask you what you think of the food? Have you tried it? Has it worked for you? Thanks. /Crest
  2. Ok... I was at the vet. Ben had his anal glands full with the fluid and she emptied them. It was the most DISGUSTING thing I've EVER seen or SMELLED in my ENTIRE LIFE!! I could feel my face go green... I nearly puked, and I'm not the easiest person to do that! I was afraid that the neutering was bad, but it was actually not disgusting, ugly or horrible in any way. That was a THOUSAND times worse!!! :x Ben got his allergy food too... but he doesn't seem to know what to think of it... He doesn't know if he should eat or play with it! :D /Crest
  4. Let me help you out... I transferred the pics from the page to here... [img]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/d08358c7/bc/Pets/Jake-1.jpg?bcjl39.AFhU.iIfJ[/img] [img]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/d08358c7/bc/Pets/Jake-3.jpg?bcrm39.A6niWf3ua[/img] [img]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/d08358c7/bc/Pets/Jake-4.jpg?bcOn39.A5s_PLMvO[/img] [img]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/d08358c7/bc/Pets/Jake-5.jpg?bcln39.AWy63JvOG[/img] [img]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/d08358c7/bc/Pets/Jake-9.jpg?bc7n39.AtU6YUMIN[/img] Jake looks fantastic. I'm no specialist about this, but... He looks like he has atleast lab in him and by the look of his face and ears I would allso guess border collie. I might be really wrong, but thoose are the two breeds that pop into my mind. :) /Crest
  5. Thank you Rowie. :D It's just that... hmmm... what if I buy this incredibly expensive food and Ben can't handle it...?? Oh and another thing I've heard... Do fixed dogs get anal gland problems more then the not fixed dogs? /Crest
  6. [quote name='Rowie-the-Pooh']maybe you could buy something off the net? Will your mother alow it? :) I thought Ben was fixed? :o Or am I confusing it for something else? :-? [size=1]*Rowie you idiot!*[/size] :oops:[/quote] Rowie, you're not an idiot! :lol: Ben is fixed yes... :) and about the netshops... I'm not a fan of them, because you have to give them your credit card number etc... The vet has some allergy food (Hill's food atleast), so I might buy him something from there, allthough it's really expensive (2kg = 20
  7. [quote name='alicat613']Yes this is a bad thing. No, it is not normal or healthy. I don't know how to explain this to you any better. You ask over and over about the things you feed him. You feed him crap. That is why he is not in ideal health. You get what you put into things. Some dogs can do ok on junk foods but would do better on good food. Other dogs have problems right away with bad foods. Things like this and Ben's allergies are things that would be helped by feeding him anything halfway decent. There is no magical answer, you can't just ignore reality and hope that there will be some easy way out. If you ate nothing but McDonalds happy meals for your entire life, you would not be in good health either. Nutrition is the foundation for a healthy happy life.[/quote] The reason why I started to feed Pedigree to him was because of his allergies. I had tried out so many diffirent foods that I thought I'd try Pedigree, because he hasn't got any allergic reactions of all the other pedigrees goodies (dog chocolate, bisquits etc.) and noticed that he hasn't got any reactions of the food I bought either. I thought that crap food is better then no food. I sometimes give him home made porridge, but the pedigree is the one that makes his poo more firm. So I thought that he would A. Get vitamins from the pedigree that he doesn't get from the porridge and B. His poo would get more firm, so the anal glands would empty normally. I called the vet and I'm going there tomorrow, so she'll check it up. She said that it could be that she don't have to do anything because they are apparently emptying on their own too... (I don't know if Pedigree is the reason for the emptying) I hope this cleared things up a bit. I want to feed him good food, but I have tried so many labels allredy and I feel I'm causing him just more pain when his allergic reactions cause his throat to itch. So he scratches his skin on his throat so it bleeds. He got someting he's allergic to on friday when my nephiews and niece were here (licked their fingers or something) and this caused the same reaction. He has scratched the skin so it's bleeding, but looks better now. On sunday it was REALLY swollen and REALLY red. On monday it was wide open and bleeding. :cry:
  8. oooh! Ben doesn't do it after he has been using the bathroom, but only when he hears another dog bark or sees a cat or something on our back yard (or the neighbourghs) when he's out. /Crest
  9. Ben has a problem with anal glands. I've been feeding him pedigree's food to make his poo more firm and it has helped a bit, but we have to wipe his butt every time he has been and pooed and sometimes even many times during the day. Now it has become bad enough that we have to wipe him all the time. Is this a good or a bad thing? Should I go to the vet with him? I hate that smell... :x Ben enjoys when we wipe his butt with moist paper thingies (you know, the things you wipe babies butts), I don't see it as a big problem either, but when it has become more and more often... Please help! /Crest
  10. Isn't that a kind of thing that would have stopped with the neutering? /Crest
  11. Ben has started to do a weird thing when he wants to "scare" something away (seagulls, dogs, cats...). Just a couple minutes ago, when I was out on our yard with Ben, another dog started barking somewhere. Ben started to bark and growl a little back and then he kind of kicked back grass with his hind legs and I have no idea what that means. Do you know? Please tell me if you do. /Crest
  12. Thanks... :oops: I really love to tell stories, but I don't often get a chanse to do it... Ben is a really strange dog... He has theese strange thoughts. He first of all thinks he's a human, so he actually tries sometimes to walk on his back legs (only to find out the just falls down every time after a few steps), then he wants to drink water from a GLASS [b]NOT[/b] a bowl, he wants to eat from a plate [b]NOT[/b] a bowl, he wants to eat while sitting at the table, [b]NOT[/b] the floor, if somebody puts a garden chair outside (you know... the pillow on the chair), Ben automaticly thinks it's his territory. He just sits down on the chair with his head up high and stears at people who can't stop laughing. I could go on forever... Guess how he must feel when he has to have a plastic bag around his paw!! :lol: /Crest
  13. Thanks you guys. He really couldn't get enough of the seaguls. I wonder what he would do if he'd notice our yard is FULL of them now. Luckilly it's the middle of the night and he's asleep. :lol: /Crest
  14. [quote name='Michele']Rosebud: i have been giving my pooch the yogurt..he loves it...of course he refuses to eat it from his bowl. I have to spoon feed him... :P[/quote] My soulmate!! :lol: Ben thinks he's a human. He want's to drink water from an ordinary glass NOT a bowl, he want's to eat his food from a plate NOT a bowl. He even wants to sit in the table while eating. Once while my mom and I were eating and mom had to run off (she took her plate away from the table, Ben came and sat down on the chair. He didn't do anything. He just sat at the table looking REALLY important. :lol: It's funny because a year ago he thought the kitchen table was for sunbathing! :lol: /Crest
  15. Uggh! :-? Guess what... It looks like the part of the vain that is hanging out is going to dry up and fall off... :o It's completely black and when I tried to squeeze the tip of it lightly, Ben didn't react at all. When I squeezed a bit further away, Ben squeaked. So I cut off a really small part and cut the tip of the nail that had become really pointy. I couldn't do that before (vet told me to cut as much of the nail away as possible without touvhing the vain), but now I could. It seems a but digusting that it will just dry up and fall off... :-? /Crest
  16. I was out with Ben a couple minutes ago and because of Ben's toe, he has to have a bandade on his foot. To keep it from getting wet (it's raining outside) I taped a little plastic bag on the bandade. First of all... Who in their right mind would like having a plastic bag around their foot. Ofcourse Ben had to start makeing this "poor me... poor, poor, poor me.." -face and lifting his leg while looking at me. See he can ABSOLUTELY NOT put his foot DOWN with THAT on it.. :roll: Anyway... I had to put his jeans jacket on to keep him from getting completely wet (he HATES rain, water, showers, baths... anything to do with water). His inner monologue seemed to go the entire time like this: (when I'm putting my boots and jacket on while Ben is waiting) "Are you crazy?! Do you want me to go with THIS on my paw?! And with CLOTHES?! Is it cold out? Oh, poor, poor, Ben. Pitty me!" (opens the door) "WHAT?! It's RAINING?! Nobody told me I had to get WET today!! Poor, poor, POOR me!!" (walking through the yard to get to the grass medow near our house Ben likes to be in) "Look at this thing on my foot... It's UGLY! And LOSTEN to it. That sound makes me MAD! Oh, you have to be joking. Do you REALLY think I'm going to pee anywhere with THIS around my foot while it's RAINING?!?!" (when we get to the medow) "Poor, poor, POOR... Hey! What's THAT?? Mommy, mommy, what's thoose white thingys over there? (one of them fly off) WOW! A seagul! (starts chaseing seagulls) I'm the big boss over seagulls! Be afraid! Be VERY afraid! The Terminator's here!! (He stops when he can't get any further from me because of the flexi) HEY! I was just having so much fun! What's the idea! (looks at his paw) Oh... this thing... Poor, poor, POOR me! (a seagul screams) Hey! There's another! This is fun! Who cares if it's raining! Seagulls here I come!!" This continued FOREVER! He was jumping over high grass and scaring the seagulls to death. Then he found something really interesting and buried his nose in a bush and wouldn't come out. I started walking away and when the flexi ran out Ben quickly lifted his head up. His face got this "Mommy, DON'T LEAVE ME WITH THEESE..." -expression while he was running to me untill he saw another seagul... This was the first time Ben ENJOYED rain!While coming home he held his head up and I swear it looked like he was humming the melody "Raindrops are falling on my head." :rofl: :lol: /Crest
  17. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWE!!! Molly is SOOOOO sweet!! :angel: Has she been adopted?
  18. Rosebud: Well... Ben isn't makeing such a fuzz over it. He thinks it's fun that mommy is watching over him and checking his paw out a little now and then. See now he realized that I was going to put some salva on it, so now it's SOOOO much more fun to try and get the bandade off... :roll: (wich makes it a "tiny" bit more difficult for me) He sees it as a challenge and I see it as agony! :-? /Crest
  19. [quote name='Kiger'][quote name='Crested']Ben has understood that he has to leave the bandade alone.[/quote] Ah yes. So did Kato... until I left. When I came back it was in itty bitty pieces and stuck to everything but his foot. Bad bad dog.[/quote] Hah hah! :D Let's see what happens tomorrow. I really need new jeans (the ones I have now are just about to burst and have a little thread keeping the zipper zipped up) and tomorrow I'm going to buy a pair with the money I had been keeping for my pup... (still can't believe I have to wait atleast another year.) I won't be away for that long (an hour and a half at moast), but there's much he can do in that time. (sigh) /Crest
  20. Thanks again, you guys. I'm again so glad that I came to dogo. What would I do without you guys? :) Ben has understood that he has to leave the bandade alone. I'm waiting on dad to come home. The vet told me to get this salva to put on the nail (it has antibiotics in it) that you can get without subscription (is that what you call it. [i]Please[/i] correct me if I'm wrong.) from the pharmacy. So I'm waiting on dad to come home so he can drop me off at the pharmacy (the only one with the drivers licence... yet...). /Crest
  21. Ok, I called her and now all I can do is to keep the thing clean. I cleaned the nail (wich Ben hated by the way...) and then I had to put this bandade over it (wich he is trying to take off now). How can I keep the bandade on him?! /Crest
  22. I've never heard or seen anything like this either! He had cracked the same nail before, but nothing like this!! I haven't got a clue on what to do... especially with our wealth level beeing what it is... I don't have enough money to go to the vet... That's why I haven't called her. Is there ANYTHING I can do?!
  23. I checked Ben's nails today and noticed that one of the nails seem to be unusually short. I took a closer look and noticed that it seemed to be cracked in the middle (the left "thumb"). I noticed that I was wrong when I took the flashlight to my help (it's Ben's only black nail). It looks like it has been cut normally, BUT the blood vain thingy is hanging out a bit. (not much) The nail looks normal EXEPT there is this little 0,5cm long thing hanging out of it. What should I do? I know that if I cut it, it will hurt Ben and it will start bleeding. I'm afraid that if he goes on a walk that the thing will burst open and start bleeding. [b][color=red]PLESE HELP!!![/color][/b] /Crest
  24. I bought one of pedigree's dog sausages today (chicken and rice) from the market just for fun. I thought Ben would like it when he's crazy of any sausage he can get. Well, I gave Ben a little today and he LOOOOOVES it! He can't get enough of it. I thought it would be a good thing to put a slice in his food to wake up his apetite. Ben hasn't got any allergic reactions from the two small slices I've given him. What do you think? Are they any good? Are they better or worse then cesar's canned meat thingies? Can you put a slice or two in the dog's food to make him or her eat a bit better? (Ben's really picky about his food) I'd really appreciate some comments. :) /Crest
  25. Achtung = German for excuse me! :lol: Mabye not... :wink: Umm.... German names... german names... Franz, Klaus... Wienerschnitzel (don't ask me... just sounded funny :lol: I think it's a Weiner bread or something)... Bl
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