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Everything posted by ILuvmydog

  1. My Rottie has just learned "shut the Door" which is handy when you have a armload full of groceries! This works well where I live now as the door is metal and can't be damaged.it might not be so good for a nicely painted door though! I want to teach her more as she loves to learn. She also plays fetch and will find the kids if they are hiding and then lick lick lick them as if they are her own pups and have been playing in the dirt all day! Very cute. She knows all the basic commands and even understands that a "dirty look" means get away from whatever it is she is sniffing. If only my kids were so obedient!!!
  2. There are so many good points here. My dog used to pull on the leash quite a bit . I used "be a tree" and that works well but it certainly can be frustrating if you are trying to get somewhere on time! I also sometimes give her her tennis ball to carry in her mouth and that seems to give her something to focus on and she slows down quite a bit. The pulling is only on the way to the park. She walks super slow like a cow on the way home! That's the Rottie attitude for ya.!
  3. Hello,my Rottie used to always jump our 5 foot fence and then we moved and she has never done it again! I don't know why she stopped as all the fences are roughly the same height. I guess she has just matured and understands now that she is to be in her yard. I'm so glad she stopped,though! I don't really know what to suggest except maybe you could raise the height of your fence using chicken wire as a cheap alternative until you get your own place. Good luck.
  4. Absolutely my Rotties fave is the Tennis Ball! As soon as I take it out of the drawer she is ecstatic. I wonder why all Rotties seem to love tennis balls? I have to put it away,though or she will destroy it. I bought her a Kong and it sat in the yard for months,I even put steak in it and she still didn't care about it. Then a friend's Rottie came over and this dog,Dakota went for the Kong and my girl,Hiedi ,got upset and grabbed it away and started chewing on it like it was her FAVORITE toy. Silly girl! Then Dakota left and Hiedi ignored the Kong again. She also loves to chew on large bones and bark at the vacuum cleaner and any sort of teeter totter or merry go round or swings. I guess she thinks those things are not safe.
  5. ILuvmydog


    Hello! I used to have a chain leash with cloth on the handle. I tied her up while I went in the store to get a drink and in no time she was standing beside me in the store! She had chewed the small handle off in a few seconds and come to find me in the store. Now I have a real contraption that consists of a chain leash that I attach to a 4 foot long cloth leash. I use a little metal clip to jion them together when we are walking and then if I need to pop into the store I use the metal clip to attach the chain leash to something outside and put the cloth leash in my pocket! I think know that she is a little older she may not chew the leash but I don't dare take the chance!
  6. Hello ! the best food I have found for my Rottie has been the Nutro lamb and rice or Chicken and rice. I notice the difference in a day on her coat and stool! I also recommend it to my Mom who has a Shepard and it really worked for keeping her longer coat looking beautiful. I am totally sold on Nutro,and no,I don't work for the company!! The large bag lasts us 6 weeks and costs 35-40 dollars. So it works out to be fiarly reasonable as well. They also make good bisciuts for cleaning teeth etc. They also have Glucosamine and Chondriotin in the food to help with joints for large dogs. I really recommend this food. The stool is well formed as well!! Good luck in finding what works for you. Woof Woof !!
  7. Hello I am new here! I am wondering how to view the pictures you have posted! We have a Rottie and in a few years would like to get a German Shepard. We had the pleasure of babysitting one for a few months and absolutely fell in love with him. I would joke that his personality reminded me of Sean Connerry as James Bond. Very cool and composed with self confidence and lots of style. His name is Whiskey and he would sit on the deck and gaze out over the ocean and neighborhood with constant vigilance. A neighbour dog used to always jump our fence to come and play with our Rottie. Not that I'm a big meanie but I was trying to discourage this and would always chase him away. Anyways,the dog came over and I started to chase him away and before I knew it,Whiskey was right beside me and he SUCEEDED in chasing that dog right back to his own yard. That dog never dared to jump our fence again. Whiskey knew exactly how to handle the situation! I was so impressed. He kept our yard in perfect order for the months he was with us. Even the birds didn't go near our garden! Our friend had found Whiskey at the pound so we don't really know what kind of Shepard he is. He is quite large with long front paws and a big Wolfy snout. (he was "thick boned" if that makes sense) Very thick coat and Beige/ Black coloration. I hope someone reads this! Have a good day,dog lovers!
  8. Hello people,this is my first time here. I would like to say that I am so happy to read some positive news on Rottwiellers. I am glad to hear of the rescue society as well. I have a 4 year old rottie named Heidi and she is the most wonderful animal. I have two young children that have been raised with her since she was a wee pup. She is extremely loving and tolerant with the kids. She plays with them all day and sleeps as they do at nap time,gearing up for another play session. I am always careful to ensure that the play never gets too rough and she seems to know as well and will walk away when she is tired. I would recommend a Rottie to anyone looking for a large dog. She is extremely intelligent and will learn everything I try to teach her. It is very true that Rotties need to know who is boss! It is not a breed for someone that doesn't want to be in charge! I am saddened that irresponsible Rottie ownwers have given the breed a bad name. There is even controversy in our local media with some people trying to have the (and other) breeds banned. This is a sensitive subject as many people are scared of the breed and manipulate statistics to make it seem that Rotties are the most dangerous thing in the world. I know my dog is not. Anyway,have a good day dog lovers .
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