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Posts posted by Rowie-the-Pooh

  1. [quote name='Lucky Chaos']Why are you bringing up such an old thread? And you can say it as much as you want but the "ori-pei" is NOT a breed. It is a crossbreed, no better then any other cross breed out there because it has a fancy name.[/quote]
    OMG this is an old thread! Woops! Thank God you posted, because I had written a VERY VERY VEERY long post starting with the origin of the dog and its uses and why we don't need any new breeds in this present day and age since we don't have any uses for them (unless you work with flocks or the disabled and require specific traits/looks) and it had gotten erased and I was very upset that I wasted 10 minutes of my time for something that wouldn't be useful anyway. Now I don't have to feel bad since it wouldn't have been of any use anyway. :)

    But really, WHY do people need new breeds nowadays? Why not perserve the breeds we have? I don't get all this cockapoo/labradoodle/orei pei/Foo Foo fluff stuff. And whyyyyyy not choose more dignified names for them, please? :roll:

  2. I'm sure all of you remember the beatiful Heidi? Good news! She's been adopted and is going to live in the UK! :D I couldn't imagine a better new beginning for her.

    For those of you that are new or don't remember, Heidi was a beautiful Saluki mix at our local rescue. I wanted to adopt her, but wasn't allowed to. And now she's going to the UK!

  3. :x

    There are no good people left in this world! Yesterday, as I was getting Rowie ready for her afternoon walk, she managed to escape because someone had left the gate open. No big deal, because she always comes back when called. Hah! Not unless someone [b]steals[/b] her. So our housemaid, Sunitha, ran after her and saw Rowie run up to the gate of a nearby farm, saw two kids open the gate, look around, grab Rowie and throw her inside! So she yelled at us to come quick and brought our gardener along to help. When we went in, I saw Rowie's collar on the ground. After asking why this was not on her neck, they told me that it "fell off". Suuuuuuure, Rowie's collar magically fell off, especially since there was nothing nearby she could have snagged it on. Anywhoo, they brought Rowie out with a [b]wire tied around her neck[/b]. They're excuse was that they saw her running around, brought her inside and tied a wire around her neck to make sure she didn't get away. Then, they said, they were going to give her back. Yep, give her back to the next person that offers money for her, right? This is the SECOND time that this has happened, I AM SOOOOO ANGRY. Tell me, how did they manage in those two minutes that it took for us to run from my house to the farm to tear Rowie's collar off, tie a WIRE around her neck and hide her at the back with the other chained up dogs? I am sooo mad right now, and even though she was only there for a maximum of 10 minutes, I still feel so guilty!

    See what I have to put up with, where I live?

  4. I'm glad the family decided against a JRT, imagine what a disaster that would be! What I really [i]hate[/i] is when people ask me "Oh, was your Golden already trained when you got her as a [b]puppy[/b]?" Seriously, people. If a horse, ferret or monkey can't train themselves as babies what makes you think a Golden can? You'd think they'd understand that dogs don't understand the human language.

  5. [quote name='nadooshkinz'][quote name='Mutts4Me']Good for you!

    We were all driving home from dinner today, and we saw a loose black dog, ourselves. Wandering the expressway exit ramp. I asked if we could go catch him, but my dad was driving and didn't want me wading through the foot or two of snow piled up at the side of the (busy) road. Plus if the dog didn't have tags, we wouldn't be able to do anything with it, so he wouldn't stop. I'm still stressed about it. There's no lost ads in the paper for a black dog. I wish I'd been driving :-?

    Anyway, yay to you for actually stopping.[/quote]
    The same thing happened with us once, a bunch of my friends and I were in a car, and a dog ran out into the middle of the street, and my friend's father almost ran over him, but he managed to screech to halt fast enough. The poor pup limped his way to the sidewalk and seeing that broke Rowie and My hearts, we wanted to take him so badly, but neither of us could of suggested it to her father...[/quote]

    I remember that day, there was a whole pack of dogs! It was a little puppy so it didn't really have road sense like the older ones did...poor dog.

    I saw a loose dog today on the way home, but I always see loose dogs so its not that big a deal. I still wish I could take them all home with me, Rowie would love it.

  6. Ahh yes, it was Rowie's birthday on the 18th! I couldn't post ANYTHING on Dogo because of my stupid computer. This happens to me [i]every year[/i]! :lol: Anyhoo, thanks so much for remembering mouse, your a doll! Rowie had a greaaat day with lots of new pressies from mommy and a special doggie cake. Don't you just love birthdays?

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