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Posts posted by Rowie-the-Pooh

  1. Matty, although I do agree with you to some extent, purebred breeding can't be [i]banned[/i] because you WILL get a breed of dog that is adapted to its enviornment. Its evolution. Maybe what would be more correct is the ban of dogs for show, since its caused some severe deformities in dogs and dogs bred for hunting don't have a hunting instinct, dogs that should herd don't herd...etc.

    Also, you mentioned that mixing dogs up does not produce a healthy dog. Unyet, you applaud these disgusting "poopi poo poo" breeders for mixing dogs up. Let's face it, they aren't doing it to help the dogs..they're doing it for MONEY. These dogs are probably even MORE sick than most pedigrees!

    Just to see your side of it, I'll read the websites. But applaud these breeders of mixed dogs for MONEY? Never.

    Lastly, I don't think Mutts was insulting your writing, but pointing out the fact that you were contradicting yourself and your post had a lot of "holes" in it. I can't speak for her though, so let's see what she says.

  2. This can be good or bad, IMO. Maybe this way, they'll adopt pits out of shelters to be used as ratters, and when people understand that the pits are [i]helping[/i] the community they'll probably like them more. On the other hand, people can see it as a "blood thirsy beast" type of thing, too.

    At least the pits are having fun. :D

  3. [quote name='Kat']If she is vomitting continuously I wouldn't wait 2 days for the vet. It sounds as if she is getting dehydrated with the continual cycle of drinking a lot then vomitting so it really would be an idea to take her to the vet as soon as you can in case of complications with her kidneys.[/quote]

    Kat that is EXACTLY what I was thinking! What do you think could have caused this? My poor baby! :(

    Thank you everyone for your comments, I think I'm going to call the vets now and make an appointment..

  4. [quote name='kendalyn'][quote name='Mutts4Me']But I see the cutting up of mixed breed dogs as a big deal because there is no excuse; it is merely for looks.[/quote]

    But it's the same in purebred dogs such as Dobermans or Pit Bulls. Those crops have no real excuse and are also only for looks. Why is it wrong to take a mutt to the vet and have it's ears cropped? It's not like the Doberman couldn't live just fine with its natural ears. :roll:

    I would personally never choose to crop or dock any dog, but I think it's ridiculous to get all up in arms about someone cropping a mutt and then saying it's OK to crop a purebred.

    Is it ok to crop a purebred lab? Or what about those gigantic keg on legs pit bulls that are obviously mutts passed off as purebreds. Is it OK to crop those, or is that wrong too? I mean, technically they are mutts right?

    As long as it's done by a vet, I don't see a problem with it.[/quote]

    I don't know about the others, but the way I see it its wrong to crop/dock pedigrees (IMO) and always felt grateful that mixes didn't have to face it. The reason I see a problem with it is that now even mixes have to face it, which means more cropping/docking with dogs in general. Another thing is, theres absolutely [b]no[/b] reason to crop/dock the do (the mix), why make it suffer? Unless for medical reasons, theres no point whatsoever.

    Did y'all know that they used to dock HORSES' tails? Its illegal now, but I can't imagine horses without their beautiful, silky tails!

  5. [quote name='Mutts4Me']Okay, so I don't like cropping and docking, especially when it's done for aesthetic reasons (which cropping usually is). But at least when a purebred is cropped/docked, it is done with some purpose, reason, or excuse, in that the breed standard calls for it, it's for health concerns, the breed is better recognized/adoptable when done, etc.

    But I see the cutting up of mixed breed dogs as a big deal because there is no excuse; it is merely for looks. The owner thinks it would look "cool," and since the dog is their property, they can have it cut up however they'd like. <-- When people argue like that, I have to hope that it never becomes "cool" to have three legged dogs, you know?[/quote]
    My thoughts [i]exactly[/i]! HOW do you do that? :lol:
    [quote]Nice post Rowie.[/quote]

  6. This morning while giving Rowie a bath, she puked a sort of foamy pink substance. Before I had time to react, she turned around and puked again, this time something yellow. I let her out quick, and she ran to the grass and puked more of the yellow substance, then vomited two more times (yellow substance again). I thought it was something she ate, and she was fine after that (except for her eating grass for like 15 minutes). We took the dogs to the beach (Rowie and Clea, nadooshkinz dog) and Rowie was fine for most of the day. By evening both dogs were pretty tired, and Rowie kept drinking sea water. And when I did give her fresh water, she drank two full bowls. :o She peed three times when we were there, and the last two were mostly water. Then she vomited-twice! One wasn't exactly vomiting but sort of spitting up something, but the other vomit was mostly sea water and undigested food. When we got home, she was fine again (she drank a lot of water, too) then when she went potty, I found out she had diarrhea. A few hours before, at the beach, she didn't have. Then she vomited...again! But this one was again more of a spitting something up. After that she was fine, but I'm still worried.

    I'm going to give it two days, if its not better by then its off to the vets we go! Any ideas on what could be wrong with her? Any way I could help her? I can't stand seeing my baby sick. :(

    (Forgot to add, Clea vomited once on the beach, too. Is there a possibility of it being something on the beach or something they both ate?)

  7. [quote name='kendalyn']There are so many more awful things that happen to dogs, I don't see how it makes any sense to worry about a crop or dock.

    Thousands of dogs are dying every day!

    Who really cares if some are docked or cropped by a vet at the request of the owner? Even if it's not breed standard or doesn't make sense to you, I don't see a reason to worry about it.[/quote]

    I can understand where you're coming from, Kendalyn. But I don't really see the harm in discussing it, its an intresting topic, ya know? I never really thought about it before, and I guess other people were intresting in what others had to say. And since I'm against docking and cropping, it does worry me when its done to a mix for no apparent reason. If it was medical reasons I'd shutup, but think about it..they're cutting off body parts for looks. Just my thoughts on it.. :wink:

  8. [quote name='Crystal'] oh and now my husband wants to name the dog X isn't that different :-?[/quote]

    X! That's hilarious! If its a male, call it Jimmy. I'm obsessed with calling my next male dog Jimmy...maybe its because I'm listening to Jimmy Eat World. :lol: Anywhoo, good luck and congrats!

  9. [quote]Where Do You Suggest I Purchase A Type Of Dog You Don't Handle?

    Q. Where Do You Suggest I Purchase A Show Dog?

    Q. Where Do You Suggest I Purchase A Mutt?

    Q. Where Do You Suggest I Purchase A Guard Dog?

    Q. Where Do You Suggest I Purchase A Working Dog?

    A. Show Dog

    If you want a show dog, you should buy from a show breeder. You should then expect to have a dog that may do well in the show ring. If he does well, the breeder may sell more for this purpose. In order to get there, the breeder may have to look over a few health or temperament defects. When dogs are in the show ring, they are not judged heavy on these things. They don't know if the littermates had a heart murmur or hip problems, or get sick when they eat certain foods and throw up, or have allergies. The judge usually observes the dog less than an hour and knows nothing about his littermates or offspring.


    If you get a dog from an accidental breeding, "mutt", you will not know what you are getting until it is too late and you have grown attached to him. His sire may have been a Poodle or a pit bull. You are taking a big chance when you choose a dog from a accidental breeding. The dog will be part of your family for many years so be careful.

    Guard Dog

    If you are looking for a guard dog, you should go to a breeder that raises guard dogs. You know going in chances are he may bite and be mean.

    Working Dog

    If you are looking for a working dog or a hunting dog, you should plan on the dog having lots of energy and need to be out for exercise more than other dogs. Not a good dog for an apartment or for someone that is away all day and the dog has to stay in the house.

    Okay, the make each and every dog from that catagory seem like Satan's Spawn. What the ? They're only doing that so people will buy THEIR dogs instead--urgghhh they make me sooo mad. :x

  10. Mutts, your forgot the Chi Chi Chons. :x [img]http://www.puppyhavenkennel.com/images/Kennel%20Pics/kennel36.jpg[/img]

    Oh, and the article "Move over Chocolate Lab, the Labradoodle has arrived". That's sick! What the hell do they think they're doing? I really hope they rescue those poor dogs, spay/neuter them and get them the hell out of there!

  11. [quote name='DivineOblivion19'][color=indigo]I can understand that Rowie. But they did not expect the dog's tail to break through glass. I don't think that there's really a warning that says if you're getting a Mastiff you may have broken glass in your home. They've had many dogs in their home, large dogs with and without tails and never had a problem. This dog's tail proved to be a problem. I talked to them but I think all in all, docking the tail was safest for the dog and the kids.[/color][/quote]

    I can totally understand where the family are coming from, DO. I'm pretty sure it was the best for the dog, too! I can really understand docking when its done for the best for the dog, and besides I don't think the family could have done anything else to prevent it at this point.

  12. Although I agree with most of what has been said here, I think theres also one more point to consider...if you're getting a breed and did your homework, you'd know that it would come with a "happy tail", so isn't going through a few bruises worth the actual [b]tail[/b] of the dog? When it comes to going through glass cases I guess it would be right to dock the dogs tail, but it could have been prevented IMO. When you get a dog, especially a specific breed (you know what your getting look/body/temperment wise) what *I* think you should do is "happy tail" proof your home. When it comes to working dogs, I can really understand since you're working in unfamiliar places..but when it comes to you owning the dog and knowing your getting the dog, alone with the "happy tail" I think you should "happy tail" proof your home rather than just docking the whole thing. It just doesn't seem right to me, IMO.

    Just my 2 cents. :wink:

  13. Absolutely not. What's the point? Most docked/cropped dogs do so because of their breed heritage (as in gaurding, herding sheep,..etc.) and so need to, although I don't necessarily agree with it, its done BECAUSE of the breed. WHY do it to a mix? WHAT are the uses of uselessly hacking off its ears AND its tail? God this makes me SOO MAD! I can't stand it! I don't *care* if it was painless for the mix, who are they to say she doesn't deserve her ears and tail? If this had been a pedigree it'd be debatable, but whhhy to a mix breed? Would the dog be gaurding? Herding? Retrieving? Work as a gundog?

    I'm not bashing anyone or anything, its just that stuff like this makes me so mad. Poor puppy. Stupid ignorant people.. :x

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