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Posts posted by Shannon_C

  1. [color=darkred]You lot are very lucky to have all the nice weather :-?
    Here in the UK its done nothing but rain the last few days.....unpleasant i would say, and there doesn't seem to be any change until October :(
    So Marion and Mouse......keep your wellies on :roll:


  2. [quote name='HazelNutMeg']*shudders* I'm really not THAT scared of ghosts because I know they can't really hurt you, and most don't want to anyway, but it still gives me the creeps! I have a MILLION ghost stories I could go on for days about all my ghost like experiences :wink:

    Shannon - First of all, I LOVE your new siggy!! :D
    Second, I believe that babies until they hit the "memory loss" stage and animals can see ghosts!! :D

    Oh! A few weeks ago I think Hazel came to me!! :D Well I got in a fight with my mom, over several things actually, but the last was that she thinks I should "get over" Hazel's death by now :o :roll: She thinks there's something "Seriously wrong" with me because I still miss her and cry when I think about it :o :roll:
    Well, That sent me running to my room bawling, and I was laying on my bed and I felt someone on the bed, and I got this really tingly cold sensation on my shoulder and side of my stomach and suddenly just felt this wave of calmness over me, like someone was there protecting me! When I use to cry when Hazel was still alive, she would always jump on the bed beside me and lay on me like that and she'd stay there until I stopped crying, but she always made me feel better. :) :angel:[/quote]

    [color=darkred]Thank you HazelNutMeg :wink:

    That is an amazing story!
    Just because you still feel the pain towards Hazel, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you. I still have a cry over Shandy our Border Terrier and that was 13 years ago, it doesn't matter how much people tell you to get over it, they will always be there in our hearts.

    Ghosts can't hurt you themselves but they have been known to throw things at people :o


  3. [color=darkred]I believe in ghosts, more after watching Most Haunted and i am sure Coal saw someone in that room. Not sure if that program is on in other countries but i have to say its pretty amazing to know what goes on.
    The new series is on in September so i am looking forward to it.
    Ok lets go on.....not long after my brother Darren died i felt his presence around the bottom of the stairs that is off the lounge!
    We have a chair near the stairs and when i sat on it i felt ice cold, no where else in the room felt cold (just that spot) Richard also felt the same.
    In the back bedroom which is now Emma's nursery.......the computer was in there and i was alone one night. Sitting there i am sure i felt something touch my shoulder......i looked behind me and don't know why but i honestly thought it was Richard, but then i thought no he's at work.
    For some reason i said Darren is that you, i honestly believe he was there.
    I have also noticed that sometimes Emma looks towards the stairs and starts laughing and she does the same at her nan's (Richard's mom) she looks at the wall by the side of the chair where his mom sits and again.....starts to laugh.
    So i honestly do believe that our loved ones are with us [/color]:D

  4. [color=darkred]Does everyone realise that this guest might be trying to wind you up by saying things about the Pitbull etc.
    Some people who don't want to be a member only go into forums to stir things up, maybe if her posts were ignored she might go away :D

    Happy Belated Birthday Jetta, hun :wink:

    Shannon xxxx[/color]

  5. [size=6][color=darkred]BIRTHDAY CAKE FOR DOGS[/color][/size]

    [color=darkred]1lb ground beef-extra lean
    8 eggs
    1 cup oat meal
    1/2 cup cracker crumbs

    Using electric mixer, blend all items together until completely blended.
    Pour into an oblong cake pan sprayed with non-stick spray. Bake in oven at
    350 for 25- 35 minutes. Allow to cool. Carefully invert on to plate and
    frost with non-fat sour cream or imitation potato topping. Store leftovers
    in refrigerator.[/color]

  6. [color=darkred]Do you really want to know :o lol well here goes.
    I used to pretend i was a horse. My auntie had a cattery, she was just having another one built, it looked like a stable with the door being half an half lol. I would stand behind it and start neighing then i would pretend to graze in the garden lmao, but thats not all i also used to ride around the garden with a broom for my horse :lol:


  7. [color=darkred]I'm just waiting to see him out again with his dog whether he is keeping to his word or not. Mind you when he came over to have ago he did smell of alcohol :-?

    My cats bury there poop when they are in the garden and i have seen other's bury there's. I suppose some cats are cleaner than others, however tom cats don't hide there's so maybe they are leaving there scent.


  8. [quote name='Tammy']I'm glad you confronted him and I hope he sticks to what he says.

    HOWEVER! If there is a leash/containment law for cats he can also turn it around on you. Just FYI so you are aware.[/quote]

    [color=darkred]There isn't a law for cats here, they like to wonder......you couldn't possibly stop a cat from going where it wants to, besides cats are clean....they always hide there mess :D


  9. [quote name='__crazy_canine__']

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I know how odd that looks, Ive tried it before. My cat wouldnt move. He laid down like, "What the h*** is this? GET IT OFF NOW!"[/quote]

    [color=darkred]I used to walk one of my friends pedigree tom cats on a harness around the garden and he didn't like it at all, he too would lie down and not move.
    It was either that or be put back in the cattery......he was always winning at cat shows so my friend wouldn't allow him out the garden.


  10. [color=darkred]So excited and can't wait until this Thursday :D Haven't seen my friend for a few months, i talked to her over the phone today she told me there Bullmastiff 'Poppy' had pups, (why wasn't i told about them) :x She had 6 altogether, 4 male and 2 female they have 2 left and will be keeping the one from the litter. The other was bought back the weekend, she didn't get on with the owners French Bulldog, who they bought the same day (well puppies do play) :roll: .....apparently the man was so upset his son had to do all the talking.
    I just know i won't be able to resist hiding one under my coat lol
    Richard said if you get rid of the dogs you can have one :o tut tut

    I will definately be taking my camera along[/color]:D


    [color=darkred]THIS IS THERE DADDY owned by Judamar Kennel, not my friends Bullmastiff.[/color]

  11. [quote name='Debbie']:-? Some people just love confrontation and he's obviously one of them.
    Although if he's going to be like that he should have a better arguement and not sound so stupid.
    Do you have leash laws where you are ? If you do, I'd turn him in for having his dog off lead.
    I can't stand smart alecky people especially with smirks !!
    If I were you I'd have wanted to belt him myself !!! :lol:
    Hopefully you won't have any more trouble with Mr. Snotty
    Pants !! :evilbat:[/quote]

    [color=darkred]Thanks Debbie.
    I hope not either. We don't have a law for dogs being kept on the lead here and i don't like having to confront people but if they are going to act in that way and be irresponsible i will not hold back.


  12. [color=darkred]Can't believe how ignorant people are. I was on my front garden putting some plants in when i happened to look over my shoulder and notice a Staffordshire Bull Terrier off the lead, walking with his owners who live round the corner from me.
    I see this dog quite often being walked off the lead and whenever he see's a cat he chases it and his owner doesn't do anything to stop his dog.
    On this one occassion my two cats Merlin and Casper were sitting by our car and the Stafford spotted Merlin and started chasing him up the side of our house and over the gate.
    I stopped what i was doing and told the owner to put his dog on a lead, otherwise i would have his dog put to sleep if it hurts one of our cats.
    He didn't hear me the first time, he was talking to his wife, so i told him again, to put his dog on the lead.....he told me to shut the fuck up and called me a slut. I was so bloody livid i could have swung for him :evil:
    I left it at that and went in the house to fill the watering can and i could hear him still shouting his mouth off, so i carried on with what i was doing. Richard asked me what the matter was so i explained to him and said what a nasty evil person that man is.
    About an hour later the doorbell rang, Richard answered it, it was the dogs owner. He said that i had ago him, Richard told him to keep his dog on the lead then. At that point i walked over to the front door with Emma in my arms.
    I asked him why he allows his dog to chase cats, the man said he doesn't normally, he always stops him.....i told him he was not doing a good job as this is not the first time it has happened. He turned round and said to me........he's only chasing them for fun, wouldn't hurt them.
    I asked him if he would like it if he had a cat and it was being chased, he said it wouldn't bother him, there are too many cats on the estate there like vermin and if he catches our's messing in his garden again he's going to shoot and bring them over in a bag and leave them on our doorstep :evil: :evil: I put it to him that our cats won't go into a garden who as dogs they don't trust only our own. All the time he was talking there was a big smirk on his face, if i hadn't got emma in my arms i would have belted him, i was so bloody angry :evil: he goes on and say's that there are three other neighbours that have been in an argument with him (wonder why) and doesn't care what anyone say's but his dog isn't going on the lead and that we can get the police it doesn't bother him. Apparently a neighbour dragged his dog across the road after it wanted fuss and i did actually say that is not on doing that to a dog who just wants to be fussed.
    He went on to say that his Staff is very trusting and timid, saying his dog is frightened of two cats, a ginger and black one (why i ask) when he chases them :-? Must think we are stupid!
    I asked how can he say his dog is trusting, his reply was they leave him in the room with there 15 month old baby. I'm thinking what kind of people are these who allow there dog to chase cats and be left alone with kids.
    I said to him it doesn't matter how friendly or how trusting a dog can be they will still turn if provoked in anyway especially with kids as they can be cruel without realising, then its too late.
    Anyway he kept ranting on that he's going to do this and do that so we said he can do what he bloody well wants and shut the door on him.
    10 minutes later there is another knock at the door and Richard goes to answer it again, hes back but only this time to opologise.......he must have realised how stupid he was and that his dog will be kept on the lead in our street and then let off once he as passed us.
    Why don't people ever learn [/color]:x

  13. [color=darkred]OMG SixstarDanes.
    Your pups are so adorable and i love the pic of the cat and pup kissing :D
    My 3 dogs (including a Bullmastiff, Charlie) have been bought up well with my cats.
    Merlin loves to rub against Charlie boy[/color] :D

  14. [quote name='xavierandrea']Ro had to take Asim to the vet yesterday because his face was breaking out and he has a terrible (sp) rash on his belly near his penis. The vet say the face is an infection from tapping is face and neck on his food bowl while eating and rubbing his face across the sofa and rugs. The rash is an allergic reaction to Febreeze and Arm n Hammer carpert stuff. The rash I can understand by the infection? Has anyone heard of that? He is on antibiotics. My poor baby.[/quote]

    [color=darkred]What is the rash like, is it black or red, like sores on his belly ?
    Charlie had this quite bad a few years ago and it was due to flea bites.[/color]

  15. [quote name='Anonymous']To the responce to the person with the 3 month old...

    are you married or single? do you have help with your baby and your child?

    before you past judgement ask questions. i never planned on having kids at least no time soon. when i got my pom 4 years ago my time was devoted to him. i unexpectedly got pregnant WHILE ON BIRTH CONTROL! i am at work 8-5 and school 6-10. my son takes up the time in between. now my question is, since i love my dog so much wouldnt you think it would be best for him to be in a home where he gets what he needs? before this i had the finances to completely take care of him. I am a single mom, and my son's only source of income, the father refuses to help out, after our 2 year relationship he has shown his true colors. so i am suppose to keep my dog in a home where he can not get the attention, vet attention, and everything else he needs? what if something happens to him, i am suppose to let him suffer? so you all suggest i leave him crated all day? no i can not afford doggie daycare, no i do not have anyone to come to my house to let him out and play with him. if i was to keep him and tell that story you all would say he was neglect and abused! :evil:[/quote]


    This was not aiming at you and I understand your circumstances rehoming the dog and you did the right thing, but you said that people have no choice but to rehome there dogs. Some do have the choice, some don't. So i simply stated that people should think about what they are taking on before deciding to have a dog but its either that they don't think to or don't care. Like these one,s [b]BELOW[/b]

    Look at the age of this dog, why did the family have it if they haven't got the room. In other words he got fed up of the dog and decided he should go.
    30th May Rhodesian Ridgeback Needs a Home - Chester, UK
    Simbre is a 17 month old male Rhodesian Ridgeback - click here for breed information and photo. He has a lovely temperament and needs a large space which sadly we don't have. For more information please e-mail [email][email protected][/email] Area: Chester, UK

    And this one.
    It say's both dogs get along but the Staffordshire Bull Terrier plays to rough with his JRT, isn't there a simple thing like stopping him. my Bullmastiff used to play rough with my little Westie but I soon stopped him. Well it seems this person wants another JRT. You don't just get rid of a dog to get another, just because it plays to rough.
    30th May Staffie Needs a Home - Oldham, Lancs, UK
    Taz is a 2 year old neutered male Staffordshire Bull Terrier. He is black with slight brindle markings. He requires a good loving home. He gets on with my JRT but he tends to forget she is only little and often plays a bit hard with her (although she gives as good as she gets). He really loves one on one attention that is the only reason I am looking for a good home for him. Ideally so that my JRT is not on her own, I would love another JRT boy up to 2 years old. For more information please e-mail [email][email protected][/email] Area: Oldham, Lancs, UK

    and yes I did mention people with children, a lot of them put there reasons to getting rid of a dog on there children, but sometimes this is not the case, its usally they have had enough or they simply don't want it anymore.[/color]

  16. [quote name='LadyG757']i am not condoning (sp?) any of these stories. I am just pointing out that somethings do happen unexpectedly and it is better for the dog to go to a new home. In my case, I have had my pomeranian for going on 4 years. I got him when i lived alone, and worked during the day. he had everything he needed, vet visits, toys, exercise... ect. this year i unexpectantly had a baby and a little over a year ago i started night school. so now im gone during the day and night and all the other time is devoted to my 5 month old. so i am a full time employee full time student and full time mommy. I love my pom to death and he was always my first baby, but i can just not afford what he needs right now, grooming, vet visits, ect... and god forbid something bad happen to him i wont be able to afford that either. I as well do not have the time he needs for love and affection. Now should i make him stay in my home and suffer or work with a rescue and find him a good home? I love him to much to make him suffer. I have been working with the central virginia pomeranian rescue for finding him a good home, but this has been over a month and he was due for his shots last month. so dreadfully i am forced with making the decision of giving him to the rescue leader so she can foster him and find him a good home as well get his necessary shots and needs. now am i a bad or irresponsible owner? i do not feel i am becasue i am putting his needs first, i would love to keep him but refuse to make him suffer. Sorry about my rant, i am upset about this situation. :bigcry:[/quote]

    [color=darkred]People should think more about the future, what they might expect from it before deciding to take in a dog or any other pet.
    Because a dog should be for life not just given away when something comes up. A dog becomes part of the family and many are still puppies when there owners decide they have had enough.
    (many will agree with me here) a child would not be treated the same way, wanted one minute and not the next so why treat a dog like that.
    It doesn't matter if they have been loved and cared for during there stay, its awful to see a dog pining for its owner, not interesting in anything other than just lying there and believe me I have seen it.

    I have a 3 month old baby girl and 3 dogs. Do you think I could give my dogs away after all those years of bringing them up with love and attention.
    [b]I think not.[/b] They are my babies and this is where they will always stay

    I never thought I would ever have a baby because I saw my dogs has my only babies but we changed and the decision was made to have a baby who is precious to us but not ever to get rid of our pets.[/color]

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