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Posts posted by Cairn6

  1. Thanks I did Lokipups!

    Lokipups had a good suggestion that I ask specifically if anyone has experience with the one if Carmicheal, California. I know that is a bit of a long shot to find someone here who actually has been to that one but it's worth a shot.

  2. I assum that you already told hime the
    Reasons to Spay or Neuter your Dog:

    * Spaying/Neutering reduces your dogs "need" to roam.

    * It reduces or eliminates certain reproductive cancers.

    * Spaying disburdens the female dog of the heat cycle and all other discomforts that accompany it.

    * It lessens a dog's need for dominance.

    * A dog's lifespan is increased if they are spayed/neutered.
    * Spaying/neutering eliminates the owner's concern of unwanted puppies, runaway stud dogs, stained furniture, and nervous and agressive mood swings in pets.

    and lastly,

    * It relieves the community of homeless dogs and property damage.

    Since that doesn't seem to get through to him suggest taking him to a shelter to see what goes on there or show this little film. If he can get through this film and still have the same attitude then unfortunately you have done all you can.

  3. Has anyone ever been to this place where they have doggie daycare and boarding? Apparently they have them all over the country. I want to take my niece to an amusement park this summer and I need to get my grandmother who has alzheimers someone to come watch her which will be my Aunt. But she can't take care of all 4 dogs she doesn't even like dogs. [img]http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/FlameOn.gif[/img] I especially don't trust her to take the puppy out. So I need a place just to keep him for the day. I am going to send Mandy with him so he's not alone. They look good but what does that really mean. So I was wondering if anyone has left there dogs there for the day and what was the experience? Here's the website if you haven't heard of them. [url]http://www.bestfriendspetcare.com/index.cfm[/url]

  4. That is a very similiar reaction that you get with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy or Canine Rage Syndrome. A lot of so called "experts" throw that term around but it's a serious illness. The dog will just turn into a completely different dog and bit, snarl and growl at you with no apparent reason. I have heard people claim there dog turns on them for no reason and I wonder if it's not this disease.

  5. I love that commercial!! I don't know what breed it was but I think it was a much small breed. I could be wrong because I can't really remember what the dog looked like.

  6. [quote name='courtnek']I personally think it's a "God, help us" classification. Lab's are "America's sweethearts" in the dog arena. If the dog is classified as a "Lab Mix" it's
    more likely to be adopted. I PERSONALLY think this is wrong. Better you know what you're getting into to. But they want to find these dogs homes,
    and hope for the best. Sometimes, it works...

    You are absolutely right that is why they do it. People are afraid when they hear Pit bull in the name. They change the name so they will get adopted.

  7. Alright but it might be a bit long.

    I got my cairn terrier when he was 12 weeks old at the shelter I was working at. I am not worried about stereotyping him because frankly I think it's something that comes up a lot with terriers. Anyway when I first got him I didn't know a thing about cairns so I read and read. I read that terriers are a lot of times dog aggressive. So I socialized by taking him to the grooming shop my sister worked at. He visited everyday, we went to the dog park, to the petstore, everywhere dogs were. I was determined. He loved everybody, dogs, people, rodents, everyone.

    Then in his second obedience class an older dog comes in and has a problem with dog aggression. He comes in looks straight at Toto and stares him in the eyes and lunges at him. Toto looks back and starts at him. For the first time in his life he starts barking and lunging at another dog. We get the situation under control and a while later we leave. We run into another dog and boom he starts barking and lunging at another dog. From that day forward it slowely got worse and worse. I was very upset. It got to the point that I had to hide his face to go to the vet.

    The method I finally used is controversial and I really don't mind question or concerned voiced but I tried everything before I resorted to this method. I tried clicker traing but he ingnored the clicker when another dog was around. I tried spraying with a water bottle he ignored it when riled up by another dog, I tried citronella, I tried ultersonic sound. Nothing worked. I was desperate to have the sweet dog I had before back that I went out and bought a shock collar. Yep a shock collar. It was one that you put on them and it slowly escalates until it gets there attention. I was not in control the collar was. I didn't leave it on him for more then 20 minutes, I never left him alone with it on and only used it when going to meet other dogs. I needed a way to get his attention so that when he was quiet I could praise him. I used it for about a month and I know longer use it. It worked and now he is back to the sweet dog I had before. He now loves to visit with other dogs, we go to dog parks, the vet with no problems. I have him back again.

    I don't suggest using those collars and leaving them on because they are barking. I think they can be used for barbaric reasons and if you just want to be lazy. But I had no choice I love him so much and would never want to hurt him. He is just a very determined headstrong dog that needed something very strong to get his attention and once I got it we were able to communicate.

  8. [quote name='Horsefeathers!'][quote name='Cairn6'][quote name='Horsefeathers!']Cairn... ok, you're right and I'm wrong. Better?[/quote]
    Well that's great I can see your someone you can't have an open diaglog. Your very sarcastic.[/quote]
    I can do open dialogue. It's just pointless when the "opponent" twists your words to fit what they need to believe. Therefore, I concede. Take it the way you want to.[/quote]
    I did when did I do that?

  9. [quote name='Cassie']The biggest problem with our small dogs is first, owners are more apt to coddle their little dogs in times of stress. Working in a grooming shop I see this all the time, owner comes in with small dog in her arms...of course the little dog is going to be defensive in the arms of its owner. I ask the owner to pass the little dog to me, little dog starts barking and growling...owner takes back little dog and hugs it telling the little dog that every thing is going to be alright in a soft tone of voice...thus, the owner is reinforcing a bad behavior and actually teaching the dog that it should be defensive towards strangers approaching. I see this with big dogs as well.

    Another issue with small dogs is size does matter. Dogs are great at reading body language, there is nothing more assertive and dominant than another dog or human leaning over the small dog...this is very intimidating to any dog, and this happens ALOT with small dogs...I can't tell you the number of customers we have with small dogs who get very frustrated with naive people who rush up to see their little dog and then stand over the dog, or bend over it to pet it. I have seen alot of big dogs react in a bad way to people bending over them and trying to pet them on the head...it can be even worse for a small dog. People almost lose their senses when it comes to small dogs and approach them in completely the wrong way, we are more apt to ask before approaching a large dog, and when people approach a large dog they will most times approach them in a less threatening manner than they would with a small dog.

    One of the reasons little dogs sometimes get an attitude about big dogs is that owners tend to panic when they see a big dog approaching. The owners's stress transmits to the small dog, who than becomes anxious herself. If you grab your little dog every time another dog approaches, it will increase her stress and the potential for a confrontation. It is a normal reaction with alot of small dog owners to pick their little dog up and carry it...and in some cases there is just cause. My Rottie looks at little dogs as prey objects and she does go into predatory drift when she sees a little dog. We also have had alot of cases at the Vet clinic where little dogs have been horribly mauled by large dogs due to being mistaken as prey objects, some little dog owners have actually had off lead large dogs grab their little dogs while they are holding them and try to tear them out of the owners arms...this can be very scary for a small dog owner.
    Little dogs need special training, they also just as big dogs should have the NIFIL policy in place. We also have alot of owners of small dogs who come in to the grooming shop who cannot brush their little dogs...the reason behind this, is the dogs doesnt like it :o all dogs even little dogs should be handled and taught to appreciate grooming sessions :wink:

    Any dog can be spoiled, I have seen some very spoiled little dogs, perhaps more so than large dogs as we cannot put up with as much bad behavior from our large dogs as they can be a bigger problem. I have had to deal with many spoiled large dogs, and I will say I would much rather deal with 10 small spoiled untrained dogs than 1 spoiled untrained Chow or Rottie...I value my face and don't like the thought of ending up in the hospital like another groomer my boss knows...small dogs can bite, but, large dogs can put you in the hospital, or like the groomer attacked by a chow she had been grooming for years...suffer horrible scars and reconstructive surgery on your face and upper arms for years to come.

    The problems with small dogs is most times they are not obedience trained, owners inadvertaley give their little dogs reasons to be offensive with body language, tone of voice and reacting badly in certain situations.
    With some bad large dogs most times the owners are afraid of their dogs and allow them to rule the roost.[/quote]
    I agree with you 100%.

  10. [quote name='StarFox']*bangs my head against the wall* I'm not breed stereotyping! I have had four bad experices with cockers, and all 4 times the owners let the dog off leash(in areas where leashes are mandatory). I don't hate the breed I hate the stupid owners who thinks it's cute as there dog races toward my dog and snaps at his neck! Do I love cockers and want every one I see at the shelter, no. But I sure as heck don't hate them or think they are all horrible.

    Bubblezzz-Your dogs sound great. To bad there arn't more owners like you around here. :)[/quote]
    Fine but I am curious what is breed stereotyping to you? How does someone display that.

  11. [quote name='Horsefeathers!']Not defensive. You haven't been here long enough to know that I don't just p*ss and moan about what bugs me, or just post fluff n' stuff that any dog can this, or any dog can that. That's just too easy and doesn't make for intelligent debate or conversation, IMO. It's really kind of condescending and patronizing to just preach the same ol' "any dog can bite..." sermon over and over rather than stick with the topic at hand. Believe me, you're not the first to do it and I'm sure we're all aware. I've long been the biggest mouth here trying to change the perception in the past of all small dogs being yappy and snappy, so you don't know me as well as you think. Wait a while and then you can know me well enough to hate me for real. I'm more of an OFfensive person than a DEfensive one. 8)

    By the way, I've heard PLENTY of people say they aren't large dog folks. I'm not narrowminded enough to think a person has to love every single breed of dog to be a dog lover. If it works for you, hey, whatever flips yer switch. :bigok:[/quote]
    Well I second that you don't know me either yet you don't hesitate to comment on the things that I have said. I am merely reading what I see on the computer screen. How is it narrowminded to think that someone can love ever breed of dog? That seems the opposite of narrowminded. Loving a dog for being a dog is not the same as wanting to keep one. I give all dogs the benefit of the dog after working with them for over 15 years. I can honestly say there is not a breed I don't like and I don't consider that narrowminded.

  12. [quote]It seems that I run into misbehaved Cockers the most. Never had a good experince with that breed and every single owner seems to think it's ok to let the d*** dog run loose all over the place. [/quote]

    Yep once again breed stereotyping. Have you ever worked in a shelter, vet's office or grooming shop? I have worked in all 3 and I can tell you that 90% of the cockers I have come in contact with were no trouble at all. How many have you actually met? What has it been two and both were nasty? I honestly can't think of one breed in all my years that I can say was more trouble then any other. They have breed specific issues like the hounds were always making whoo whoo noises, the cockers often had bad ears, the english bulldogs often had bad skin. But behaviorally no worse then any other. I don't feed into that whole a breed is bad there all dogs and all dogs can be trained and worked with. No breed is bad.

  13. [quote name='Horsefeathers!']Or maybe we should start another thread about how much poor little misunderstood darlin's are terrorized by big, mean dogs. It's been done to death, but let's do it some more. I don't know what part of "yeah, irresponsible dog ownership sucks" people aren't understanding. I don't understand what there is to debate. Some people are just p*ssed off that someone addressed the issue of irresponsible small dog ownership and absolutely insist on believing that we are categorically claiming that all small dogs are evil.

    I reckon I'm just disappointed. The concept is SO simple. I assumed we all knew that ANY dog can be a butthead without having to actually point it out over and over, but the whole point of this thread originally was just a vent that someone had about how people think it's cute to let little dogs aggress. I'm just taken aback that this is such an offensive observation, or such a difficult concept to grasp. The only people I could imagine having any problem with it are the very people who would encourage their own dogs' ill manners as being "cute." *shrug*[/quote]
    I think that you seem to me to be the most defensive of anyone on here. You keep on saying it's hard for us to understand the point. Yes I do understand the point if the discussion were actually about irresponsible dog owners. That is not the tone of the posts. Reread the quotes that were given. I am having a hard time understanding you defensiveness.

  14. [quote name='courtnek']I accept that as being true of you, from what you have posted, and I believe it...However, I HAVE to ask....

    If a small dog (or a mid sized one) latched onto your ankle, you wouldnt kick it to get it off? I am sorry, but I will not allow a dog to bite me, under any circumstances, and if that meant kicking it to make it go away, I would do that. Not to hurt it necessarily, just to make it stop. Just like the two fingered snap....I have never been bitten. and dont intend to be....

    On a side note, I've never met a dog that TRIED to bite me, except the dachsund...I get along with almost all of them, and if they seem aggressive I stay out of their way. The two next door dont like me, but they dont like anybody so I'm not real concerned....

    8) 8) 8) 8)[/quote]
    I would like to answer that question if a small dog was latched onto me and believe me I have had plenty of dogs try to bite me volunteering at the shelter and working in a grooming shop with my sister. I have never been afraid of a small dog, I do not want to get bitten but have learned how to pick them up so that I don't have to hurt the dog. I can't pick up a big dog and the only time I have ever been frightened was by a large dog because at that time I am afraid for my life. The only dog that ever scared my sister was a pitbull that bit at her face. She was bit by little dogs and yes it hurts but she didn't even have to have stitches. The big dogs almost always had to have a stitch or two.

    Do I stereotype big dog, no. All my life I had large dogs it wasn't until 4 years ago I got my first small dog a cairn terrier he is the greatest dog I have ever had and the smartest. Would I have a large dog again in a second. I love dogs! I don't care what size they are I love them all. It always bugs me when people say I am not a "small dog person" whatever the heck that means. I have never heard anyone say I am not a large dog person.

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