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Posts posted by izzy

  1. [quote name='gooeydog']I think I see Dachshund feet! :lol:

    And I note from your sig. that you have one less dog than cat.... perhaps it's time to even things out a bit :wink:[/quote]

    Yes Goo, he has daschund feet, it seems a daschund / blue heeler mix. And no, i have 4 dogs and 4 cats, so we are even :wink:

  2. Nookie, i agree you must be more patient and try to understand you 4 month puppy behave. As i've seen here you have to be so much patient especially with an akita puppy (maybe Jeff help us here), but after all this fella has a second chance, so please learn from the mistakes.

    You know having a dog is a big compromise, and it's not fair for the puppy to be in the risk of being PTS when he actually has a good home with you. :)

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that HF, i think you are really awsome trying to be with Boomer at his final moments, Hughs for you.

    R.I.P. Boomer.

    *re-edited to add: if i could i would send my dogs to you for their grooming*

  4. [quote name='"K"']:o This is getting to be a regular thing...have you ever considered becoming a registered charity!!! :wink:quote]

    Yeah K i'm considering now. :lol:

    There are some rumors here about a new dog shelter operated by a civil association. If that's true i'm gonna be so happy and maybe do some volunteer work in my free time. But until now me and my wife are the only dog charity active organization in here :lol:

    Crazy Canine, i admit this puppy is so beautiful but i just can't have another one. My house is full and my wallet is empty. :-?

  5. The last saturday night we went to a basketball game, (Our local team played against the representative team of Mexico and Mexico won by 1 point <sorry i'm a big basketball fan>) So when we were going back to our house.... yes it happened again... another lonely puppy walking on the street ready to be hitted by a car.

    A lovely little guy, he seems like a daschund mix, infested with fleas, smelling so bad, but with a lovely face. Yesterday morning we cleaned him up, we killed the fleas and we went to the area we found him, and asked in 7 or 8 houses if the puppy belongs to them but the answer was no. A boy told me he saw this puppy a few days before in that neighborhood but he didn't know where the puppy was from, so we took him with us and now we are looking for an owner.
    Look at him:




    I'm totally convinced i'm not gonna keep this puppy, but my wife is completely in love with him. :roll: I got to find a home soon! :lol:

  6. Sam i'm so sorry for your loss, i guess what you need to know is it doesn't matter the breed of a dog. It just needs a little human negligence for a tragedy can happen. Your dog can't be loose in the street just because it's a poodle, and of course is so wrong that this pit were aviable to kill your dog. So please if you have later another dog, learn how to be a good owner so you can have a healty and happy pet and teach it how to behave.

    I've been reading this kind of threads where the original topic get lost because this primrose guest start fights for nothing. What i don't understad is why this guest is so important? why our mod Mei-mei has to expose her school history to a person who isn't brave enough to be a member in the board?

  7. I agree with what's been said here. This is a cruelty case, your friend just use this dog as a toy, so when he got tired he just got rid of him. Maybe for him this desicion was responsible, but it seems he had no second thoughts about PTS the dog, so never gave him another chance, this is so sad.

  8. [color=red][size=6][b]AND SHE HAS A HOME!!![/b][/size][/color]

    :banan: :banan: :banan: :banan: :banan: :banan: :banan:

    I don't know which is gonna be her name, my friend was immediately in love with her, i didn't had to insist. She's a happy puppy now!

    Thanks everyone for your support. :)

  9. Oh thanks everyone! :oops: but i'm pretty sure that all of you would do the same :wink: i'm about to go with my friend to see if he want this puppy. fingers crossed.

  10. Definetely the dogs that are been rescued turn into the best of company. You all are so great, as i was scrolling down the thread i was thinking in replies of every pic, but when i got here i just have to say all your dogs are awsome, i'm so happy to belong to this virtual group.

    I'm not gonna make a long post, the most of you know about the story of my zoo, but here's again just for make my participation in this thread.


    My loved Lola, we found her at a small and dirty backyard, it doesn't was hard to convice her ex owner to give her to us.


    Gilligan, he was something like our wedding present, he came to my house 2 or 3 days before we got married, he's the funniest character in the gang.


    You all know Diesel, found at the gas station after he was hitted by a car. Now he's a happy boy.


    A friend bought Gohan thinking he was a female and whe he realized he was a boy didn't want him anymore (what a moron) so i took him.


    Gabriel n' Gabriela we found them under a car crying.


    Chrysler, found under a car too, at the chrysler agency. (sorry i don't have new pics of her, this is the pic of her first day with us)

    [quote]I'm not gonna make a long post[/quote] yeah right :oops:

  11. Last night, this puppy was walking alone in the street, a female Rott or GSD mix, she was crying so loud so it was imposible to ignore her. A person who was near from her told me that this puppy has about 3 or 4 days in the block. They didn't feed her! :evil: so i took her with me and i'm about to find her a new home, tonight i'm gonna take her with a friend, i hope he fall in love with her.



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