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Posts posted by izzy

  1. I got this from a basset forum, it seems useful info, so i stole it for dogo :wink:



  2. Your basset is a pack dog, they love company and will be hard for him to be alone at night, not to mention he's still a baby. It's his socialization stage, he misses a lot his mother and brothers, so this is one of the consequences of taking a puppy this early. You have to be patient.

  3. I guess that puppy will enjoy a lot to be part of a family and he'll become so thankful to you. We adopted Diesel two months ago, he was stray, and now he has the best behave in the house, he love his dogs and cats mates so i guess you're gonna be fine with that puppy.

  4. Ok, i did my best with this one. I have to recommend you to read the posts about feeding here in Dogo, you'll learn a lot from them :). I have to say i don't follow strictly the advices of this text, but a lot of info here is so usefull.

    The Basset Hound is a short haired dog so it only requires a light daily brushing or on every third day, it could be done with a rubber glove so you can take away all the dead hair. The dog should be bath every 2 months, with a wet sponge all over its body. You must count with enough towels for this, remember our basset is a medium breed dog. Also you're gonna need a hairdryer.

    You must use the indicated shampoo to bath your basset (indicated by your vet), there's a big variety of products. We can find some for dermatic problems, fleas, even with conditioner, remember at the end, the more cheap could be the more expensive.

    Our second point are the ears, they are so delicated and a bad hygiene could cause the death of the ear cartilague with aesthetic and functional irreversible consequences. So you must develop the "cult" of the ear cleaning with a humid rag adding a little of alcohol or maybe some astringent lotion, you must do it every third day, and if you have a ring basset you must do it daily. This is so important due that our basset maintan its ears on the floor most of the time so they can carry a lot of dust causing the annoying otitis. Also this dust could be transported to the face, damaging the eyes of our dog.

    Feeding: It's so important that if this is your first basset you'll be under the advice of your vet about how to feed your dog. Our Basset is that cheating dog that can convice us to give him food all the time with that sad face, so don't be fooled, the variation of the diet can bring on some major problems like gastric torsion, that always cause death. And all the problems that obesity can bring. Don't feed your basset with chicken bones, they can damage badly your dog's gastric system. Fish, tuna is preffered, water canned. Eggs, only the yolk.

    Never give chocolate or candies they are so bad for your dog. Insted of them you can give him some of the large list of dog products that can be an incentive in training, also you can provide a dentabone or some chewing product that can help in your basset oral hygiene. In this topic is important to brush your basset's teeth, use a special dog tooth paste, you can find a lot of flavors for your dog, and use an electric tooth brush, it will be more easy toi do the job.

    Behaviuor. Maybe a Basset Hound is not the best dog for an obedience competition, they have an independent character that make them look for adventure and track every smell they find, so is so important the early days with your dog. Go with an expert in training and take a course, you and your basset will have a lot of fun and you'll be prepared to deal with his huge personality. The Basset is a pack dog, they enjoy the company of humans, other dogs and even cats, so if this is your first dog and he is alone, be sure you're gonna have some behave problems, they can be very housebroken if you don't spend enough time with them, or just if you exclude them of your normal activities.

    When you walk your basset keep him always with a leash, and if you let him loose in a secure space just keep your eye on him, they love to get into troubles following those interesting smells.

    Enjoy your basset, you have in him a loyalty friend that is gonna give you a lot of smiles.

  5. I agree that you should wait a little more to take that puppy from his mother, i got Lola when she was already an adult, but reading in Basset forums there's a lot of breeders that wait for 12 to 16 weeks to give a puppy.

    Anyway he's at your home now, so you have to take spacial care of him, i have some texts of basset care but they're in spanish :-? so let me translate them and i'll post that info for you :)

    *re-edited to add: Check out this site there's a lot of good vet info for bassets.

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