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Everything posted by pitbull

  1. [quote name='bluerat']Here is the site of "bull-type terriers" adoptions : [URL]http://www.nohau.pl/public/adopcje/[/URL] Those two are amstaff/pitbull forums : [URL]http://amstaff.civ.pl/forum/[/URL] [URL]http://www.amstaff-pitbull.cyberdusk.pl/[/URL] I think if You search the web for "pitbull" for example on [URL="http://www.wp.pl"]www.wp.pl[/URL] [URL="http://www.google.pl"]www.google.pl[/URL] and search only "strony w jezyku polskim", You will find many matches, I even think too many :shake: Here [URL]http://www.naszepsy.com.pl/regulaminy.asp?Id=694[/URL] is the list of potentially aggressive dog breeds [[B]Wykaz ras psów uznawanych za agresywne] - [/B]the owner has to ask for permission to have a dog of one of those breeds - but this is a dead regulation - it concerns only pedigree dogs, not type-like dogs - and as far as we know these dogs are often a bigger threat. what do You mean by ? I think You can write in English :), let's hope all dogomaniacs will understand it;) - if not, they will have to learn and it will be for a greater good:evil_lol: [SIZE=1]ps. sorry for errors:oops:[/SIZE][/quote] Thank you for all that information. I can read in Polish but you made it even easier for me. By factory farm I meant that animals such as cows for example, are shoved into tiny stalls in large factories where they are expected to live there their whole lives, infused with chemicals and hormones until they are slaughtered. Its very sad and alot of groups are fighting the conditions the animals are put through, but its such a huge business for these companies, and people gotta eat, so it doesn't make it easy. I hope Poland is more 'natural' in their meat production than here in North America But anyways, I don't want to get off topic..lol
  2. Ok so I guess that means that Poland does have breed specific laws that target pit bulls. That is sad. We have that hear too but its worse. Any pit bull puppy born after October 2004 has to be killed. Its disgusting. :shake: How are laws pertaining to animal abuse/ownership in Poland these days? Is spaying and neutering encouraged to avoid pet overpopulation? Is dog fighting common? :(
  3. One more thing: Jak bylam w Polsce 8 lat temu, to pamietam ze psy lataly po ulicah (streets) same :shake: Czy teraz Polska sie stara o kastrowanie psow i kotow? Jakie teraz som warunki dla zwiezot domnih (domesticated animals)...i czy som w Polsce farmy metalowe (we call them Factory Farms/factory slaughter houses here)? :placz:
  4. Czesc...jestem Violetta...mjeszkam w Kanadzie ale sie urodzilam w Polsce. Mam 22 lat ale juz tu mjeszkam 17 lat, no to dlatego nie za dobrze pisze po Polsku....moze mnie jakos zrozumiecie? I swear I speak perfect Polish though! :) Mam pytanie o pit bulls. Bym chcjala wiedziec czy som jakies prawa w Polsce co mowiom ze nie wolno miec pit bulla? Bardzo te psy koham i bym chcjala wiedziec wiecej o prawac w Polsce i ktore psy som teraz pszekazane i jakie problemi ludze z psami teraz majom... I jesze bym mogla sie zabytac o jednom zecz: Liste websites o pit bullow i pit bull schronek (rescues) w Polsce....djecuje bardzo. Jak ktos by mok mi odpisac po Angielsku bym byla wdziecna...lol I can read it just fine, but as you can tell, my writing skills are terrible. It would just be quicker for me to read in English. :) OH...i to jest moja kohana krolewna...Messina i ja: [IMG]http://pics-82.hi5.com/userpics/882/175/175452882.img.jpg[/IMG] I tu jest jej link do jej dogster website: [URL]http://www.dogster.com/?45488[/URL]
  5. pitbull


    [quote name='TDG']as discussed elsewhere already, nutro = poor quality food at a premium price. :( it's quite sad. you can feed better brands for the same amount of money.[/quote] I would have to agree...but hey...lol look on the bright side...at least its not IAMS or *gasps* PEDIGREE! (The choice of champions my foot!) :lol:
  6. TDG.... :) aka MORDY? Chazhound regular? Food Guru? lol I'll stop now
  7. I think the Miami Animal Cops show is a bit dissapointing...alot of the investigators give out false information and seem to be completely clueless on the subject of pitbulls and dangerous dogs altogether...I think its about time they hire someone else or take the show off the air... As for Animal Precinct (Detroit)..I actually really appreciate that show...opposite of MAC...the people actually know what they're talking about, and as someone previously mentioned, they try their best to rehome the pits and educate the public..I've heard them say alot of great things about the dogs..which is great... But I'll say this now...its definately not an easy job..being a cruelty investigator is one heck of a stressful career...it can be rewarding at times, but it can also be one of those jobs that you want to walk out on. I just started a summer student position with cruelty investigation...its like a co op program..and let me tell you...its exactly what they show on TV..some of the stuff you see makes you want to go on a killing spree..so we really do have to thank them for having the jobs they have some one has to do it...
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