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  1. I hate waking up to stupid people! (the guy in the clip) "Oh he licked his bleeding thumb and got blood lust and attacked him." F-ing idiots, they just got a real nice I just woke up with a hangover and don't you dare talk s-it about my dogs email. Sorry, for the rant... PLEASE EMAIL THEM ABOUT THIS. Ok, now I'm done, lol. :evilbat:
  2. 4 out of our 5 loooooove the sprinkler, that sounds like a disclaimer, lol. We tried the kiddie pool as well, but they just think it's a giant water bowl.
  3. Lock it, and throw away the key.. However, Io does enjoy putting the occasional troll in his mouth, lol. [img]http://pic13.picturetrail.com/VOL460/2197569/4288330/53696164.jpg[/img]
  4. I am new to this board, and troll or not... It's bad enough that Pit Bulls get bad press, we don't need it here. I love my Pit Bulls, and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I would translate what Titan was saying in the pic, but it's not appropriate, lol. [img]http://pic13.picturetrail.com/VOL460/2197569/4288192/54586561.jpg[/img]
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