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Black GSD

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Posts posted by Black GSD

  1. Well isn't that just lovely. (Said with discust). What a JOKE! Not only the junk mentioned by others, but apparently they will give papers to anything. On the "List of breeds", what the heck is an American Blue Heeler. Sounds to me like an ACD mix mutt. Another "recoginzed" breed is "Hound Dog". It also says, "Additional canine and feline breeds added as breeders demand". So basically any mutt that "Joe Public" wants to breed can now get papers.
    These people should be :2gunfire:.

  2. Well, I don't blame your wife for the "No cat = No Dog", train of thought. Afterall, it is her house TOO. Yes, there is a breed of cat that is basically hairless. Have you thought of the fact that most dogs shed 1000 times worse than any cat?
    That said, you CAN train cats to stay off of the table, counters ect... My cat doesn't get on the counters. Also, if you were to have trouble keeping it off of things, have a designated "cat room" where you can lock the cat when you are not home. Cats aren't nearly as stupid as some folks think. Of they KNOW they aren't supposed to get on the counter, they will only do it when you aren't there. If he/she is locked up when no one is home, that will stop the counter crawling.
    MOST breeds of dogs can live in the same household peacefully with a cat if they are raised together. The best way to do this IMO, is to have an older cat (meaning NOT a small kitten) when you get a puppy. Good Luck.

  3. This is normal dog behaviour(sp). The only way to "help her out" is to play with her, or let her play with the toys when HE isn't around.
    My GSD is NOT the dominant dog in the house. BUT she IS the toy hog. As far as she is concerned ALL toys are HERS. However she is 4yo so I can put her on a "down stay" so the others can use "her" toys.

  4. You may want to check out. [url]www.pembrokecorgi.org[/url] It is the site for the Pembrike Welsh Corgi Club of America. What state are you in? You also might want to do a search on Google or somewhere for breeders.

  5. OK, I kept looking at her site, AND that Black puppy (with the "big boobs" IS a mother!!! On the puppy page, one of the puppies is hers.
    And YES, they are supposed to be Butt high. (Does kinda make them look sway backed.)

  6. From what it says about them on the Dogo site, they started with Papillion, Japanese Chin, Maltese and Shih-Tzu. Gimme a BREAK!!! Just another idiot adding to the mutt market. (Don't get me wrong folks, I am NOT a mixed breed hater. I have one myself). I am just a hater of folks that breed them intentionally.

  7. Something else I noticed, is that there are Sable Cockapoos. Correct me if I am wrong here. But neither Cockers nor Poodles come in sable, How do the puppies end up sable? I do know that at least in GSDs sable is a dominant color. One of the parents has to BE sable to get sable. This is on top of all of the other crap. :x

  8. IMO, people that breed wolves with dogs are MORONS! :x Dogs and wolves do not breed naturally. Wolves KILL dogs. Wolves are WILD animals and should be left alone! There are enough breeds of dogs out there (Including mixed breeds) that anyone that wants a dog can find a suitable match, without having to add wolf dogs to the mix. IMO breeding wolves to dogs should be against the law, and the ones that do it should be fined and or spend time in the slammer!
    I'm sure I will make some enemies with my thoughts on this matter, But... Oh well!

  9. "If you are just interested in a pet or a dog to be your friend than rescue one don't breed pet quality dogs just to have more good pets for other people there are already plenty of pets out there.[/quote]

    AMEN!!! It really burns me up, all of the people that are "breeding" Just to get pets. :x Then they have the nerve to have a website and/or advertise in national magazines. They are actually proud of themselves.

  10. Diva, Black, German Shepherd Dog, 4yo female
    Wrangler, Blue Merle, ACD/Aust. Shep. mix, 3yo male

    And in the spring, a male GSD puppy, will be either Black Sable or Black. :D Will most likely be named either Xavo (pronounced Savo), or Valdo.

    Also in the same household,
    Butch, Red. (litter brother to Wrangler)
    Pepper, Black (with white speckles) "Heeler". 14yo female
    (These 2 belong to my BF.)
    (We also have several horses, and 4 Bovines.)

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