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  1. [COLOR=#666666][B]Wystawa "Szukałem Was i teraz przyszliście do mnie"[/B][/COLOR] [URL="http://www.wck.wadowice.pl/uploads/pics/szukalem.jpg"][IMG]http://www.wck.wadowice.pl/typo3temp/pics/8f3a8d411c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Wystawa [B]„Szukałem was i teraz przyszliście do mnie” [/B]upamiętnia ostatnie dni życia Karola Wojtyły i uroczystości pogrzebowe. Składa się z trzech części: agonia, śmierć oraz żałoba. Wstępem do niej są zdjęcia wykonane 13 marca 2005r. przed kliniką Gemeli w Rzymie.Upamiętniają one wizytę wadowiczan, podczas której Jan Paweł II pozdrowił swoich rodaków mówiąc; „Witam Wadowice”. Kompozycja zdjęć świetnie oddaje dramaturgię kwietniowych wydarzeń. Ułożone są wg klucza: czas agonii, śmierć i okres żałoby. Moment przejścia Jana Pawła II do Domu Ojca symbolizuje na wystawie biała sala, której punktem centralnym jest rozłożony, promieniejący światłem Ewangeliarz
  2. [B]The Siberian Cat[/B] is one of semi-long hair cat breeds and originates from Siberia. The breed was registered in FIFE in 1998. [IMG]http://syberyjskie-salamandra.pl/images/orasie/husni.jpg[/IMG] The Siberian Cat is a representative of one of the natural breeds with semi-longhaired fur. It means that Siberian Cat's evolution underwent without human's participation. The origins of the breed go back to XVII century, but some sources state that it was XI century. The Siberian Cat comes from Siberia, that;s why it is the most common cat in Russian homes. The cat was popularized outside Russia not long ago, in the West, after the collapse of USSR. Breeding of this breed in Poland started in 1989, when Jolanta Sztykiel brought the first Siberian cat. Siberian cats are lively, impetuous, with great temperament. They are very friendly and emotional. They are not aggressive. The cats like climbing and jumping, what can be confirmed by the fact that they often rest on shelves and wardrobes. They are great hunters. It is probable that inhabitants of Siberia used the cats as house "guards", because they could react with purr when they saw a coming stranger. In family the Siberian cat is warm-hearted, sociable and independent. [B]SIZE[/B] medium to large, females mostly smaller than males. Siberians weigh from 5 to even more than 10 kilos, females weigh about 6 kilos. Massive body with strong skeleton. The cat has a majestic appearance. [B]HEAD[/B] Shape - a bit longer than wide, softly rounded Forehead - broad, slightly rounded Cheeks - the cheekbones are high set and well developed Nose - of medium length, broad Chin - slightly slanting back, in profile creating a curve from the upper line of the nose [B]EARS[/B] Shape - medium size, wide at the base, the tips are rounded Location - widely set, ideal position is 1,5 ear widths apart, ears tilt forward. The ears have lynx tipping, and the inner ear has an abundance of ear tufts [B]EYES[/B] Shape - large, slightly oval shaped. A bit oblique, set widely apart Color - Any colour is permitted. Clear eye colour is desirable [B]BODY[/B] Well boned and muscled, powerful neck, broad chest [B]LEGS[/B] Legs - of medium length, proportionate to trunk, strong Paws - large, round, with toe tufts [B]TAIL[/B] Wide and strong at the base, gradually narrowing to the end. Evenly and thickly furnished. Fur on a tail is thick and long. Covered on all sides by dense hair with no hair trailing down. The tail of medium length which should reach a shoulder blade when rolled.
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