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  1. and now for everyboy!!! look at those lovely dogs looking for a new home....they're asking for love! if you want any, it's not a problem!!!!! the flight cost only 80$ one way (if the pet travels with a passenger) from Poland. Dogomaniacs are so dynamic in Poland that you can easily count on them to help you organizing the vaccinations, documents, etc. just pick your dog!!!!! seriously, you don't even know how much you help taking FOR EVER a dog from these places... ps. my Mom is flying to Chicago in 2 weeks, so if anybody serious is interested, please, let me know... link to the Polish dogomania website with picts of dogs in need [URL]http://www.dogomania.pl/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=28[/URL]
  2. czy my tu organizujemy super pomoc dla naszych kochanych bid w schroniskach????? jakby byl chetny na psiaka, moja mama leci za 2 tygodnie z warszawy do chicago...moze jakas bide przywiezc. a tak w ogole czy tu sa chetni na psy schroniskowe? mam wrazenie, ze dogomania amerykanska o wiele rzadziej jest odwiedzana od naszej... pozdrufffffka
  3. hi, I don't know your budget for the trip, but sometimes you can get a cheap flight with a petfriendly company...t's 80-100$ flat rate for the dog. if it's a small dog, you can take it with you in the cabin. [URL]http://www.petfriendlytravel.com/?page=airtravel[/URL] this is how i do with my 2 dogs... good luck
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