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Posts posted by lkeffect

  1. I have two dogs that get hotspots constantly. I currently give them cephalexin as an anti-biotic....then I shave the spot down and put a cortisone/steroid spray topped off with bitter apple on it. Then the dreaded E-collar. Does anyone have an alternative ways to treat hotspots....natural or medical?

  2. One thing those of you who have dogs diagnosed with luxating patellas you may want to find out more about cerebellar abiotrophy. One of my Scotties was wrongly diagnosed with laterally luxating patellas. I was almost going to do surgery....I fortunately did some research on my own and found out that cerebellar abiotrophy is more recently being diagnosed and often times missed by doctors and being called luxating pattellas. I ended up taking her for several opinions and now it has been agreed by all that she does have CA. Just thought some of you may want to look into it.

  3. With 4 Golden Retrievers, 2 Scottish Terriers, 2 Collies, 1 Bernese Mountain Dog, 1 Basset Hound, and 1 German Shepherd/Golden Retriever Mix.....I get tumbleweeds daily. If I have a busy day and can't sweep the entire house.....It appears I have another dog growing out of the hair balls. Thank goodness I have all woodfloors and tile because I would never get the hair out of carpet. With the breeds I have no color is safe to wear black is out or I end up wearing black with a Golden on it, khaki is out or I wear a Berner, Scottie and mix dog. Around here if you have an issue with dog hair....don't bother coming over. :)

  4. I don't know about the cheap brands out there.....but Invisible Fence brand can even put cats on the fence. I know a lady who has twelve cats on an Invisible Fence brand fence. I personally wouldn't do it....but it works.

  5. I would suggest you get him around a really mellow puppy. Ideally another small breed. Another idea is to get him around a very tolerant older dog. Puppies often move quickly and play hard and often times rudely. If Scout is already intimidated a typical obnoxious puppy may intimidate him and make the situation worse. Once he becomes more comfortable he may learn to actually play. Also a group of puppies can be intimidating to even a semi-confident dog. Get him one one one with a dog/puppy he isn't fearful of and then try to initiate an activity he enjoys. The more positive experiences he has around other dogs the better.

    Good Luck!

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