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Posts posted by NYLabLady

  1. How come I have never seen any petitions against Wizard Of Claws breeders web? I think this is one of the worst there is.

    They recruit breeders of Dachshund/Yorkie crosses and claim them to be RARE BREED! No. The Thai Ridgeback is a rare breed, The Lundehund is a rare breed, not these little dogs who are sold for outrageous sums of money.

    [url]www.wizardofclaws.com/specials[/url] :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

  2. Those "Puggles" are probably one of the most idiotic mixes I have ever heard of. PugXBeagle=Puggle. It also equals a whole hoard of idiots who will buy them and believe they are "the greatest BREED ever" and who will argue that "oh well i think they're just so cute, why not buy them?" :evil: STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :x

    [b]VERY ANGRY NYLabLady[/b]

  3. I take that back, no. The worst part is the poor dogs being exploited for the pleasure of this person probably off buying accessories. What kind of crazy world is it when DOGS cannot even live a normal life? Something needs to be done about this. I wrote a nice little letter, you know, breeder to "breeder". :P I expect a return letter soon.

    Still :x though, very :evil: .[/b]

  4. The person doing this is obviously a full-blown jackass to be thinking such nonsense. I mean, honestly. The worst part is all of the other jackasses who bought into the scheme. It truly makes me sick. I mean [b]SICK[/b]! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


  5. I always say a dog breeder with a USDA license has only the money in mind. Dog breeders do not NEED them, but a USDA license gives the breeder proper right to sell their puppies to pet stores.

  6. [quote]I don't understand the whole Labradoodle concept, though I've heard it explained several times. It just hasn't sunk in with me. I mean, I don't understand how they are assured that it won't be a curly coated shedding dog (combining the both) and the other thing is that Labs are not categorically more intelligent than Standard Poodles.[/quote]

    Hello. :D
    I am a Labrador breeder. Here's my thoughts on Labradoodles, and why I don't agree with mixing breeds, regardless of whether or not our original dogs were mixed to create today's breeds.

    Labradoodles are bred for a purpose, a good one at that. The coat is not guarenteed to be non-shedding or hypoallergenic, but in third generation puppies this is pretty set and the dogs are usually alike. I DO NOT agree with the people who are breeding these dogs and selling them as mere companions. I believe they should be bred only to do what we intended, seeing as the Service Labradoodles I have seen and/or heard of are all amazingly excelling dogs. I would never breed one of my Labs to a Poodle. NEVER! That's just me. To those who breed the Labradoodle for it's intended purpose as a Service Dog for the Needy, More power to you. Labradors were not just crossed with Poodles because of the coat, that may very well have been a miscalculation to the breeder himself. Poodles in general do not have the overall temperament needed in Service Dog work, whereas most Service-Bred Labradors do. I'm certainly not saying Poodles have bad temperaments, this was just one of the deciding factors.

    As for other mixed breeds, No. Leave the breeding up to the people who know what they're doing. If you decide to breed two breeds together for a working purpose, ask yourself "Am I really going to get what I want? Is this dog really going to possess the best of both worlds? Or will it be a complete fluke? Is it worth the risk of a bitch's life?". There are over 400 dog breeds in the world with set standards and formal recognition, to mix two breeds these days is like saying "Well I'm just not satisfied with what I've got, eventhough I have no clue what I'm doing mixing two breeds anyhow." :wink:

    I'm not here to down anyone who owns a mixed breed. One of our very own inhabitants is a Collie Cross from a local rescue organization. I'm just simply saying my opinion. :D


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