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Posts posted by wolfsoul

  1. Enzyme supplements should be carefully used, because often they can cause pancreatitis. The pancreas breaks down enzymes, and when you give your dog supplements, the pancreas has a hard time breaking down the extra enzymes.

    Are you sure that this is a nutritional deficiency causing his coprophagia? It's possible, bet extremely rare that a dog eats it's poop for nutritional reasons. Generally they do it out of boredom. What type of food is he on? Try taking one of his poops (and I know this sounds discusting), cut it apart, and place something spicy, like salsa, in it, and then kind of smush it back together. Dogs hate spicy things. You can also buy several things on the market that you spray on the poop. MAke sure you watch him when he's outside and correct his behavour. It can be harmless, but he could also get worms or other parasites from another dog's feces.

    EDIT: Oopsies, sorry I called her a 'him.' :oops: hehe.

    Good luck! :) I hope everything works out.

  2. Pets first is a great company. some of their products son't contain corn. They have some products that are also great for dogs with allergies. My dog Leather is allergic to corn, as well as a number of other foods. She is on Pets First and hasn't had a problem since. She also hasn't had any tumors since (she has cancer). It has human grade meat and vegetables and is only preserved with vitamans A and E.


    I also think Nutro is great. I believe that they have some dog foods with no corn. They have some great ingredients compared to most other foods.

    What have you heard about Iams to make you stay away from it? I myself, have not heard many good things. It was even on their website a while ago that they admitted that they do have a research lab and that they do tests on 19 dogs and an uncounted amount of cats. :o

  3. It sounds to me like your doggy had tubal ligation. That is where the fallopian tubes are snipped, instead of removing the uterus and ovaries. It will let your dog continue to go through estreus.

    Unfortunatly, it also leaves a dog at risk for pregnancy, because tubal ligation can reverse itself in the future.

    Are you sure that this is not what your dog has?

    Good luck, keep us updated.

  4. My dog is a big mix because of her mother carrying three breeds, and her father carrying four breeds; She's a siberian husky/ rhodesian ridgeback/ collie/ australian shepherd/ german shepherd/ belgian shepherd/ golden retriever cross. Her name is Timber, you can see her in my sig.

    I haven't had many mixes in my life. I've had a german shepherd/ doberman/ border collie/ lab cross. She was gorgeous. Pure white. Looked like a white german shepherd, but carried temperments from all four breeds.

    I had a chesapeake bay retriever/ american cocker spaniel cross. Blue eyes. Nice chocolate fur.

    All the rest of my dogs have been purebred. Right now I have Timber, and my purebred german shepherd dog, Leather.

  5. [quote name='mjriggl2']And how about your Sarah and Icarus! Are they aware of their natures at all?[/quote]

    Well, the rats are definatly afraid of the cat --- but the cat is afraid of them too! She used to want to eat them, but she learned better after getting a few too many bites on the nose from my Frisco. Now she's afraid to go on my bed because the rats' cages are beside it. She sleeps under the dresser and in my closet, and if the rats come to close, she runs away :roll: There's my evil baby for ya :roll: Icarus would never bite her, he's too much of a sweetheart, very sensitive. He wouldn't dare hurt anything bigger than him. But Frisco likes to act macho, and although Icarus is braver, he will bite the cat, and lately has begun to bite Timber (who never learns).

  6. [quote name='mjriggl2']Hi wolfsoul! Your pets are amazing! A super-mixed Timber. Your Leather is totally beyond my Wolfie. And how about your Sarah and Icarus! Are they aware of their natures at all? :drinking: Share your "training" secrets to us! I have tried many times to place cookies on top of my dogs' nose. Blondie just ate the cookies and peacefully waited for the next one. Wolfie ... the cookies never got close to 1 ft of her befoer she jumped to swallow them![/quote]
    thanks so much :)

    We started off when Leather was just a small puppy. We held her nose down firmly and placed the treat on it, and we wouldn't let her move her nose or have the treat until she held still.

    Now she will wait forever, just to hear you say "get it!" and then she will flip it up in the air and catch it. She almost won a doggy trick contest one time for it, but not quite.

  7. [quote name='mjriggl2']You have very beautiful dogs! Wolfie (my Aussie) wants to say to Leather: Letting cookies on you nose and not swallowing it in a milli-second is BYEOND ME! Tell us more stories about them! :wink:[/quote]

    LOL, Leather has an amazing amount of patience. Timber on the other hand... :roll:

    More stories?? hmmm...lol, i'll just say a bit more about them :)

    Timber is an idiot. lol. Well, she's not the smartest dog in the world. She's very fun though. She can run for hours beside my bike, and barely get winded. Her dream is to be a sled dog one day (pssst, don't tell her I told you...she's very embarassed by it ;) ) She can do alot of tricks, but lately has been getting the commands confused. She can rollover, play dead, crawl, talk, dance, and if she's really hyper she can do all of these after the other lol. She's very enegetic. And her bark is very odd. Nobody likes her bark because it is so high pitched. She sounds like she's screaming. Unless she's protecting the house, then she uses her big deep bark. But she only pretends to protect the house to look good. She's a big wimp lol. She's especially afraid of people with masks lol. (I actually walked in the yard with a mask on one time and she flipped out ). she LOOOOOVES small animals, especially my rats. She just wants to mother everything. Even the cat (who does not appreciate it). Timber will chase her around the yard, in play mode, and the cat will get so mad that she'll turn around and chase Timber around the yard. :roll: Timber is 2 years old.

    Leather is the smartest dog I know. she knows pretty much any vocabulary, and knows how to do many things. She uses her brains to do stupid things, like open the fridge and eat everything inside. So now we have a bungee cord to hold the fridge shut, and latches on the doors. She even figured out how to unlatch the outside gate and took a joy ride through the neighborhood for half an hour. We kick ourselves everyday for not naming her Houdini. In our old house, she figured out how to climb under it and get out. she's an escape artist. But she's shepherd through and through, never afraid to protect us and our home. She has a huge bark, and one huge bite if a stranger comes too close. She's 110 pounds of big mean guard dog, and I love that about her. I'm never afraid when I'm around her. I even love to cuddle with her when I'm watching a scary movie. She's such a well behaved dog. but unfortunatly she's getting up there in years. :( she'll be 11 this year, and shepherds generally live 10-12 years. I'm hoping she'll atleast live long enough for me to take her when I move out. It's hard to say though, she's been battling with her health for years. She has cancer, very severe allergies, a boredom disorder, chewing disorder (she chews herself) and now old age. :(

  8. [quote name='Angelboddy']Pretty pups! :D
    I would love to see pictures of your kitty.
    I use to have a black Manx, but she got chewed up by two golden retrivers. :cry:
    I would love to get another Manx someday, They are just like dogs. :lol:
    They love to fetch, and can learn tricks. :o :D[/quote]

    Awww, poor kitty :(

    Unfortunatly Sara takes after the himalayan side, and she's a big snob. lol. Here she is..

    The things I put her through :roll:
    Sara and Icarus
    Sitting pretty..

  9. Thanks! :)

    Here are some more pics :)

    She's so tolerant :roll:
    Her ridge -- the now only sign of her ridgeback heritage lol (this pic was taken just after winter so she looks sortof fat lol...Most of the black on her back is gone too)


  10. Here is my baby-girl Timber

    Here's Leather, my silver gold and black german shepherd dog.
    All wet lol

    hope you liked the pics! If you want to see more, just let me know. And if anyone would like to see pics of my ratties or my cat, just tell me, I'll be happy to show you! :D

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