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Posts posted by PamelaJ

  1. hehe thanks guys...he is very playful...

    but he likes to use people for teething rings...not interested AT ALL in the nylabone (sp)?...anyone have any suggestions about teething puppies? it's been a while since i had one this small

  2. a note on FDA approval...

    if i am not mistaken, the FDA has also approved ephedrine (Stackers, Yellow Jackets, etc.) for human consumption which has caused heart attacks and strokes...

    this combined with the PH6 example is why i would never let the FDA decide what is healthy for me or my dogs!

  3. some more interesting information regarding pits...

    due to their ill-deserved reputation, most airlines will not accept them for transit after the age of six months...this is extremely frustrating considering rescues can involve air travel...

    one of my best friends owns a very loving and non-aggressive pit...she recently purchased a house, and is having problems get home owner insurance because she owns a pit...

    i don't understand how people can condemn a whole breed...i owned a chow for 13 years, and as i understand it, that breed also gets a bad rap for being aggressive...in all the time i owned her, she never snapped at or bit anyone...as a matter of fact, when she was outside, if someone came up the driveway, she would bark from UNDER THE HOUSE!!!

  4. Sorsha has gone NUTS since she's been in heat...Saxo is too young to breed (he's only 6 months old) but that doesn't stop Sorsha from trying...she mounts HIM...his head, his back, however she can get on him and he just lays there and takes it :roll: :roll:

    she is almost 2 now, and this is the first time she has been around another dog when she's been in heat...she is one big walking HORMONE!

    the new puppy comes home tonight...i would like to get everyone's opinion on how Saxo will react...since Sorsha is in heat, and Saxo has been the only male around her (even though i haven't let them mate), do you think Saxo will be aggressive against the new puppy? i hope they all get along well :-?

  5. oh wow...i did not realise that frogs were poisonous...too bad your baby likes the taste of them...glad to hear he is doing better...

    we are taking our dogs to the beach soon...they are not water dogs so will probably only wade...is there anything at the beach i need to look out for? it's so hard to protect them sometimes when they are into EVERYTHING....

    Saxo likes to pick up trash when we go for our walks and lug them home to the garden...we are constantly taking things out of his mouth :roll: :roll:

  6. OUCH Malamum! i don't know how things are "down under" but there seems to be a lot of things available in the states that i can't get here :cry:

    here's something fun for anyone who is into needlepoint or cross stitch...you can send in a favorite picture of your fur babies and they can make a cross stitch pattern for you...


  7. sorry to hear about your problem Abker...

    Sorsha is never snappy except when it comes to her favorite treats...but when it comes to something she REALLY likes (a pig ear comes to mind) she will snap at anyone or anything that comes near...

    since we have gotten a new puppy recently, we have tried everything to show the dogs that we view them as equal...i.e. if one gets to sleep in the bed, they both do...

    i hope your babies start getting along better...i can imagine it's tough when one seems to fear the other...

    best wishes

  8. i know what you mean about the price of stuff coming from the US, Malamum...when i order stuff, i always have it sent to a friend in the US, and she ships it to me for much less than i would have paid if i had it shipped straight to Denmark...here, if there's a declared value of less than 45$ on the goods, we don't have to pay taxes...

    i would like to order some of this stuff too...very cute!!!

  9. thanks so much abker...that's what i was looking for...

    we have been to a few places here, and Eukanuba is definitely a best seller...

    we bought Hill's Science Plan...the only thing we have found available here besides IAMs products and Pedigree...eeeewww...

    can anyone tell me anything about Science Plan? is it a good one? i really hope so cause Sorsha seems to love it :D

  10. i asked the vet for something that was healthy for their teeth...he said the Eukanuba had something on the kibbles that was healthy for the teeth...he looked surprised when i mentioned the animal testing...i can't be sure if he knew or not...perhaps the news just hasn't reached denmark...

    i believe he also sells something called prescription plan ?? has anyone heard anything about that brand?

    also, if anyone has a link to an article about Eukanuba, i would like to forward it on to my vet

  11. thanks Lisa...i will check for those brands here...denmark doesn't have a lot of variety to offer when it comes to pet foods or even people food for that matter

    i would like some information to give to my vet regarding IAMS...it's the only thing he sells except for something with prescription in the name...i am looking for something that naturally cleans and/or protects their teeth

  12. Here's some interesting news...

    In Denmark, dogs are vaccinated against hepititis, parvo, and distemper. Rabies is not necessary unless they are used for hunting out in the country, but it has never been a problem in Copenhagen.

    The mosquitoes here do not carry heartworms so a heartworm preventative is not necessary.

    The hardest part of the trip...it is required by the Danish goverment that a computer chip be put under the dog's skin...it's about the half size of one Norplant stick if you are familiar with those. It's good because if the dog is ever lost, he can be identified, but that was the only part of the visit that the dogs really didn't like.

    They both got a clean bill of health!

    I asked the vet about the best food for them and he recommended something made by IAMS...whatever the kind is that starts with EU...i told him i didn't want to give that to them because I had read bad things about IAMS. I would like more information on that brand and why it's bad if anyone can provide that for me.

  13. This morning about 1 o'clock, my husband took the dogs out for a walk (the urge hits him at strange times sometimes...hehe)

    anyway, they were walking down the street, and this big black dog chased Sorsha under a parked car...Rene could have retracted the leash to keep her from getting under there, but it was the only way she could get away...

    the owner of the black dog (no idea about the breed cause i wasn't there) came walking along behind with a leash in his hand NOT ATTACHED TO HIS DOG!!! my husband was holding his dog by the collar to keep him from pursuing Sorsha...

    the dog's owner asked my husband if Sorsha was in heat, and then lectured him that it was "dangerous" to walk a dog that was in heat...OMG i wish i had been there...

    what is "dangerous" IMO is to let a dog run free in a city the size of Copenhagen!!!

  14. i have noticed that my dogs have gotten a lot more lazy since it's gotten warm...i worried about them same as you...

    i would find Saxo in the bathroom sacked out on the floor and Sorsha's place was under the couch...the bathroom floor is ceramic tile (cool on his little belly) and we have hardwood floors throughout the rest of the house so i guess under the couch is nice and cool too...

    the puppy pool is a great idea...he'll probably feel a lot more active if he isn't miserable with the heat, and i bet you'll see a lot more activity out of him come fall...

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