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Sour Milk


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OK i know milk isnt good for dogs, but my parents insit giving milk that has expired to duke "wont hurt him", "he'll be fine" And i always try to stop tehm but they always give it to him, now everytime they tell me to i dump it out because i know it WILL hurt him, so can anyone give me anythign to say? TO tell them that will hurt him, i know theres a disease they can get from eating dairy producs, but i dont remeber the name and if i did id look it up so any help?
Thanks guys.

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I think the main problem is that it is milk, not that it is expired (as long as it is not way way way bad). I drink milk that is past the expiration date all the time. I know a few people who prefer it to be a little sour. But dogs don't have the enzymes necessary to properly digest lactose so that's what makes milk not very good for him. Keep dumping out the milk!

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milk isn't "bad" per se.

just like humans, some dogs are lactose tolerant (produce the enzyme lactase in sufficient amounts to digest lactose) and some aren't. lactose intolerant people and animals either don't produce lactsae at all or only in insufficient amounts.

if your dog tolerates it and doesn't get diarrhea, there is nothing wrong with giving him some now and then. just don't give excessive amounts.

"expired" milk isn't necessarily sour yet, and even sour milk is not toxic. there is a fine line between "sour" and "spoiled" tho.

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ya it is sometimes a day over due or a week but it tastes GROSS and sumtimes it will only be a cup other times a whole liter!!!! I still dump it out but thanks now i will tell tehm i CAN kill him well give him problems and stuff..thanks

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