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Caleb crossed over to the Rainbow's Bridge

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Sally and Rocket's daddy went to the Rainbow's Bridge on Sunday January 4, 2003.

Sally & Rocket miss him very much but knew his time had come.

Courtnek, Rocket and Caleb resolved their issues and I witnessed first hand Caleb giving Rocket the Alpha-dog spot, Rocket responded by giving his father a kiss on the face.

Caleb came down with a very rare/agressive and untreatable form of stomach cancer, a low-inheritable kind. He did not pass in pain, but with dignity, respect and honor.

We will all miss him dearly as he was a very wonderful companion and a dog unlike any other I have met.



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Thank you everyone so much for your condolances. It has been very hard on everyone, with so much going on I haven't been able to come online and will only be able to post sometimes in the next 10 days after that it may be another month on so before I can come back.

Marion I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I am sure that Caleb is with her, he loved to be around people more than anything in the world. He never knew a stranger and accepted everyone as a friend. Although she may be a little taken aback by his preferred display of affection [size=2](nose planted squarely in the crotch while scratching him behind his ears)[/size].

Shelterlover: Hope everything is going well with Jr. and I wish you safe and easy delivery. May he be the joy your life and you his.


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