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Monografica 2004


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Mam pierwsze wiadomosci. Na wystawie bylo ok. 40 majorek.

Najlepszym psem wystawy zostal Jason de Almallutx:


A najlepsza suka zostala Godzilla de Allmalutx:


Mlodziez wygral Mauro z Puerto Rico - a Erik z Westside kupil psa, 2 letniego od Almalutxa, ktory zostal 2 w klasie otwartej.

Wygraly te same psy co w roku 2002 - mhm.... hodowca Almallutx jest tez szefem klubu..... <no comments>

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Ten pies jest bardziej do mojej DC podobny niż do Majorki!

Suka wygląda jak ... nie wiem co ale napewno nie jak rasowy pies!


nie dam rady jutro przyjechać, więc innym razem się poznamy.

Rodowód odebrałam i mam zgłoszenia na Gdynię i Sopot, więc będzie jeszcze okazja sie poznać!

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@ Gorzala

Widac, ze Hiszpanie podchodza do tego bardziej "na luzie" - nie mierza wszystkiego miarka, nie waza, nie trzymaja sie kurczowo wzorca.

Ja mysle ze.... kazdy ma to co lubi!

Hiszpanie chca taki typ majorek - prosze bardzo, ich sprawa. Jezeli takie majorki sa dla nich najpiekniejsze - ich broszka :-)

Ogladalam wlasnie wszelkie zdjecia majorek jakie mam. Moj ulubiony typ jest Falcor - Ikar - Czesio.... nawet w kierunku Falcora bym najbardziej preferowala. Nie jestem profesjonalistka w tej rasie, ale jego glowa jednak najbardziej mi sie podoba - to tylko moj smak!

Majorki nie maja wygladac jak file ale tez nie jak buldogi!

Jest to trudna rasa - nie da sie ukryc.

Mysle, ze i my i Hiszpanie powinni swoje gusta wzajemnie tolerowac :-)

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Ten pies to Mortero de Almallutx - na Monografice 2004 byl II w klasie otwartej. Mieszka teraz w Holandii w Westside-Kennel. Pies ten pochodzi po Atroc (brat babci Che Guevara Animus Fortis!) a matka jego jest Godzilla - najlepsza suka na Monografice. W krwi Godzilli sa: Mora, Chimo, Tito.

Te psy na gorze to:

(z ta b. gruba obroza): Tonka de Borinquen Gladiator

i Aaron de Rompehuesos

Pytam sie, dlaczego na hiszpanskich stronach (i nie tylko hiszpanskich) nikt nie wspomina o hodowli Del Gor Blau pana Juan Jose Calderon Ruiz?

Przeciez jego psy wywodzily sie tez od Tito, Chimy.... mysle, ze ten hodowca preferowal buldozy typ majorek! W pewnym momencie zmienily sie gusta (i szef klubu rasy) i wyglad majorek zaczal sie w Hiszpanii zmieniac.... dlatego tez "buldogowaty" typ wymarl.

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Panie Gorzała, pisze Pan coś takiego o Hiszpańskich psach, a cały czas ma Pan na stronie logo tego klubu, czy to nie śmieszne?

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Dzieki za dane mosze dzis go zwarzyc i porownac sobie.

Jezykiem to sie nie lamie mosze sobie cos zostawic do roboty jak juz pluca i watroba padnie na cyce :evilbat:

Tak tylko jestem ciekawy czy list pozytywnie sie odnosi do pracy nas Polakow.Ale calosc to olewka w koncu mnie nie dotyczy osobiscie

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@ gorzala

O.B. potrafi choc zachowac spokoj - to pewien plus. Moze dlatego, ze on jest jednak zdala od nas.. wiec patrzy na to wszystko przez troche inny pryzmat. Z nim mozna normalnie komunikowac - nwet, jezeli ma sie inne podejscie do sytuacji w rasie.

W przyszlym roku tez tak zaplanuje czas, ze postaram sie zrobic tygodniowy urlop na Majorce w polaczeniu z odwiedzeniem monografiki.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dla mnie to smierdzi afera na calego!

Oni robia co chca, olewaja przepisy FCI i rzna wszystkich dookola.

@ gorzala

Katalog z monografiki jesz ciekawy, co?

a dobre jest i to, ze widzialam juz niby zdjecia tito a tam byl przedstawiony pies z ogonem - niezle jajca, co?

jedno jest dla mnie pewne - hiszpanie nie powinni nazywac swoich psow perrodogo mallorquin.. jak sam O.B. i oficjalnym mailu do nas napisal, to psy gryzace, atakujace - psy do walk!

Dzieki - nie mam ochoty na hiszpanskie walczace badziewie! Stosunek ich do rasy jest fatalny. Ich podejscie do hodowli, do rasy ubliza wszystkim milosnikom i hodowcom psow! Ubliza calemu FCI!

Kiedys hiszpanie jak ich poplecznicy "lizawki" (ktorych i tak maja w dupie)

obudza sie z reka w nocniku... tego serdecznie im zycze!

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I have been carrying this information for about 2 years, and confirmend ALL

of it in Mallorca with Juan Jose (Gor Blau) and Manuel Calviño. After the

recent events and attacks on the Spanish dogs pedigrees and even on CHIMO's

lineage which is Shocking! I spoke to the Club and we have decide to set

things straight once and for all.

The Ca de Bous have been refered to in Mallorca as perros de Presa. Years

and years this dogs have existed for one thing, Work. No looks, no papers,

no pedigrees or nothing has been important, just that the dogs work, and

exist. In 1964 the FCI sent a representative to a Show in Mallorca to look

for Ca de Bou and found none in the show. But did they ask anybody or speak

the language, or looked around? (NO)

They knew though that the dogs existed around, and that is why they accepted

it into the FCI. In the late 1970s, less and less dogs were to be seen. An

old gentleman by the name of Riussec told some people that he had some Presa

dogs, also known as Ca de Bou. Some gentleman went to see and saw Tito and

Toby, 2 exceptional specimens of the breed, and they were working dogs, pure

and simple, their instinct was TOUGH, to BITE. Ca de Bous (perros de Presa)

want to bite, since puppy hood, you have to turn it into play. A serach went

on to find specimens to work with and most realized that Ca de Bous as such

were not seen anymore. A VERY special female was found in Nit. The purest

and exceptional Ca de Bou with very good blood in her. Toby was then crossed

with Nit and produced Chima and Anastasia. All Ca de Bous in Spain decend

from these dogs and Ca de Bestiars that were chosen for their Ca de Bou

caracteristics. It is a Known Fact that EVEN TODAY there are Ca de Bestiars

that can pass an original register as a Ca de Bou because they still carry

very strongly the Ca de Bou gene. At the beginning though, before that, the

breed was therefore very close in genetic diversity, only coming from Tito,

Toby, Anastasia and Chima. It was decided that they needed to refresh and

they did 3 experiments, Ca de Bou/Presa canario, Ca de Bou/ E Bullgodg and

Ca de Bou with Ca de Bestiar with Ca de Bou characteristics. Of the 3, only

the Ca de Bestiar was deemed good for use, and from there some lines were

born. The Presa Canario did no good and were therefore NOT REGISTERED, as

was the Bullgogg, the WORST cross of ALL. At the same time there were much

demand in the breed and the President of the Canina in Mallorca, Sr.Ruiz was

getting very nice commisions $$$ of that. Every now and then he visited the

kennel with the crosses looking for pups that would pass as Ca de Bou,

wether they were pure or not DID NOT MATTER, the gentleman payed well fro

dogs that were good for nothing and were not even going to be used. But how

do they have pedigrees??? Well, any President of a Canina can obtain false

papers as he has many pedigrees of REAL Ca de Bous in Mallorca at hand. I

even spoke with Don Juan Jose Calderon, a Excellent Person and Genlteman

that is an Expert about our breed. We talked about it and the worst mystake

he ever did was cross with bulldogg. I consider him a man that could still

do much for the breed, I hope to get him back into since he got disilusioned

after all the fault fell on him about sending mixes out of Spain. Still, he

knows more about the breed than many. In Spain, ABSOLUTELY NONE of these

crosses were used. They were given away and sold. That is the majority of

the dogs you have. Embat, is half bulldogg, YES IT IS TRUE!

And any person can see it in his offsprings. I know which are good and which

are bad, who are the parents and what was the cross, and they Do have some

Ca de Bou in them but that is it, they are a MIX. Wether you accept it or

not, this is the truth. Eric knows, he was one of the first to learn this,

and he redirected his breeding. Not all Ca de Bous exported were bad, Duc,

brother of Chimo was a Great dog. Alba was an excellent Ca de Bou. Arid, IS

a son of Conan (Billy). But most are not Ca de Bou, the best ones sold went

to Russia, but some bad ones too. The breeders are NOT at fault. They were

just experimenting trying to help their breed with some refreshing and they

were offered money for dogs and pups that were good for nothing, they needed

the money too. They are human. But that is why there is NO bulldogg in Ca de

Bous from Spain. They are though, the Spanish Bulldogge, Mallorcan Bulldog,

Perro the Presa Mallorquín. Now, I want you to sit down and reflect on this:

-The Ca de Bou is notorious as a Gladiator that fought Bulls, leopards and

other dogs. They were still fought untill 1993. Look at your dogs, their

breathing, their Strenth, their Phicical Ability...Do you really think they

are capable of grabbing a Bull??? fighting against a pitbull??? (only as an

example) Guarding and defending you against a Man??? Honestly look at them

and ask yourself. I have pictutures of Old dogs of 100 yaers ago, Ca de

Bous, pure, crosses of Ca de Bou Ca de Bestiars and so on, and will someday

post them, but there is a book been written and I have to wait until it

comes out. The picture of Tito and Ikar side by side is a JOKE, they

honestly give me sadness and laughter, both. I have Tito on video, I have

profiles of his head that NO ONE have seen and I will give you a comparison,

a better one I mean soon, Tito was NOT short in muzzle, not too short but

moderate, but not long either.

The first Ca de Bou considered perfect was not even Tito. The answer to that

I will show you when I recieve the article about it and translate it.

You attack Tim Taylor, well he is one of the few who knows about the breed.

The people who went to Mallorca, they learned more than any person can, it

is sad only a few were open enough to go and learn. And the PROOF was all

there in the table in the seminar, for ANY question.

Please understand I DO NOT SINCERELY want to attack anybody nor made anybody

feel bad. I hate writing this letter. But it is THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. And The

Club also felt it was time. My advise is maybe pick a new name for the breed

that has flourished out of those crosses. Maybe make a companion dog or

something along those lines of it. But a Ca de Bou, Perro de Presa, Working

Dog they are NOT! I have montioned NOTHING that its not true. And believe me

I am holding back.

Like I mention some dogs that left were not bad and were pure. Should you

have any questions shoot.

With no Ill intention and just to set things straight.

Otto Brito

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Ojejor Crom nawijka po angielsku to padaka zachowujesz sie jak kapsztoniec poprostu W.P. co do tych wszystkich farmazonow to SLU jestescie, powodzenia w tlumaczeniu pozdrawiam wszystkich SanczoPanow i Petifow z Polskich odowli. Uczcie sie Polskiego :evil:

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