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  1. On July 11, 2020 my Applehead Chihuahua dog passed away. Her name was Agnes. She was nine years old. I found her dead about 10:00 PM. I was about to go to bed but immediately knew there was no need to go to bed. When I found her dead in the kitchen, I knew that I wouldn't be able to get any sleep so I stayed up most of the night. I adopted Agnes on August 27, 2013. My ex-friend and I were out looking for me a Chihuahua dog. As she put gas in her Durango, I made a decision. I decided that if the dog I found was a female, I would name it after my late mother. My ex-friend and I went to a woman's house who runs her own rescue service. She only had one Chihuahua and it was a female. I eventually bought two more Chihuahua dogs. Both dogs are hyper so I keep them in my basement. It wasn't until I bought those dogs that I truly appreciated what a great dog Agnes was. She was one of the sweetest dogs around and wasn't one bit hyper. After getting my two new dogs, I learned how special Agnes was. Agnes was a bit on the hateful side when I adopted her but she soon grew out of it. When I took Agnes to a vet in 2017, I learned that she had a heart murmur. Because of a mental disorder, I hear voices from time to time. As an ice cream truck drove through the subdivision where I live, I heard a voice. The voice told me to buy an ice cream and eat it while standing over Agnes's grave. I did so but it tore me up pretty bad. Yes, I hear voices sometimes but don't worry. The voices don't tell me to hurt people. I have a mental disorder but I'm not a psycho. When I adopted Agnes, I got the Holy Grail of dogs. As far as I'm concerned, she was the best dog on the planet. She loved me and the feeling was mutual. Some friends invited me to stay overnight at their homes a few times. When I would come home after being gone all night, Agnes would start hopping around and yelping because she was happy to see me. I usually sleep on my couch and she slept on the couch with me. I decided to sleep in one of the bedrooms. Agnes was in the living room and she started howling at 3:00 AM. She was unhappy because she couldn't spend the night with her Daddy. After her howling woke me up, I got her and let her sleep in the bed with me the rest of the night. I have no wife or kids and Agnes was the closest thing I had to a daughter. Her death has broken my heart and I'm going to miss her. She was my baby doll and I owned her for almost seven glorious years. I thanked the good Lord for letting me have her. I was a lucky man.
  2. Do you know your pup’s normal body temperature? Ever wondered why your dog feels cozy and warm on chilly nights? You will be surprised to realize that your dog’s normal internal temperature is higher than your own. As a dog owner, it is important to learn how to take your dog’s temperature and to know what is normal and what is not. Knowing how to take your dog’s temperature is crucial because it will determine whether the dog is sick or not. It may also make you detect illness early so that you initiate a prompt treatment. This could prevent his condition from getting worse. While you can always rely on a thermometer to take your dog’s temperature, it is advisable that you know how to do it even without one. This is how to go about it; Use a Rectal Thermometer A rectal thermometer is widely accepted among scientists. It is the best one to use while measuring the internal temperature of your dog. Although this might not be the most humorous part of a dog’s owner, it is the most accurate method to use in finding the actual body temperature. This can usually be done in less than a minute while using a digital thermometer. So it doesn’t sound so bad. When using a rectal thermometer, use some petroleum jelly to lubricate the end of the thermometer. Because most dogs hate having their rare ends manipulated, it’s advisable that you get another person to help hold your dog. It should be a person that the dog likes and can talk to him soothingly. . Let the person place one arm around the dog’s neck and the other arm under the dog’s belly, gently hugging the dog against his or her own body. Ensure you lift the tail out of the way and gently insert the thermometer about an inch into your dog’s anus. Press the start button and wait for about 30 seconds for the beep signaling completion. Remove the thermometer, clean it and read the temperature. A temperature of 100.5⁰ to 102⁰ F is normal. by measuring the infra-red heat waves emitted from the eardrum. You should place the thermometer into the horizontal ear canal to get an accurate reading. The normal ear temperature of a dog is 100⁰ to 103⁰ Fahrenheit. Note that ear thermometers when not used properly can be less accurate. You can as well check your dog’s temperature even without a thermometer. This may happen when there’s an urgent issue with your dog and you can’t access the thermometers in good time. Here is how you would go about it; Feel Your Dog’s Paws and Ears with the Back of Your Hand You can use your body part that is more sensitive to heat, like your cheeks or the back of your hand. A dog with a high body temperature usually feels hot on their paws and ears. If the temperature feels hotter than your own, then it could be an indication that your dog isn’t feeling well. Feel the Armpits and the Groin Area Dogs just like humans can have their armpits and groin area feel warm when they have a fever. This is because these areas have lymph nodes that contain immune cells that fight infections. Whenever there is an infection, the lymph nodes become filled with antibodies making the area feel warmer than the other parts of the body. Besides, these parts are rather exposed because they lack fur. This makes it easy to assess your dog’s temperature. Feel the Dog’s Nasal Area It is normal for a dog’s nose to become dry when laying out under the sun or exercising. A dog’s nose can be dry because of dehydration; this is quite dangerous for canines. If your dog’s nose is warm, dry and a greenish discharge is coming out, he may be suffering from an infection. When fever is present, the dog might be having inflammation or suffering from an upper respiratory system. The Final Thought Taking your dog’s temperature may seem easy. However, you need to ensure that you do it properly. You can use a thermometer to give you accurate measurements. If you can’t access any, then feel free to feel your dog’s body temperature with the back of your hands. Be sure to distinguish fever from normal temperature. If your dog’s temperature falls below 99⁰ F or rises above 103⁰ F, you should visit your vet immediately. For more follow up Pet Blogish.
  3. Jako, że niedawno niestety pożegnałem się z moim ponem(rak), chciałbym nabyć kolejnego. Nie zamierzam ani wystawiać go na wystawach ani rozmnażać i tu moje pytanie ile muszę mniej więcej zapłacić za takiego psiaka? Jeśli ktoś ma hodowlę i spodziewa się w tym roku miotu fajnie jakby mnie poinformował.
  4. witam. Mam pytanie do hodowców psów a w szczególności do hodowców Stafików. Z mężem kochamy psy wszelkiego rodzaju, u mnie w domu zawsze biegał jakiś kundelek,podobnie było u męża. Po ślubie wzięliśmy naszego pierwszego wspólnego pieska ze schroniska. Pies był po ogromnych przejściach przez co szanse na adopcje znikome. Nie będę wdawać się w szczegóły bo tu nie chodzi o to (pies po pół roku tak się zmienił,że nawet zmienił kolor sierści :) ) niestety wpadł pod samochód. Nie ma go z nami od 1,5 roku. Teraz dojrzeliśmy do kolejnego psa. Mamy 2-letnią córeczkę i tym razem chcemy wybrać psa,który nie jest przypadkowy, analizując wszelkie za i przeciw pytając znajomych weterynarzy postawiliśmy na Stafika. I teraz moje pytanie (w końcu:) ) Nie znamy się kompletnie na psach rasowych, na hodowli,na selekcji i na wszystkich innych rzeczach związanych z psami rasowymi. Chcemy przyjaciela,kanapowca do domu,nie interesuje mnie czy pies jest biały czy czarny,jakie są jego rokowanie wystawowe itp. Czytałam,że są psy tzw. PET. Ponieważ Stafiki są bardzo drogie zastanawia mnie czy PET jest dużo tańszy. Nie chce też trafić na jakąś szemraną hodowle (bo na prawdę nie znam się na tym w ogóle) żeby mi wcisnęli psa po agresywnych rodzicach...jednym słowem chce być odpowiedzialną osobą (o rasie przeczytałam już chyba wszystko co w internecie można znaleźć) i w rozważny sposób podjąć decyzję o psiaku a z drugiej pakuję się w coś o czym nie mam pojęcia :( Mogli byście mi coś doradzić? wiem na pewno,że chcemy PET'a bo pies typowy na wystawy u nas by się tylko "zmarnował' ponieważ takie psy powinny dalej przekazywać dobre geny i być utytułowany a nas wystawy nie interesują. Ale boję się,że np piesek będzie miał dużą wadę przez co będzie chory i biedak będzie cierpiał a ja jako "żaden" znawca nie poznam się na tym...za dużo myśli w głowie na raz mam na myśli... ;)
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